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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Sorry again but I loves me handguns. lol. I went shooting yesterday and we had 45 revolver, 2 AR 15's, 2 glocks 9mm, Taurus 9mm , ppc45 s 9mm sub machine gun yes with rock and roll active(buddy has a class 3 license). We had a good old boy time running thru around 1000 rounds.One of my friends is part of the Capitol Police in charge of protecting Diplomats and Political figures. I will not be getting in a gun fight against him he is an awesome shot for sure.The total dead count was 10 bowling pins and a lot of paper targets. :)



  2. Sorry feel free to debate this but it will not change. We have a limited amount of time to check up content and if a NF slips thru then the first sentence will tell you if it is NF. I personally own/run a plumbing company and it and running the farm and taking care of my family take up a lot of my time. I am grateful for the chance to make this a pleasant place for a great group of people to come and hang out and visit. If this was a sole source of income I would dedicate lots of time tweeking and making it into sub categories etc. The trade off is we would have to fill this site up with pop ups and then spam the heck out of it. This is not our intent we keep a few ads running to pay most of the bills here and rely on people acting like sober adults. We have a few other mods that are quietly working in the back round and the time we all spend is time we steal from other things driving our lives. I won't go into details but we all decided the best course is to keep this site as simple as possible so we can keep it going. Behind the scenes we discuss ideas as they come up and weigh what amount of time we have to spend and if we felt like it would make the site better without burdening anyone to much we work them in. Hopefully this insight makes people happy with the path of this site given we have over 7000 members and we all look at things differently.





  3. I have to ask...does anyone else see the merit in having a forum under the Main Section that is actually for fishing?? Maybe it's just me but scrolling through the threads to looking for something interesting and remotely related to fishing is getting harder and harder. I mean no disrespect when I say, I don't care what your political views are, or if your dog likes to chase seagulls... I log on for the fishing. There's obviously a place for this stuff or it wouldn't be so repetitive, but maybe the powers at be could separate it?

    We learned a long time ago it does not benefit the board to chop it up into little compartments. We have separated it to an extent for the specialty things but past that we have asked people to just put NF Not Fishing at the header.On a brighter note we will be past winternet early this year and the fishing stories will flow again.




    I've only ever been a member of a few outdoor forums and I'm sure I'm not up on all the protocols but does/should the thread starter not have the right to request that responses stick to the topic so that threads don't go too sideways? Or ask a mod to enforce that or lock a thread? Not here in particular, but then of course there are those that like to hijack threads, while others may start threads they know will be controversial. Some are good topics that remain productive, others go sideways. So be it, it seems to go on everywhere to varying degrees. So be the online world. It's pretty easy going and civil here from what I've seen on other forums. I like it here, I visit everyday.. I'm sure the mods love it too not having to deal with as many issues.


    To Big Cliff, my apology for going off topic. hehe On that note, I never got the feeling that you were ever blaming Justin for the plight of this lady, you were just bringing this example to light and suggesting to him that it's about time that Canada starts taking more care of its own first rather than spending money so freely abroad. I totally agree, but it's pretty obvious so far that it's not happening with the liberals. The opposite in fact. Scary that political agendas take priority to common sense, but what the hell do I know eh.



    The poster of a thread can certainly request that a thread stay on topic and if it wanders it can be requested to have it locked. I have limited time to spend on reading the content but try to check it a few times a day. This thread has certainly gone sideways but so far it has followed the rules and Big Cliff has gotten enough feedback to keep him happy. If he sent a request to lock it down then it would be certainly honored.



  5. We have the ability to prevent a single persons post from being viewed by the board until we read and release it we call it Mod Q. We use it infrequently usually a P.M. is all it takes. We can also go as far as locking out a person from there account or banning them as they say. Usually by the time one person needs a warning the thread has divided into groups and is no longer salvageable.




  6. Time for a re-cap


    1.An eldery woman needed surgery,took the bus home only to find out her apartment had bed bugs.......and its Justins fault.


    2.Back in the days,most kids got the strap, some teachers used one the size of a Beavertail.


    3.Political or Religious threads are not allowed on this site, but are.



    I have read and helped write the rules and I still do not see where this is written, Obviously we would prefer to keep away from touchy subjects and I admit I allow some of them to run longer than they should but only to keep my mail box from getting filled with P.M.s of censorship and "my right to free speech has been violated." For the record I rarely lock posts on content or subject but whether people are following the rules in their responses to the post. If political/pot/any other current hot button posts get to frequent then I will let the board cool off by removing ones that follow in a vein that has repeatedly gone wrong in the past. If you accidentally read a political post or offensive subject post and you do not want to read it again skip over it the next time you log in. I get tired of getting messages that this thread needs to be locked and from the other side this post should have not been locked. If you feel that a thread has gone wrong hit the report button and give me a reason you don't like the content. This alerts ALL of the owners/mods that we need to read the thread and if it is breaking rules we will adjust or lock it. This is a very broad subjected site it moves fast because it is not so focused that it gets boring we allow people to tell us their life stories both the good and the bad to help us bond and we have a very strong community because of this.


    While I quoted white spinnerbait it is not aimed at you it was just the door I used to get this off my chest.


    Thank you to everyone for debating within the rules



  7. Looks like a good time to post this. please take a moment and read this


    The Rules
    We'll keep it simple. Be nice and be respectful. Like your Mom probably told you, if you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all.

    Debate is encouraged, but please follow the basic guidelines of debate. No name calling. Back up your claims with proof. Don't get your knickers in a knot if someone disagrees. KEEP IT CIVIL!

    Things that will not be tolerated. Flaming, baiting, name calling, prejudice, racism, sexism, sexual comments and inuendos, swearing, spam, and general boorishness.

    Deleted or locked posts. If you disagree with a moderators decision to lock or delete a post, send them a Personal Message. DO NOT make a post complaining about it. We have opened the forums to children so we expect you to show them how adults should behave.

    Spam will get you banned faster than anything else. Spam is any unsolicited business ad or offer. If someone happens to ask about a product or service you may offer, then you are of course free to mention it. If you come in here and spam, you will be given a pretty rude welcome by the population and it will only hurt your business! We have very reasonable ad rates and can set you up very quickly. Contact TJQ for ad rates.

    We would prefer that you do not post pictures of fish caught out of season.

    Please do not post VERY SPECIFIC information on fishing spots, ie pinpoint locations and maps. It is our belief that sharing this type of knowledge to the general public is not at all good for the resource itself. When communicating info on spots, please keep it to email or a PM.

    Please do not post copyrighted material.
    Please keep your avatars tasteful and not degrading or insulting to any race, sex, religion or political entity.

    One image in a signature is allowed. Images in signatures must not be greater than 500 pixels wide and 75 pixels in height. Signature images must not be more than 100K in file size. Its OK to have a link to a website in your signature line, but if you do so it is mandatory to have a prominent link back to www.ofncommunity.com on the site.

    Signatures must also conform to language and content guidelines.
    Please keep signature lines brief, a line or two of text is fine. No lists!

    If you post is not about fishing please put "NF" at the end of the subject thread!

    If your post contains hunting images that may offend some, please note Hunting Images in your post description.

    We have a group of Administrators and Moderators all here to help you out.If you have any questions, ask us!

    Troublemakers will be warned and then if that doesn't work, placed on a Mod Queue. This means every post you make will need to be approved before it is visible. If being in mod queue doesn't help, offenders will be banned.

    Posting profanity, (swearing) is not permitted (this includes video)! Neither is the use of creative spelling or intentional mispelling, the use of symbols in place of letters and acronyms to get around the word filters. Offending posts will be deleted! We have children on the site, so behave accordingly.

    Before posting anything in the classifieds be certain to read the classified rules.

    Get together threads may be requested to be pinned, but no longer than 30 days before the event.

    AND JUST SO WE ARE CLEAR... these are the terms you agreed to when you registered...


    Thank you



  8. My theory is the Celsius scale is to blame for the drama of how cold it is. With Fahrenheit it is 32 degrees and water freezes while you all are already at 0C. I personally find the weather outside to cold for me when I feel the hairs in my nose freeze when I inhale.




  9. Personally, I don't understand people who get so defensive over their property with their neighbours. Where I grew up there was nothing more tacky than a no trespassing sign put up in the middle of the bush or along the side of a remote backroad. You'd hope people would be respectful enough of other people's property to not cause any harm, but also know to ask a landowner you didn't if you wanted to hunt or fish on their property. I'm not a hunter, but if I had 200 acres not being used I'd have tough time turning people away or even asking a fee for them to use, as long as they ask. This was basically the case for my family growing up. Trespassing signs were blamed on newcomers or "citiots" who didn't know how things operated, or had something to hide.


    Maybe I was lucky (or just ignorant) as a kid, but property lines didn't mean much and as long as there was no one there to oppose it i would ride my bike or fish on my neighbour's property pretty much whenever I wanted. Of course we knew our neighbours personally and it was almost expected that people would "tresspass". I understand people have the right to allow or disallow anyone you want from using your property, but you don't need to be so confrontational about it.

    While it worked in days of old it does not work in today's society. I have 20 acres that is huntable and it is posted for legal reasons. I have had people go on the neighbors property and cut a shooting lane thru my property facing my walking trails. I have found tree stands with people in them leaving trash and stuff all over the ground. I had a neighbor get sued for the injury of a trespasser on his property. While he won it cost him money and a lawyer. It is better to post it and allow only the people you can trust to be in back woods and be thought an unfriendly neighbor than the legal possibilities that now occur. Yes I do remember and long for the good old days.......



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