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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. My buddy and I are headed out after 12pm on Friday to do some fishin on Fri and Sat. We are stopping on the way up to Haliburton at lefroy to do some perch fishing. Any recommendations. We going to fish perch till dark and then head up and get a motel and get our last? musky trip in on Sat wher we are pretty sure of putting fish in the boat. Will have a report on Sunday but any tips for falll perch on Simcoe would be appreciated.
  2. 95 caravan hauling 17ft aluminum bassboat with a thirty. Just redid my trailer over to 12" tires from 8". So Yes boat is definately worth more than tow.
  3. Hobies are awesome but incredibly expensive. I lost my first pair in the bush crawling on my knees brook trout fishing. You learn to take much better care when they are worth $ 600.
  4. Has anyone ever been to this fishway I never even knew it existed http://www.tucanada.org/NP_Palgrave.shtml
  5. Great crappie fishing if you can find them.
  6. In regards to the first bolded part. MCI is a great organization. In fact I was a member for many years.The only reason I'm not is Ive let my membership lapse and Im to busy with other things right now to get reinvolved. In reply to the second bolded part as I'm the only one mentioning those two projects, Lake Simcoe is more in my area than the Spanish river. Ive fished Simcoe hundreds of times and have never fished anywhere near the Spanish. The Grand is in my backyard yes but not the section where the management plan is to reintroduce(Brantford to Dunnville) AS for the third part you cant to any rehab work if the MNR has no plan for such and by your own documents you know this is the case. Its bad science and you need to wake up to this fact. The habitat is already there on the spanish and Grand rivers that is why I keep recommending them Its called bang for your buck. The Simcoe project is a waste of money and time and I believe time will bear this out. Unfortunately that will be ten wasted years.
  7. I appreciate your reply.The Georgian Bay Musky takes a long time to reach maturity I believe Arunus was suggesting that females are still not mature at 42 " which would be about 10 years at least. We went through this same cart before the horse thing with brown trout on the grand river. Lets create a self sustaining trout population. Lets stock and lets build a spawning channel. Guess what? The dynamics of water manipulation preclude brown trout spawning. So now there is a fishery but non self sustaining. The question to be asked there is are enough anglers and tax $ satisfied for continual yearly stock. The answer so far has been yes.I dont think stocking musky in Simcoe as put and take will be economicably feasible. Im not saying its not a noble effort I personally would rather see MCI efforts go towards a fishery management idea that has a larger chance of success.Example reintroduction to Grand River or Spanish Harbour. Two systems where musky dissappeared because of polution but now that those problems have been cleared up are ripe for reintroduction. The problems with habitat degradation on Simcoe have not been addressed and I insist IMHO will only continue to worsen. Why isnt habitat work being done in conjunction with stocking? This is an idea that no forethought went into it was just lets reintroduce musky without figuring out why biological drift hadnt restored the musky population already. Biological drift has been responsible for increasing numbers of musky along the north shore of Lake Eire as far as Long Point with no stocking needed just a cleaning up of the water(by MR Zebr Mussel). Musky would be in lake Simcoe if the habitat was suitable for them.
  8. Ron in your report on what has been done so far in the project there is no mention of any rehab work that has been done and this is my problem with the whole project. Its putting the cart before the horse. Successful restoration of the musky fishery is dependant on having usable clean spawning areas. Nothing is being done to insure this, in fact with development rampaging through the watershed Its going to become harder and harder to accomplish. Its a feel good project that is high profile but it is a waste of MCI and government resources.
  9. This would be the one. Great fishing, university town and somewhat has a big town feel.
  10. Chris Im a former member and think MCI is a great organization. I just think the science on the Lake Simcoe project is all wrong. My opinion is that this project is being pushed by the MNR because of its high profile. MCI's eforts would be better spent elsewhere were they could have a real impact say reintro to the Grand River or Spanish Harbour/river area.
  11. I dont believe so in fact I think they are worse see my post. Sedimentation of musky spawning habitat will only get worse. It is nice publicty for the musky though!
  12. The Simcoe musky project is about restoring a musky fishery that became extinct through over fishing and urban encroachment changing the characteristics of the lake. A healthy Lake Simcoe would include a musky fishery so it is in fact not doing well without them as evidenced by the declining lake trout, whitefish and herring stocks.Regardless I beleive the project is a waste of resources because it is trying to fix a sympotm not a cause.Natural recruitment of musky was always a possibility from Couch and if enviromental conditions permitted the fishery would already exist. Its the same with the Grand River trout fishery its non viable and the only way to maintain it will be through yearly stocking.
  13. Man nice work. Congrats on getting to fish with Gord. In my mind he is the most knowledgable angler in North America. You should take him up on that Kenora trip.
  14. Ungava is a good one but id like to combine Mongolia and Kamchaka for taimen and steelies.
  15. I guess my number one dream trip would be to follow the Hornsby expedition and complete what they did not. Start at Great Slave and canoe down the Thelon River to Hudson Bay fishing all the way.
  16. My boat is named the Rebecca Jane after my mother who is sorely missed.
  17. If the odour not such a big deal than why doesnt Halton keep it in their backyard. Im so tired of the GTA not dealing with their own mess.
  18. That my friend is a great trip report. Thank you very much for briefly taking me on a northern adventure.
  19. On paper the team is better than last year but on paper everyone thought we'd be lucky to get thirty wins last year. Its all up to Sam if he can keep them as motivated as last year I predict conference semi's at least.
  20. No its just what I would recommend for a beginner. You can fish in the whirlpool from shore using roe or minnows and have success but from your first post it sounded like you were newbies and unless you have all the right equipment Im not sure of your success.
  21. Im going to have to say tiger as well lightning like white stripes are a dead give away.
  22. Move it over to KOKOKO and I'd be right on it $800 a week for sure not as fond of Temagami though so $500 sounds pretty fair for it. Im one of those who pay more for remoteness and Temagami just isn't that remote.
  23. Seen plenty of bears but never had one in camp. Food in a barrel and keep it away from tent never had a problem. Dogs arent any protection as a matter of fact heres a link to a great story from last year about a guy who killed a bear with a buck knife that was attacking his pitbull. http://www.myccr.com/SectionForums/viewtop...awa+bear+attack
  24. I would agree with this statement if your talking about trophy musky and I believed it about musky fishing period when I started Musky fishing in 1990. Fortunately for me I got a tip from Rocky Crawford about Head Lake. My buddy and I went there the first chance we got. We had never musky fished before and between the two of us got 13 fish in a two day weekend all casting.Needless to say we permanantly got hooked on skis. Head lake has no monsters but tons of fish up to 36". We dont fish it anymore because ther just isnt any big fish in the lake. I keep my fishing to GB and the French now but if your looking to break in its the highest % place I can think of. Here are some typical head lake skis
  25. If all you want to do is catch a muskie Im going to recommend Head Lake in Haliburton. I have never been skunked here and use it frequently to introduce beginners to Musky fishing. I have had numerous double digit days on this lake and my son caught his first musky at age 9 on his first attempt at fishing for them about 5 minutes into the trip. If you need any more specifics about the lake just PM me.
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