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Everything posted by Slimeball

  1. Like Lew, I am ex Navy also. I like the list too, but technically it is incorrect as far as size progression goes. World War 2 era Battleships ( USS Wisconsin ) were much larger than WW1 era Dreadnoughts ( HMS Dreadnought ) Supercarrier should top the list.
  2. A couple things you should also be considering. 1. Resale value. If and when it comes time to sell you're boat, you'll be glad you went with Alumacraft. I'm not saying Smoker is not a quality aluminum boat, but their reputation is not up to par with Alumacraft. 2, No doubt the Suzuki is a nice outboard but their dealer network is small. Meaning if you plan to take you're rig to Northern Ontario,Quebec,Manitoba, or the States and something goes wrong there's a better chance that there will be a Yamaha dealer close by. With a Suzie you'll most likely be SOL. Good luck with whatever you choose!
  3. Joe Seeberger (guy in the middle) fought the fish himself. The others only aided in lifting it in the boat....
  4. Another look..
  5. It looks like this muskie will be the new Michigan state record ( great lakes strain ). 59" and 58 lbs. caught on 8lb. test and minnow lake Bellaire. verified by Michigan Department of Natural Resources fisheries biologist Patrick Hanchin from the Charlevoix research Station. This fish is from the same chain of lakes that gave up the 50 lb. 8oz. record in 2009 (Torch Lake)
  6. Definitely get Bill to take you out for a day or two if your budget allows. I've never fished the Northwest Angle area but fished Sabaskong years ago. July is the most popular time for musky anglers on the woods but there's LOTS of water. My good friend here in Michigan has an uncle who lives on the Angle and helped Bill build the cabins at Blackhawk Island. My buddy went up to visit him a few summers ago (in july). As a favor Bill took my friend PJ out musky fishing in his old bass boat for a few hours and put him on his first musky. PJ also went out with Bill's father Les the next day and landed a couple more. Enjoy your trip and good luck!
  7. I just returned from two weeks at Lunge Lodge. The new owners are steadily making improvements and the camp is shaping up nicely. Casa Blanca is still open (saw Brian on the water), as far as i know none of his cabins have sold as of yet. Chaudiere is a stones throw from Lunge Lodge. Keystone Lodge has opened back up this year. Talked to a couple who were staying there and said they were the only two there. Of all the camps Keystone has the best location in my opinion.
  8. Hi Lew, I'll be on the Upper for two weeks August 11-27. Have you heard how the weed growth is progressing this year? Last August the weed growth was lacking to say the least.......on the Upper French anyhow. Good luck on the West Arm, have a safe trip. Jay
  9. Chart 6036 is the Upper French River. There are no hydrographic maps of the Lower French.
  10. Hello, I've heard conflicting answers as to whether there are Lake Trout in the Nipissing/Upper French watershed......can anyone shed some light on this for me? Also, for those that live in the Temagami- Nipissing region, have you had any snowfall or rain this month? Thanks, Jay
  11. It's unfortunate that some(poachers) knowingly target OOS species. Also unfortunate is the many anglers(many of them from the U.S. sadly) who dont take a few moments to read and understand the regs. The chain of thought seems to be that they can legally fish for out of season species "as long as they release them". Educating these people is key. I have even posted a regs section on the website of the lodge i stay at. Still amazes me that when an individual asks for tips on their upcoming trip and i ask them what species they will be targeting, the answer almost always includes a species that the season is closed for the time frame of their trip. From the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources: Fishing season opening and closing dates vary depending on the species and the area. It is illegal to attempt to catch fish for which the season is closed, even if you are going to release them. Fish accidentally caught during the closed season must be immediately released back into the water. Closed seasons protect fish at vulnerable times of the year, especially when they are spawning or protecting their young.
  12. Stayed at Sunset Point back in October of 2003. Their located on Moon River Bay between Woods Bay and Arnolds Bay. Very nice cabins but set far back from the water. Saw Black Bears on the property every night we were there, including a big one on our porch one night!
  13. Like Marty said the weed growth should be in good shape by early-mid June this year. For pike I like the Rapala Husky Jerk model-HJ14, the Rapala 4 3/4" X-Rap, Rapala Glidin' Rap, Storm paddletail plastics,Mepps #5 spinners....dont forget spoons and spinnerbaits. As for musky the season does not open till' the third Saturday in June. It is illegal to target out of season fish even if you plan on releasing them. Good Luck and be safe.
  14. Lower French is extremely low. If your'e staying at Cranes Lochaven, you should give them a call to get a report.
  15. For the most part, I have experienced good fishing when the water levels are low on the Upper French/Nipissing watershed.......then again, I have never seen them this low in the past 20 years. I will be more concerend about the current weather patterns when I am up there. As for changing the fishery, I don't know other than this is not a good spawning year for the walleye, pike, musky....... GCiotola, what species will you be targeting when your up?
  16. Yeah Lew, That's Sandy Haven Camp on Sandy Island. Here's Lunge Lodge on the Upper French
  17. Riverview and Wajushk would be good choices as Randy stated. Keep in mind Riverview is a very busy Marina also. I stay at Lunge Lodge which is in sight of Wajushk, the price is right and they are very accomadating. Chaudiere Lodge which has a new owner this year is just across from Wajushk is a nice lodge but their a little pricey. French River Lodge on the Lower French has nice clean cabins and are pretty cheap, they are housekeeping only though...
  18. March is a great time to take big Northerns through the ice, but you have to be willing to travel to certian watersheds for the best chance at a trophy. These lakes are probably your best bet for not only a 20 pounder, but multiple 20 pounders. Tobin lake, Saskatchewan http://www.bigstrike.ca/ The Buffalo Bay and Zippell Bay sectors of Lake of the Woods (Manitoba, Minnesota) Rainy Lake, Ontario These lakes have winter accomadations a guides/outfitters that cater to those looking for big pike on tip-ups. Good Luck!
  19. tjsa, Those are Knipex side/diagnal cutters, they will work for the light stuff but you will have problems down the road cutting 5/0 - 8/0. The ones Raf have pictured are the mini bolt musky anglers use. My boat will never be without one of these either http://hookpick.com
  20. To clear things up a bit, I just got off the phone with Scott Kaufman Large Lake Biologist for Nipissing. NO musky was sampled recently in nets by the OMNR and he heard nothing of a 65 pounder. Former MNR biologist Richard Rowe who is now working with the First Nations did some sampling with fyke nets last spring in the West Arm/West Bay sector and the musky collected were mostly in the 35"- 45" range. At ice-out in the spring of 2001 while assessing Northern Pike, Richard Rowe and fellow fisheries technicians collected several large musky in the fyke nets. I have talked to Richard about what he sampled that spring a few times and never did he mention that even one of those musky were 60lbs. The biggest he thinks may have been a mid-fifty pounder. I'm not saying there are no 60 pounders in Nipissing/ Upper French because it's my belief there may be a handful of them flying around in those waters, but they are extremely, extremely rare.
  21. Do you mean LOTW? Eagle should be on Navionics Hot Maps Premium 08' Canada chip. The owners of Century Lodge are from my home state of Michigan. I have not been to Century but have talked with them many times and have a friend that chases muskies there every summer. Osbourne and Nivens Bay are a shallower, darker sector of Eagle. Big muskies and great smallmouth. Bob M. fishes out of Century lodge alot, you can view some episodes here http://www.myoutdoortv.com/new/simply-fishing.html click on Bart & Bob Osbourne Bay muskies episode. Good luck! Jay
  22. The spots are most likely Piscirickettsia or "musky pox". I have caught a few on the French and other waters (St. Clair) including a 50" from the French last fall, that had the pox. Raf/JP nice fish, way to go! Jay
  23. Make that 24".
  24. The above picture in douG's post shows a truely large moose rack. Camera angle, lighting, lens type,etc.. can all play a role in making objects seem larger than they really are, while that is a big rack note the picture was taken with the camera very low to the ground viewing upward, if that pic was taken at eye level the mans face would be behind the rack no dought. With the picture taken as is from a low vantage point, it makes it look like the inside spread is taller than the man.
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