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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Nothing like firing up my twin 318's on a 28ft Marrinette with a water bath exhaust. The noise and the smell are the greatest sound in the world. If you can't afford to run the big boys at 1 gallon per 1.5 miles then stay with your little boats and enjoy the sound of my pleasure. lol My Ranger with a GTX 150 racing motor burns 9/10 gallon per minute at 60 mph. Don't let them dinosaurs die for no reason. (tongue in cheek). It is all in the way we have fun some love a kayak some want the big motors. The size of a motor has nothing to do with your junk it is the size of your wallet that does.




  2. Sounds great, but when someone's freedom encroaches on another's? Where does my freedom start, and their's ends? Where is the "line" drawn? There is a law in place. What if someone felt that their freedom was to dump their garbage on my lawn? This isn't going to be solved here but these are some of the questions that come up and it can't just be shrugged off by a slogan.

    I have found once we start limiting anyone's rights it usually gets broader and broader until it consumes more than it was intended. If a little noise is made on a body of water sometimes it turns into an all electric lake when it does not warrent that.


    Just thoughs.



  3. As we all sit in our carcinogenic energy wasting houses drinking our Starbuck (Timmy Horton) styrofoam wrapped coffee using our electric sucking appliances to cast rocks at each other over who is killing the planet. YES I am guilty as all of you on consumption seems the height of Hippocratic. If you feel that you are wasteful or harming the environment then do YOUR part fix what YOU are doing then preach the answer that is how issues are solved the old saying "do as I say not as I do" solves nothing in almost all cases.



  4. Hard to believe #2 is required, but you definitely need #4 over the #6.


    For any that require some #4 that will never corrode, I'm talking 50 year old silver tinned copper for the days of quality in the aircraft industry, I have over 1000 feet of it. $3.50 a foot and I have the old quality lugs as well for a buck each, not the CTC copper crap of today that you'll pay 4x that for. I probably should just take all my spools to the metal scrap yard for MUCH more money, but until I do anyone is welcome to it. Just send me a PM.

    Nice offer Wayne thank you.




  5. Actually Joe and I are behind the moonshine and the vita water bombs. GCD was the amathis and Black Jack Daniels. You missed my Canadian Killer liquid one year it made a few people miss the next day of fishing, he he he




  6. mashkinonje Lodge has been the host to myself and a few other people over the last 3 years and they are top notch. They have bent over backwards to make things happen and as they have had time and money they improved the lodges and surrounding area.I whole heartily feel you will have a great time there.







  7. At this time with the demise of Kevin Lake Air was sold and the units went under rehab. The units are seasonal rentals and the camping has been discontinued. The personal house that Leslie and Kevin lived in still remains with the family.




  8. I like that the shops look beyond the scope of an oil change or tire rotation. Many households have no idea what is going bad or wearing out on their car without that help. As Dan D and John said they give them a list, answer their questions and do the work they approve is a good honest way to run a shop good on Both of you.




  9. do the math.


    19% interest rate on $50K




    3% interest rate of $350K


    do it based on a 25 year standard mortgage.


    you will find the interest payment is LESS on the $50K mortgage, based on 19% interest rate than the 3% interest rate based on $350K mortgage. ($45K paid in interest during first term of the 19%/$50K option vs $49K in interest paid during first term of the 3%/$350K option).


    Not to mention the 50K mortgage is 1/7th the amount.


    So yes, it is much better to accept a high interest rate on a low amount than a low interest rate on high amount.

    that is based on keeping a mortgage for 30 years. A payment with just 10% will drop your loan to less than 20 years. The path to having more money is to make your money work for you.




  10. Success is something that everyone has the potential to achieve but most find a reason or an excuse not to obtain it. If you want to have more money than you have now you need to work smarter and or harder. I could have settles for being lead plumbing mechanic for a big company and would have done very well in life.It was not my goal my goal was to own my own company and make the decisions and take the risks that have given me the life I have now. For some success is a big pile of money and for another it is lots of time for family. Both have a value a large family will support you in your old age and a big portfolio will do the same. Just because someone chooses a path that is not the one you took does not make it the wrong path. In the same case though to complain about the path you took " lots of family with no money or the other view lots of money no family" and complain because someone worked and has money just makes you look small minded. Yes a few people will be envious of the great family you have but will usually not voice it in public. A lot of people need to ignore the fact someone else has more of something and instead strive to achieve what they want in life.




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