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Posts posted by aplumma


    Thanks Dave!

    I tried the Channel cats many years ago from a quarry out near Hagersville. I found they tasted 'musty'. Never tried them from the Grand though. Has anyone eaten the smaller 3-5lb fish from there? I'd be willing to try again but don't want to kill them if they taste the same way. I'm wondering how Paul Prudhommes Blackened spice might work on them?

    A soak in milk and a little lemon juice will clean them up really nice.



  2. Marine Grade:

    There are several types of "Marine" wire. It's usually rated for a higher temperature and "wet" (think submersed) applications. it is also has a requirement that it be "self-extinguishing". That is extremely important on a boat in the middle of nowhere. SGT-M is SGT battery cable rated for marine use and is only a little more expensive than SGT. Some marine grade wire is "tinned" (plated) to help reduce corrosion and has a high strand count like welding cable. it can get very expensive (twice as much).

    If your boat catches fire and you go for a insurance claim it will be denied even if you use 6 gauge wire and it does not have the (M) rating for marine on it.


  3. Nice job for sure.The ability of a person shooting at that range must compensate for many factors some are Breathing, Heart Beat and muscle tension.Those are skills that are his alone. The spotter is in charge of all of the elements and the geometry of the shot. I have shot the 1000 yard range with some of the finest weapons and breathing alone can take you off the target. It was a lot of fun but the trainer out shot me and it cost me 10 bucks. Lesson learned never bet with the man who owns the rifle.



  4. To test the ground just put a booster cable from the trailer to a frame bolt. Scuff them around for a good connection and go from there. using a grounded test light check car truck in each socket and make sure the wiring is correct in the vehicle.




  5. Easier for Americans to cross into Canada but now I've been told that the Americans are going to make us Canadians check in now Bull. We relax our laws for Americans and they tighten up the law on us figures typical American crap . I've been told that the new US law will not be enforced until 2018 .

    You might want to reread the regulation it appears that the US is trying to make it reciprocating on the rules that Canada was nice enough to relax.



  6. A winterkill of the mudshad are a great place to find some big kitties. If you find a winterkill place mark it on the map it is showing you an eddie that food settles in and usually holds cats throughout the year. If you do not have mudshad you can use any oily fish like mackerel or as someone said salmon which can leave a scent trail for them to follow.The deciding factor is which puts a strong scent trail in the water that the catfish want. Blood/amino and protein are a natural dinner bell for the cats using those in combinations will bring them in.



  7. Depends on the species of Catfish, Art, I've found the Channels up here are more inclined to hit a fresh bait rather than the stink concoctions that are popular further south.

    Totally agree that stink baits are not the answer for big cats. For eater size up to 4 lbs the pork or squid (fresh) are the key for quantity of fish. When guiding for bigger channel cats over 8 lbs fresh strips of fish are the key. I guide down here for Blue cats and channels and usually put out 2 fresh mud shad chunks, 2 pork livers and 1 squid till the fish tell me what they want that day. If the client wants just trophies then we look for the deep holes and steep slops with big chunks of shad. The feeding flats are productive if they are actively feeding and finding fresh water clams and mussels is a big key. A fireball rig using a float by the hook will sometimes be the answer when you find that your bait is on a weed bottom and it also allows you to get your bait to drift back in the current. Catfishing can be as simple as a worm and a hook but to really dial it in takes years of fineness and learning.



  8. I use squid strips and PORK livers. for most trips. Use a circle hook tied to the end of the line. Put a bead behind it and then a slider with a sinker attached. This allows the bait to float away from the sinker and as the fish runs it does not feel the weight of the sinker. Remember that the circle hook does not require you to set the hook you sweep the slack out gentle pulling the hook into the corner of the fishes mouth. Chicken livers are a good bait but the pork works as well and stays on the hook better. Shrimp will work but does not have the drawing power that squid or liver does. Catfish use scent to locate food and shrimp does not produce a strong scent trail. It will catch the fish near the bait but does not draw them in from downstream. Catfish will bite in both the day and night but bright sunny days and clear water really knocks the bite down. Search for current breaks swirls and eddies are prime locations as well as humps and logjams. I usually put out a spread of 5 lines on sloping areas leading to flats. (legal in my State). If a spot is going to produce it will cough up a fish in 15 minutes and then when the bite slows down don't be afraid to move once located the pattern should work moving from location to similar locations.




  9. There are two grades of PVC available to customers one is schedule 40 ridgid PVC VS schedule 40 foamcore. PVC. The foamcore has not for pressure written on the outside and is cheaper. Foamcore is easier to damage and you will find it is cheaper if they have both types. The ability to crush of PVC and ABS is about the same in fact ABS is not easily found in the US nowadays. The use of a FIP fitting with a plug on both ends will make it stronger and easier to get the rods in and out.




  10. Sorry to hear this Brian but you are alive that is the good thing. You should talk to your insurance company and show them it was in excellent shape with pictures and work tickets. Show them comparisons of the same vehicle for sale and get a quote from the ford dealer on what the true value is. They should be able to reach a fair price to replace it with a vehicle from the 2012 era with the same features. You will need to not sign off or cash the check they issued before you get a final answer that you accept.




  11. Welcome back and thanks for the report. Rick thank you as always for stepping up and helping. If you fall short in an area let me know I go a whole wack of tackle that I have amassed over the years that are still boxed I seem to find a great lure and then buy to many.




  12. To the few who keep going political you are on your last round of forgiveness. It is summer time we are all busy with the great outdoors I do not have time to read all of the threads so I expect people to police themselves for the most part many have done a good job. For the few who keep pushing the political thoughts here you are going to become really unhappy when your account is Mod Qed if you have to ask if it is you then it most likely is.


    Enjoy the summer and if you have forgotten the rules then please reread them I prefer NOT to have to Q anyone.






  13. It kind of depends on what you want the knife to do and what you want to spend. A kitchen knife can be either a paring knife if they do a lot of hand work and peeling or a 7 chef knife for chopping. The blade material has 24 or more ratings the higher the rockwell scale the harder the metal is. The harder the metal the harder it is to sharpen but the longer it stays sharp. A knife can be 45 dollars or 245 dollars depending on the metal and the handle material. When you go custom you are adding cost because the handles are hand crafted and finished. The average knife I build has over 5 hours in the handle alone. 440c and aus 10 are what most knifes are made of and are a good balance of hardness and flexibility. VG10 is a better metal and is harder than 440c it is what I usually use for higher end chefs knife with a damascus finish (patterned). For a nice knife tha is factory made here is a website you can visit. If you find a knife you like send me the link and what you plan on using it for and I will give you an opinion on if it is the right knife. I would not engrave the blade if it is etched or engraved it will stain in the metal that is removed. A laser engraved blade is where it is discolored by energy and in some cases wears off and fades. A nice note with the blade explaining why he deserves the knife will be a better way to say thanks for all that he did.





    While my name is Art you can find me as aplumma on this site.



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