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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. The beauty of having the right to bear arms is that people think twice before breaking and entering or public assault. I have my property posted so if you are not invited then you are breaking the law. This is a legal move to help in court if you have to take action. When average citizens are armed and the guys don't know who is or who isn't that is a strong deterrent to opportunistic crimes . If it is premeditated bad guys will already have the notion that they will do what is needed to get what is yours. personally I have no problems using a gun inside of the law it is just like a hammer it has it's uses just like any tool. The issue I have with knuckle dusting an idiot is they can come back on you anytime they choose in the future when you are not prepared for them if they know you are armed that second visit will not happen.




  2. John the plate has a small lock you can put it on but it has to be small so a boltcutter will easily remove it. The sonar cable is attached to the Sonar and the power to a plug. I ran my sonar cable thru the boat and then out the hole for the motor so they have to cut the wire to steal it. The plate is a special plate that was different from my old moetrguide removable plate it seems to be spacific so new holes will be needed with or without the plate. The motor comes with both a foot petal as well as a fob. I used the fob on a retractable key holder clipped to my butt seat and the pedal to adjust as needed. The foot petal will give you speed , anchor,left,right, on off. The fob will give you heading lock as well as other advanced features. After awhile I sent the foot petal to my back fisherman so he could hit anchor lock when a fish was caught or steer while i was busy. The charge or run time on a set of AGM batteries was all day and still green but I plugged it in in the evening to keep from grinding down the batteries. As far as issues I have had none the stow and deploy has been really improved way easier than the old motorguide. Since I am a lowrance guy i can't ever seeing me with a minn kota again. I don't think the minn kota is a bad product it will never be mated to lowrance.


    plate assy.









  3. I fished my new xi5 solid for a week with no issues. I am using the 24 volt 80lb up at Lake Nipissing grinding away for 7-9 hours a day and it was really nice. The biggest thing that I liked was just point it in a direction and you can just fish without having to correct for wind and current. The anchor feture was spot on and it is really quiet both above and below the water. These feature are also in the ipilot from what i understand. The hand fob lacks a screen but it has a very easy whistle up or whistle down to tell you what it is doing. i can't see a screen helping me out. The addition of a lowrance and auto pilot could be added for a few hundred bucks but it really isn't needed. I have it hooked to a hds5 and it is really clear and reads well with the built in transducer. I purchased a detachable aluminum plate to mount it on a ranger boat and really like the way it can be unmounted quickly and moved back off the edge so my travel cover can be correctly fitted. So far if you have lowrance as your equipment they are designing new programs and add ons that will be good additions to any boat. Depending on the size of your boat put in another battery box and go 24 volt you will not regret it.



  4. Love the breed and we have had 3 on the farm. High energy they need room to run for sure. They are people pleasers for sure. The more poodle in them the less they shed. You will still get some hair though. Take the time to train them with their high energy they will get into trouble without structure. They are also not outside dogs they need to be living in the house with people or other pets.




  5. Sorry i only know the codes for the USA but a homeowners permit is legal here but it has to pass according to the local codes governing the area. Pipe sizing, venting, layouts are all dictated by codes that we follow they are easy to obtain and explain what the rules are. Make sure you are correct they can make you tear out anything that is incorrect and does not meet code. They also have places in the project that have to be inspected such as ground works, close in and final inspections that occur throughout the project if you miss one they can require you to remove concrete, drywall or walls to inspect the work.



    hope this helps.



  6. the live target topwater mouse is the best thing since slice bread. The action is soooo sexxy to bass it will outfish frogs at least two to one. I had one that I beat it to death and stitched up with braid and crazy glue to finish the season with.




  7. The down scan feature is the easiest to decipher showing excellent bottom contour as well as fish swimming bladders. Pay attention to what it is telling you ignore the fishing rods for a little bit and watch a few videos to show you what to set the controls on before you go. The sidescan is an excellent tool it takes a little learning to wrap your head around of what it is displaying. I found that if you drive by a dock or other items that go from above to below the water it will help you visualize what it is showing you. I have spent days prescouting for catfish and found that tuned correctly you can see bladders on the fish in downscan mode. The sidescan mode will show you fish and if you look carefully you can actually see the sonar shadow which differentiates from floating weed clumps and other debris.





  8. The way fish markets keep their catch is remove the innards and the gills and place the ice under the catch and them a thin layer over the catch. The important part is not to let the fish sit in liquid. If you are not concerned on keeping the fish in the whole condition then fillet the fish and place in watertight baggies and then ice above and below to get it cold quickly. Just to know most fish markets will not go 5 days on ice so eat the first three days and then save for the last two will be a better plan. We have mandatory kill on snakeheads around here and I found a screwdriver thru the head behind the eyes is a fast kill method.




  9. We have in the past had people who joined just to sell items or to get on the great deals our members extend to the community. So we have a 20 post minimum to be able to buy or sell for all of our protection. Feel free to P.M. the seller or better yet start posting meaningful comments or a thread to get to the 20 milestone you are wanting.




  10. Yup a very nice place to fish I am 100 miles from there and fish it on the warm side in the winter. It is kind of weird though holding a bass in 30 degree weather and the fish is steaming because the water temp. is in the 60's. A trip to the bay is a real treat where the stripers can get up into the high 40's if you have the time.






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