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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. The first few times I fished Nippissing I used my outboard jet boat which drafts only 4 inches on plane and I was forever waving people in the rentals to not follow me. A few of the locals tried to warn me of the shoals thinking I had a prop but after I talked to them and showed them that nothing extends below the bottom plane of the boat they thought it was a cool design. I then had to fess up that while it did not hit rocks it would suck up weeds and had to be cleared out by hand. Not a big deal it just meant that you would troll into and out of the weedy bays and jumped on plane when you had clean water. I have since brought  my other Boat a Ranger with a 150 GTX but just in case I remove the SS prop and run aluminum up North. 


  2. Lew you are looking for a product called sterilizing killer. This is a long acting green killer that we use for fence lines and other areas we do not want to deal with for extended times. If you have tractor supply stores up their or a farm co op type of place they can tell you what works best. You also can talk to the guys who maintain the edges of the roads and ask them what they are using. Sometimes for a couple of bucks the will give you some of the extract to use at home. 


  3. On 6/17/2017 at 1:49 AM, LittleWorm said:

    So let me get this straight, Alone is about American's who are place on Vancouver Island with supplies and gear and think its hard. In Canada we call that camping , guess we are built a lot tougher in Canada then our American neighbors ! :canadian:

    I am pretty sure it has to do with the individual person more so than there Nationality. lol


  4. Sorry folks but we are not going to discuss firearms on this forum. It has always gone wrong with people getting butt hurt and complaining about each others point of view and the political system that doesn't work. It is to easy to lose a good friend over this type of thread.



  5. 30 dozen is quite a few minnows. You might want to monitor the ammonia build up. 

    API® Ammonia Aquarium Test Strips IT Instructions for Use Why Test for Ammonia? Fish continually release ammonia (NH3) directly into the aquarium through their gills, urine and solid waste. In addition, uneaten food and other decaying matter also add ammonia to the water. Ammonia in an aquarium will damage gill membranes and prevent fish from carrying on normal respiration. Trace amounts of ammonia will stress fish, suppressing the immune system and increasing the likelihood of disease and death. High levels of ammonia quickly lead to fish death. A natural mechanism exists in established aquariums to control ammonia. It is called the biological filter, which is made up of nitrifying bacteria; these bacteria live in the aquarium filter and gravel bed. Nitrifying bacteria convert toxic ammonia to nitrite (also toxic), which is then converted to nitrate. However, as with any natural process, imbalances can occur, causing an increase in the level of ammonia. Therefore, it is important to test for ammonia so that once ammonia is detected, steps can be taken to remove it. Testing Tips • In new aquariums, ammonia should be tested every other day until the ammonia level is 0 ppm (mg/L). This may take 4 to 6 weeks. • In established aquariums, ammonia should be tested once a week as a routine part of aquarium maintenance in order to make sure that it is at a safe level. • This test kit reads total Ammonia (NH3/NH4+) in parts per million (ppm), which are equivalent to milligrams per liter (mg/L). • This test reads from 0 ppm (mg/L) to 6 ppm (mg/L) in both freshwater and saltwater. Directions for Use • Read directions thoroughly before testing. • Dip strip directly into aquarium for 5 seconds. • Remove with pad face up, and hold strip level for 60 seconds. • DO NOT SHAKE OFF EXCESS WATER. • Compare to color chart on tube. For Best Results: • Read in a well lit area. • Keep wet fingers out of the tube. • Close tube tightly after removing strip. • Store in a cool, dry place, 59º- 86ºF (15º- 30º C). • Avoid storage over 100º F (38º C). What the Test Results Mean • In new freshwater and saltwater aquariums the ammonia level can gradually climb to 6 ppm (mg/L) or more. As the biological filter becomes established (in 4 to 6 weeks) the ammonia level will drop to 0 ppm (mg/L). • In established aquariums the ammonia level should always be 0 ppm (mg/L). The presence of ammonia in established aquariums indicates possible over-feeding, too many fish or inadequate biological filtration. Reducing Ammonia • To detoxify ammonia, use API Ammo Lock®. Ammo Lock converts toxic ammonia to a non-toxic form. Ammonia tests will still read positive for ammonia, even though it is non-toxic. The biological filter will consume the non-toxic ammonia, converting it first to nitrite and then to nitrate. • Use API Stress Zyme® to help speed up the development of the biological filter to reduce the level of ammonia. • Changing 25% of the water will also reduce the ammonia level. In an emergency, daily water changes may be required over several days. Be sure to use a water conditioner, such as API Stress Coat®, when adding tap water to the aquarium. Filtration Methods for Removing Ammonia from Freshwater Aquariums • Add API Nitra-Zorb® to your filter to remove ammonia and improve water quality. API Nitra-Zorb will remove ammonia, as well as nitrite and nitrate, from freshwater aquariums. API Nitra-Zorb is a very effective blend of resins in a rechargeable pouch. It is especially helpful when setting up a new freshwater aquarium. • Add API Ammo-Chips™ or API Ammo-Carb™ to your filter to remove ammonia and improve water quality. Note: This test measures Ammonia from 0 - 6.0 ppm (mg/L) in 5 increments: 0, 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, 6.0 ppm (mg/L). For more precise readings, use the API Ammonia Test Kit, which uses a liquid reagent, and reads from 0 to 8 ppm (mg/L) in 7 increments: 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 and 8.0 ppm (mg/L). E



  6. Consider the weight of the 4 stroke compared to your 2 stroke. I have a 1989 Ranger with a two stroke 150 and with all of the fuel, batteries 3 , charger and  person fishing on the back deck it is balanced. With another 150 lbs of 4 stroke 150 motor I could have a boat wake while docked wash into the boat if it is pointed nose inward. Just a though before you decide. I decided to rebuild Because of this fact so  my gt150 became a GTX 150 with SS tuned prop. I can hit 60 mph on the water it is almost fast enough. 


  7. No Crocs in my world. A good pair of tennis shoes for traction and support. If I am fishing I am usually barefoot since the deck on the boat is carpet. Boots are used when running equipment on the farm or riding the motorcycles. 


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