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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. 33 mph feels pretty fast in my 15 footer LOL


    i can't imagine tickling 60 in a ranger. close to the water and barely any hull touching it.

    One word Raf AWESOME. The pad on the 89 ranger was what I fell in love with and why I rebuilt it instead of buying a new one. This was the last year before they changed to a different design and it feels rock solid. The weight of the older boats makes for a solid ride with out flexing when you hit a wake and keeps the pad from rocking on and off when passing thru a wake.



  2. The truth of the matter is if OFC felt that someone is promoting there products and giving back nothing them we as the owners would PM or lock their account. In Mikes case if he wanted to advertise it would be most likely after a discussion between the owners be for free because of how much he puts into the board as well as the members he has helped over the ages. The revenue that we need to make updates and pay for the site usage actually comes from the 3 banners we have. People using adblocker or other programs cost us far more and in some cases we have had to put off updates till we could pay for them because of them.


    The final thing is if you receive unwanted PM's you can find on the left sideof the PM near the top a button to block that person from sending you any more PM's. I also encourage people to send a PM to one of the owners/mods and we will be happy to put a stop to it on review.




  3. You are correct codeine and cocaine are two different substances with different base ingredients both can lock you up some kind of fierce. lol . If you go into the hospital and they have to use some of the big gun pain relievers ( morphine, dilaudid, Codeine, etc) they will not discharge you from the hospital till your butt is working correctly.



  4. You can use firefox if chrome is not to your liking. Chrome is what I use and have no issues. I also used firefox which has less demand on your resources. Chrome has more bells and whistles when it is used on different sites. Chrome does allow more information to be collected anonymously by websites and google but to be fair you give out way more info on the web by yourself than your browser does.




  5. If it was not for the Chinese bringing opium to the West it would have not been settled. The water was often full of parasites and bacteria that gave true meaning of the phrase "two step", The snake oil industry had one base ingredient you guessed it opium which not only made you feel good but it got rid of the trots, This harmless drug even made it into a favorite snake oil called Coke a Cola which then became a drink that spread across the USA it was not till 1902 it was removed from the formula. This info has been brought to you by me having to do a dissertation for my masters on water treatment and field sanitation.




  6. Still the most used browser on the internet, works everywhere else.

    Actually it isn't and it has issues on other sites as well Wayne. The code for IE is restricted and many sites/providers are moving away from it to the open codes that are available on chrome and firefox. If we want to tear down the site again we could get a provider that is more IE friendly however not all of our important information would cross over and could make it necessary to wipe all of the accounts as well as losing the money invested in the past. Kind of a no brainer as to whether it is worth making IE more friendly to this site.



  7. The outdated IE does not like the code that we have to use to keep this site up. We have an upgrade coming up that we will be forced to do and it will try to address some of the IE issues but it will just trade one issue for another is some unknown areas. It is not an issue of money on the upgrades it is the reformatting of the skins and all of the other plug ins we have to make comparable. The running of a site that is this big is quite a bit of work behind the scenes.




  8. The short answer is yes it does. I have a 28ft all aluminum boat that lives in a marina and it is very susceptible to electrolysis. It has an electronic galvanic isolation on the boat. It allows any stray current from the boat or water to pass thru the electrical system and out the ground wire connected to shore power. I also have a meter that measures the current passing thru the water and boat hull to monitor if the anodes need to be changed or the EGI is working correctly.






  9. I deal with this all the time as a plumber when one condo damages another you are responsible for the damage first off. Contact the people downstairs and see if they want to have their contractor or have you arrange to have a contractor make the repair. After you get prices you can decide if you want to make a claim. You will most likely have to remove the damaged section and have it replaced. Then paint the whole ceiling in the bathroom. The good news is there should not be any mold remediation since it was a one time leak and not a slow drip. This depending on the contractor should be less than $500.00. You can also take pictures of the damage and the end result just in case there are any future questions on the incident. Just a final thought be really nice and apologetic it was you who damaged their property so asking if they will share the cost or see if their insurance (which it won't) will pay for it can be seen as insulting. I have seen in cases that after it is done a dinner gift or coffee coupon would go far in keeping a friendly neighbor.


    Art .

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