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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Education, training, registration,and back round checks are already in place. People who own guns are not against those types of measures and even encourage those types of actions. We are against being told we can not own guns or pistols. I have 2 for protection they will be used for protection so why didn't I stop at owning 2? I have a moderate collection of arms that will never be used for protection I look at guns as a collectable tool and works of art. I have been lucky enough to see a few amazing collections that go from a .22 silenced assassins weapon to a .50 Caliber sniper rifle. The collection of legally owned automatic weapons and other oddities to me look like a fine art collection. The aspect of military weapons in the civilian world is due to people using them in the war and bringing them back with them. It is a weapon that saved or keep them alive so a bond few would understand was formed. Some know I was part of the special forces and the training I received was extensive with some amazing pieces of machinery that I was trained and allowed to use. I am most comfortable shooting military style weapons with their optics and recoil reduction designs. The military really knows how to design a weapon. I have both styles military and hunting weapons and the AR15 goes to the range and is just as entertaining as my finest fishing rod on the water. If you haven't had the pleasure of shooting pistols or military weapons then you will never see my point here. Few people miss or value what they never had.




  2. but without guns it becomes a knife fight and is far more manageable

    It was not a fight it was an act of terrorism. The bomb is very possible. Besides if we outlawed all guns today we still have millions of them out there. The percentage of bad people VS law abiding citizens turning them in would make the majority of illegal guns in the wrong hands. You can rest assured that If Canada had a target on their back as big as the US you would have the same types and frequency of violence we are experiencing in this troubled times.



  3. The tragedy is not that a gun was used in a killing it is that a person has the mindset to do such a horrific thing.


    Why O why do you not see it is the people who are acting rather than the gun? Pandoras box is open banning all guns will not correct this. Guns are just the weapon of choice would it be better if it was a pipe bomb? I am sure that this will get lots of how too comments most will be just wishful thinking none will be the answer that will solve the issue.




  4. I run a business from a cell phone and all of my trucks have hands free talking on it. The texting and internet are off limits while the truck is in gear. If you want to give me information like address or product names they send me a text that I answer at the next job before I go in. I see on average 80 % of the people driving distracted from putting on make up to searching the internet. It blows my mind that people think they can operate a vehicle with these distractions. I was rearended by a texter and the damage to my 2015 Transit was over $5000.00. The week it took for the repairs was a down week and I could not recover the lost wages unless I go to small claims court. Their text cost me over $3500.00 that is not fair in my opinion.



  5. Very nice job Ernie.....


    I rehabed a 1989 Ranger because of the way it rode. I ran the new ones and they don't behave the same. I keep the original motor and found it had already been converted to a GTX 150 which in it's day was a hot lick of a motor. All of the plumbing was redone on the live wells as well as electrical upgrades. I ended up with vinyl on the center part to land fish and keep carpet on the casting decks. The big improvement was converting it to hydraulic steering man what a difference.



  6. Thanks Norm for the reminder, knowing Maureen for many years I am sure that the charity she is taking part in is a worthy one. She was the one that brought us the Tyler charity and ran for some years.


    Good on you Maureen I hope that they raise a bunch of money for the cause.




  7. Fishing in the rain no problem fishing in a thunder storm not if I can help it. I have been on a stretch of the river that is about a mile wide and stuck to the middle rather than run for shore near trees. The boat has a 3ft draft and beaching it is not possible.




  8. Not if you get sick first ;)

    Can't spend it 6 feet under

    Do you honestly think that GMO is going to kill you before the many other things both natural and unnatural will? I mean alcohol either you drinking it or another person drinking it is much higher on my worry list. Smoke, Microwaves, my list is most likely 100 other things that are going to take me out first. I guess I could stop enjoying life and get myself bubble wrapped, sell the motorcycle collection, the old cars, tractor, chainsaw and anything sharper than a pencil would possible keep me from feeding the worms at a premature age. lol


    Live on the edge, take the chances and die with no regrets is my motto. I can honestly say life should have killed me a long time ago with all of the dumb things I did and the adrenaline poisoning that goes along with it.


    While celebrex is a tough drug the alternative is low mobility in the shoulders and lifting capacity of 25 lbs. The damage was done on a poor diagnosis and 10 years of joint damage. He has now moved to another drug that is less invasive/destructive and has good results. The medical advances funded by profits are amazing.



  9. It's ok if you are not sick yet and heavily invested in it.

    Maybe the cash you make will save your life?! ;)

    Or maybe the profits can be reinvested and new produces can be brought to market like Celebrex. (Celebrex is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to treat pain or inflammation) which has personally made my brothers life livable again due to lime disease.




  10. You are right when you say the machine will keep marching on, no matter if we complain, no matter if it is ethical.


    I take issue with your statement above though. Monsanto is spending many millions of dollars lobbying our government against labeling, so that I can't make an informed choice as you describe. I don't have millions of dollars to fight them, but I pay taxes to a government that is supposed to protect me from this type of action, and so far they have failed the citizens (consumers) in this case. That is corrupt.

    Good points till the end. they failed some of the citizens but did a service for many others by not posting the info some feel should be there.


    As far as money over ethic we all do who are you kidding. If your job pays you above minimum wage which is what a organic farmer can make you all have chosen a more lucrative paying job. If you drive a car an extra mile to get to a job you are hurting the eco sphere.If you have a boat and do not eat every fish you catch, the list goes on. We can't have it both ways. My point is only either protest by example but don't say I don't like the bad but only the advantages that come from the evil. I am not pure I feel the same way you all do but to rant against profit and big company is not fair. I have stocks in many big companies because they make a profit. I have zero dollars in a company that loses money due to morality....bad decisions yes. I don't expect people to be honest here and fess up that they have stock in companies that are bad for the eco system or that they drive an extra 100 miles a week to go to a job that will better support their family. We all have a different level of what is an acceptable pay off for us to look the other way on issues that are important to some and not so important to others. None of this is to change anyones mind it is me arguing the other side of the coin.



  11. From the orion disposal site



    To dispose of expired marine pyrotechnic distress signals, Orion recommends the following method:

    • Ignite hand-held signals flares on land in a safe area, much the same as highway flares would be ignited.
    • Contact a local law enforcement or the fire protection agency for their advice on proper visual distress signal disposal.
    • Retain flares for back-up use to expand signaling time in the event of an emergency.
    • NEVER jettison visual distress signals overboard.
    • NEVER activate marine flares in a non-emergency situation on or near regulated water.
    • NEVER dispose of flares in household trash.
  12. Right or wrong really is not relevant if it can not change the outcome. We have built this trap really strong and being a world economical standard of operation it will not change regardless of even an entire nation going against it. Don't get me wrong i use no chemicals in my recreational garden but if it was for profit I would use ever means needed to keep in competition with others and to maximize my profits. At times it is cheaper to pay the penalty than to stop using an illegal compound. Case in point is in 1974 an ice maker was sited for polluting the bayous of Louisiana the fine was $50,000.00 a week and for 3 years they paid the fine. Then it went to 100,000.00 and they shut down and moved the factory. The down side was 60% of the economy in the area died that day. All of this revolved around money and when big business left it was still a money issue since no more paychecks. On personal levels it is easy to see and say that is wrong we got to stop but in real life the domino effect has a shock wave that on a personal level view just does not take in account. The reality is that big business will continue there ways and YOU have the right and the ability to not support or buy their products. If you choose to not support lets say just the gasoline industry (disregarding all of the petroleum product and byproducts for simplicity) then you should not complain that someone drives a car or boat. It is the freedom of choice that is just as important as the rights of people who choose to not use gasoline.



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