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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. 23 minutes ago, Woodsman said:

    No one is sugesting you start a forum for a " place for people to argue and bash each other".

    What is being suggested is a place for non fishing discussions subject to forum rules.

    Now as it is, they appear in the "General" area and continue to appear and yes at times get out of line.

    That way those not interested don't have to scroll past the non fishing posts they are not interested in.

    The system of NF has worked for 14 years enjoy the site for what it is one of the friendliest fishing site that topics move quickly on. Many sites have lots of niches and slots for different forums. The more cut up they are the slower the topics move. I saw one site so cut up that it would take up to a week to get something new to read.  Worse is that we have a wealth of information here that would be losted because  people didn't see the threads. If you look at the NF threads most of the time it is either requests for information or telling people of the triumphs and the tragedies that have befallen them. Many times behind the scenes we have had people who have privately helped someone and in a few cases they have been life changing. This is what we are proud of here, this is what makes the time and effort we put into the board worth it all. This is why no one has been banned in 5 years, modQed yes but they can come back if they apologize and follow the rules. This is why you can be proud of being here most everyone has made a few new friends that they would never have bonded to if it was just fishing reports.  The fishing trips that are posted are because they want to share the experiences with his friends and some are close enough to be called family. This is why I am proud to be here and grateful to everyone of the people I have met and will met in the future.

  2. It is a shame really but you have to buy in bulk now if you like to shoot. A simple .17 HMR is 22 cents if you buy a box of 50 but buy 5 boxes and it goes down to .16 cents.  The larger caliber have gotten to the point that it is worth reloading an round bigger than a .308. The .50 cal. is just insane at $3.50 if you bulk buy 200 rounds or better. 



  3. I will say it again we the owners have discussed this in length we are not going to start a forum place for people to argue and bash each other. If it does not fit in a place where anyone can read it then it is being discussed at the wrong forum. If you want to read and bicker religion, political, over the edge topics there are lots of sites that promotes these types of things because they produce lots of views and a bucket of money for the sites. We just spent a wack load of money and countless hours bringing the site current so it is safe and stable for everyone to use. I guess it still is not enough. Remember that we are a family site it is NOT being run for the money but as a place for long time friends to keep in touch and meet new like minded friends.  


    This thread can go one as long as no one names the person or identifies them in any way  or it goes down hill.



  4. At the base of this page you will see the word theme in the middle. You can click it and it will give you 2 choices for now. If the wood one is hard to read you can click default and it will go to a black and white theme. You can switch back easily. 



  5. I want to thank all of my fellow Veterans for there service. Many of the freedoms that we all enjoy were paid for in blood....we must not forget to thank and honor those that died or are living a life with the physical and mental scars for the rest of their lives.



    U.S. Navy.SeaBees

  6. You need to fully understand your rights before you place your house on someone else's property think of it being like a cemetery plot. Unless it is iron clad then you are possible liable to return the lot with you paying the cost of returning it back in the same condition aka no house on it. Personally I would pass on this before I spent a few thousand having a lawyer research and verify your rights.




  7. The board still remains unstable with the repairs made and we found that we will need to not only upgrade the base program but also switch to a cloud based data center. This will strip off all of our skins and remove all of the improvements we have made. If you have any information that you can not lose copy it we can not retrieve data for you.This will be difficult at best and we will try to do it as quickly as possible. The IT part is being done by Blueye and he will be doing this as a BIG favor to the board and he will need to do it on his time that is available after he does IT for his living. We are grateful that he is doing it because we do not have the funds right now to do the change. Thank you Chad. As we go forward we will try to put up reports as we can. After we have done the change I will put up an announcement and ask for things or issues that are affecting you.



  8. O.K. here is the word for now. We are having an issue with the version of IP board we are running we are attempting to repair the version but it might not work. At that point we will have to move to a newer version and that will kick out all of our tweeks and faces till we can reinstall them. This will not be cheap or easy and it will take us sometime to work thru it. I will keep you posted as we go so please be patient feel free to keep posting issues here and we will keep working on the site.




  9. To be fair they are not repairable from a shop. They can be patched by a person though. If they repaired it and charged you only $100.00 you would expect it to preform perfectly for as long as the transducers life and would expect them to repair it for free if water got into the splice and stopped working. Worst would be they repair it and it does notwork %100 as well as it did before. So thats why you got the unrepairable answer. I hit cases in the plumbing profession that I will condemn a faucet and the homeowner decides to fix it himself. after he spends 2 hours and some jb weld he "fixes" it. If I did the same thing and gave him a 2 hour labor bill and a maybe it is fixed it would have been the same price for a new faucet.

    You can find in a plumbing warehouse a well wire splicing kit. The repair of the wire do as others have advised but while the wire is in two use the well wire splice shield it is a shrink tube with a special ooze inside that when heated to shrink makes the splice permanently water proof.


    Good Luck




  10. I use quite a few senkos rigged in 3 or 4 different ways. I found that if I am fishing with a buddy whenever one of us hooks up the other drops a wacky rigged senko in the water where the fish is going to be landed. It is surprising how many fish follow the hooked fish.Lots of hook ups doing this.




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