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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. So will anyone buy an official OFC tinfoil hat if we decide to sell them. :whistling: I am reading such a variety of beliefs that are so conflicting that the truth is we have no idea which way the world will go. It all depends on your level of research and what sources you believe. The sad part is one of us is right we just will never know who until it is to late.



  2. Please let the ones know who are at fault by PM

    Thanks Art.

    While a good thought I have lots of other things to do so i rely on people having a clue who they are. My intent is to not micro manage this forum it is to take about a half hour a day and nudge it back on course when the rules are being ignored. All of the owner/mods donate their time to keep this place alive because of what it has turned into, a community of our and your friends. We have very wide parameters on subject matter and we rely on people to be civil at at all times. in the heat of debate it sometimes gets forgotten rather than just automatically locking it ( the easy road ) we try to get it calmed down with a gentle word and most of the time that is enough. I had two P.M.s from members concerned they were the issue the answer was no but keep it civil .





  3. I refrain from naming names if you think you are guilty assume you are. Personal comments general besmearing someones opinions are to be avoided. Telling someone their opinions are wrong is not a part of a debate. Truthfully I have no problem with debating this off fishing topic we all seem to be having fun and it is getting some facts as well as some fantasies corrected.





  4. Kinda like drinking in Canada. There's no need to consume Moonshine, unless you go to a Lakair G2G ! :whistling:

    He Heee how does something like that happen? :angel:


    The chemical issue in pot is when the garage dealer tries to make his pot better using unknown chemicals. The spraying of bug killer,paraquat and adding PCP and other cheap chemicals change the taste and consistency of the smoke. Mind you that my experience with it was back in the late 70's so I a sure it has changed.




  5. And that doesn't bother you at all? I find it a little disconcerting that you're OK with that. But then think that a proper dose of good old fashioned elbow grease is going to get someone into the top tiers of society.


    And as for hiding money, when people are living pay-cheque to pay-cheque, there isn't a whole lot of wealth to hide anywhere, now is there? When you have to hide your money out in the open just to make sure you can retire some day, there isn't really millions of dollars left to send to that Caymans. But of course, it's only fair that those people should be able to take advantage of loopholes while everyone below them plays by the rules.

    I went from a gas pump jockey at the age of 14 to owning a plumbing company with lots of assets to draw on as I age. My first investment was stocks from my job pumping gas it was not wasted on pleasures. I have not sent a dime offshore which is legal but my retirement is secure. Sorry but with sacrifice comes reward with hard work comes reward. Ask the people who have made a million and lost a million and still managed to do it again. Not everyone will become rich but trying and sacrifices will always improve your quality of living. People who are check to check did not start out that way they had to spend more than they make. For some this was not their choice due to medical or other unplanned issue. Some abuse credit and remember the difference between being in debt and not is timing. If you do not have it do not spend it. If you spend it when you have it then you have no debt. I will be the first to lend a hand to the unfortunate however if you are not trying to better yourself then you will not get my help.



  6. Dutch No a level playing field is not guaranteed anywhere. If I give 100 people 100 dollars and put them in a closed economy after 48 hours you will have some with nothing and a few with lots of money there is no crime to that. Some people have the ability to make advantages and then work them into profit . It is a mind frame not everyone can be rich or become rich if it was so easy it would not have any value. The good news is not everyone wants to be rich they are perfectly happy with what they have.


    Hiding money legally is not a crime using offshore accounts , investments and write offs are available to everyone. Knowledge is power in the right hands to others it is something to rant about.




  7. The 1 % are the people to aspire to not the people to hate on. Along my path I had the choices to spend my money or save and make it work for me. I chose not to spend and to not have new cars when I was young. I chose to buy houses and invest in my future. I chose not to spend money on alcohol and pot or exotic vacations so when I reached 50 I am financially secure and I now have the cars and the trips and any thing else I want. I may not be a 1% but I am always talking to them for advise on how I can get there. I did not have old money to help me it is all about how bad do you want it. What will you give up to make it. I tell everyone you can be as great as you want to work to be. A few members here have overcome major(unplanned medical expenses for one) financial burdens and every time they get low on money they busted their butts to get back on the plus side of money and they did it with a smile. To those people hats off you are a shining example of the meaning of "pick yourself up by your boot straps".



  8. Wow, where to begin with this one (I intend no offense if it seems like I'm singling you out here)....


    This is......I'm not even sure how to respond to this. I have advocated for a society that a. allows responsible adults freedom of choice, where that choice does not infringe on the rights of others and b. holds individual adults responsible for their decisions - as opposed to holding us collectively to the lowest standard of the least responsible among us. I'm not sure how you make the leap from that to a wild west anarchy with shootouts to solve disagreements. Maybe I'm missing something here.... Having said that, the status quo requires me to deal with criminals in order to obtain my marijuana, so it's much more likely I will be shot now under a prohibitionist regime, than under the society I envision and advocate for.




    What I propose is not only possible, but the minimum standard that we should all aspire to.


    I called them losers because it was expedient, which does not make it right. I am a Child and Youth Worker by training (though I do not work in that field any longer). I have education and experience in developmental psychology and addictions counselling, so I believe I am qualified to speak on this subject. I didn't intend to disparage people who are down on their luck, and to anyone offended I apologize unreservedly. I was illustrating the point that if marijuana didn't exist, it is likely these people would be in the exact same life situation, only with a different drug of choice. In any case, because the adults in this example act irresponsibly, why should I be included in a collective sanction? Can you please quantify and qualify the manner and degree to which you believe legalization will "damage society"? I'm looking for arguments with citations here, not anecdotes.


    Who best to determine need? Drug companies with profits to earn? No thank you. I am the best person to make decisions in my life that affect no one else.


    Thank you, I appreciate that (sincerely). If this place doesn't exist then I guess I will have to redouble my efforts to make it so! I am still struggling to understand why anyone believes they have the right to make my choices for me. I can argue relative harm all day (and cite sources too), and I can at least understand where people are coming from. But as soon as I move past relative harm to individual liberty (the more relevant argument in my mind), I'm suddenly trying to foment revolution and anarchy ?!?!? How many of you on this site like being told what to do and how to live? I'm guessing none. If I was a vegetarian and attempting to force the government to ban hunting and meat eating, I would be roundly vilified (and rightly so). I am not asking anyone to change their life in any way - I don't want anyone to take up smoking, I'm not asking to smoke in front of children at a park, I'm not even asking people to like weed. I am asking them to let me make my own choices, lest I get the idea I can start making theirs for them (t!t for tat!).

    I Think we both want the same thing for the most part just my travel is along a different path. I grew up on a different line of thinking down here in the USA and it just won't let me grasp the way you think on some matters. I am good with that though your path just might work. I am sure with a few beers or joints for you and an afternoon of fishing we both could walk away happy.



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