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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Thats awesome!


    Ive had the priveledge of shooting some pretty awesome guns and it sure is a good time!

    I am very lucky to live where i do we have some really great places around here to see examples of mechanical engineering. Just 15 miles from my house is the museum of flight with the actual space shuttle and other technology for you to see and touch. I have over the years collected places/friends with machine shops from custom motorcycles to a shop (one of three) certified in submarine repair welding and f15 landing gear sleeves. To some the sight of a 3 inch x 30 inch sleeve of metal is not impressive until you find out it is less than a thousandth of an inch tolerance. A painting is nice but precision is a real work of art to me.



  2. I got a friend who has over 50 assault rifles with three of them 50 cal. with optics and way more than 20,000 rounds for them. It is a collection that would bring tears to your eyes from the mechanical art work and the rarity and stories behind them. It is something to look through the scope of the 50cal. sniper rifle and at 880 yards ( 1/2 mile) knowing it can hit a 6 inch gong if you are good enough. You will never convince me that a gun is evil it is the person behind it that makes the decision. I agree with all of the checks and tests to get a gun but if you qualify you should be able to get the gun you choose.



  3. In politics the elected official who promises to do something for a select race/group of people is nothing more than buying votes. rarely is it done for the good of humanity. I can site countless promises of the Obama regime that he has delivered at the expense of the american people and our future debt.





    I wouldn't recommend buying from Amazon.com unless absolutely necessary. $50US plus exchange rate, plus shipping, plus possible duties... It's going to add up real fast. Just get it from Amazon.ca for $65CAD, free shipping.


    Better find Dana it is the same unit but already across the border.




    This is the battery set for the unit with a charger. The batteries take 3.5 hours to charge so more is better. The motors can burn out but are less than 10 dollars a set so no issues. The crashing does not usually damage the blades but it comes with a spare set. The motors usually burn out if they can not turn but are held in place like grass launches or in a tree and turning on to fly yourself free. You also can order the whole drone without the controller for half the price of the whole unit.





  5. Getting a drone is more likely a better choice. The drone is easier to control and will run about the same price. Here is a good starter one.


    Syma X5C Explorers 2.4G 4CH 6-Axis Gyro RC Quadcopter With HD Camera


    This is available from Amazon for less than $50.00 USD




  6. I don't know $60,000.00 per person times 10 people is $600,000.00 . One bomb costing $600,000.00 any more than 10 kills makes it a good way to save money.


    Just trying to lighten this up a little.


    The thing about these types of discussions is they are all argued in black and white and no shade of gray is acceptable. A little give on both sides is most likely going to be the correct answer.



  7. To date the USA has 64 pacts to go to war with our allies if they are attacked. That in itself is reason to show and provide support when it is needed. If we break one pact where does it stop? Will others decide well you didn't help the French when they asked why help you now when you needed it. Sometimes battles are chosen for you from past commitments. The flood of immigrants in Canada affects the USA because they share a relaxed boarder and if Canada does not screen the immigrants correctly then they have an easy path to the USA who also needs to be vigilant as well to protect Canada's interests. Like it or not we share a land mass that is easily breached. The isil has stated that they will use the influx of people to increase the cells that are already here by infiltrating the countries with the masses. The other fact is even if someone comes in with nothing more than propaganda they can convert from within once given access to the country. War is War it isn't pretty it is a battle to put down the opponent to spend what it costs in men and money to reach an objective. In this case it is to stop a force that will do anything to harm people. When you are fighting this type of battle where one side has rules and the other doesn't then you expend more men and money than is needed. I am a bring a gun to a gun fight type of person you mess with my country my country had better come back at you twice over. Humanitarian efforts start after the battle is won not while it is being fought.



  8. With the unrest unchecked it will spread. The idea of ignoring or hoping peace will overcome evil is not a realistic expectation from a rotted seed. The soldiers of the world who live and die for your peace paid with their time in the forces and some with their lives. We all need to respect their sacrifice and to not let their deaths be in vain just because we don't feel the evil will reach our personal lives. You have as much chance of levitating a glass of water as wishing Isil will become peaceful. I will stop here with the hope that we appreciate our people in the military and support them in their mission that gives you the safety and the ability to stay at home and wish for peace.


    Disheartened by the lack of support of our military




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