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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. A serious talk to a few lodge owner is in order. You are really not hands off in the off season. Most lodges are manned year round to not only do all of the work you did not catch up on during the season making sure the customers are happy and tended too but to keep the damage down done by weather and people in the off season. You will rarely find a second in command that can take your place in the off season. I own and run a Plumbing company and I could not see trying to pay attention to both businesses because when one business becomes extra time intensive the other business will suffer. Can you at a moments notice leave your primary business to spend a few unplanned weeks because your camp staff quit? When your septic field fails can you line up a contractor from home and feel the job will be completed correctly? Now really complicate this by buying a remote camp where everything has to be flown in. Costs go way up and finding someone to run the operations correctly will be a tough job in itself. Now that he is there and he does a poor job before you catch it you are out huge bucks and now you have to put your primary business on the back burner. You finally fix the camp issue and now you have to repair your primary business because you ignored them while you were saving your other investment. IT is a pendulum that once swinging can easily get out of control. This is not to discourage you but to make you really think before you put your nest egg and your successful business on the line. Now weigh the reward you will never be rich from it. The assets you build will be difficult to sell in most cases. The friends you make will be priceless. So unless you are that special person who can be financially solvent in a case of failure and thrives on making other people happy then my opinion is to get 110 % feedback from people who have provided the vacation and not the people who received the vacation.



  2. I have anchored up for a spell of catfishing and it is not the other fishermen I have an issue with it is the people boating thru my line sets. Most of the cat fishermen i know on sight either by their boat or their equiptment on board. They will usually ask over the radio or holler to see if you have caught anything. We then say yes set up over there or no go to buoy 54 spot. The rare person who set up to close will be asked if they please not interfere on our spread and shown how far out we have our spread. IF some one is going to be an ass no matter if you talk to them or not they will not hear you.



  3. If you build it and it is on the septic field what is the reaction of the county? Where I am if you do this they can make you remove the building and condemn your septic field until you have it certified by an engineering company. $$$$ Personally I would not violate my drainfield because if it is damaged you are close to the water and that would be another can of worms if they can find traces of septic waste or bacteria in the lake.




  4. I think your best bet to get the answers is to visit a few lodges as a customer and talk to the owners during the week. You actually need to see how much effort or man power it takes to make the part the customers see and make them feel good . One lodge had a dock mate who made sure that the boats were dry, fueled and baited before the customers woke up. It was a real nice touch and the owners were told how great it was. The truth was it was the dock mate who decided to set those standards and the rest of the place was in the dumper. Another lodge hosted a fish fry and a local band one night a week. There door was never closed and they will do anything you need kind of a family atmosphere. They work hard and have a great repeat business. The time they are not helping customers they are improving the camp both during and after the season. The amount of work they do is amazing only because they want to be there with a different group of friends arriving each week. It does not matter that the fishery is not as great as it was in the past and if he has time he will take the time to fish with different people at no charge in his muske boat and if it is to busy he will always circle a few places on his map for you to try. Now this camp they bought was defunked and had a bad reputation but their love of the life and the people made it a success. I guess I am saying make sure you are the right person for the job and make sure you understand what the job truly is. A lodge owner that can not truly make me feel like I am his friend and he wants me there for more than money will fail. I have been to many lodges and that is the difference between returning or look elsewhere for a lodge.



  5. Learn to Solder pipe it is a talent / art that is useful for the rest of your life. Personally I never use pex it has to many inherent flaws even using the correct fittings and compression tools. The use of sharkbites while easy to put together it is easily damaged by freezing and mechanical stress. CPVC for potable water systems is a better median if you do not wish to solder. Look for a glue made by Oateys called Lava it is a quick bonding CPVC glue that sets in 1/2 hour. The PVC drain is easy to work with and Lava is also available found in most plumbing warehouses. Check with your local codes to layout the drain and vent systems if done wrong you can expect to be ripping it out if it fails inspection. Preparation and measuring twice will go far in your installation. Before you decide to get rid of your plumber you should discuss what you feel the issues are and if they can't be resolved then look for a replacement. Be forewarned no one likes to clean up a job that someone else started if they do not rip out what the other person has done and use what is existing any issues in the future will always be what the other plumber did.



  6. Thank you for that thought Brian, much appreciated, never really worked with Italian heritage folks, not many in my industry. My best and cherished friends are of Canadian origin and I cherish those friendships including ones I have made on this site.

    One of my friends is and Aboriginal artist now residing in BC, named Ice Bear, his work is amazing proud to have worked with him.

    he has done a lot of work in Ontario for our Forst Nations.


    MAnoutulin Bass may have heard of him, if you have chime in.




    OI you gave ART grief on spelling neighbour wrong! well you spelled favourite wrong! who ever invented auto correct didn't figure out our American/Canadian friendship.


    Art and all of our American neighbours (spelled right) Happy Fourth of July!


    BTW It's less expensive to spell American it saves ink! That extra u can add up when you print a book! lol.

    Bonus points for Capitalising American thanks for the well wishes I truly am glad that I have traveled around Canada and see what a great place it is and the people are top notch. Your pride in your Nation is well deserved.



  7. At this time the premium no ad would cause more issues than it would be worth. We would almost have to create a mirror site and expand our bandwidth more than an reasonable cost could be given. The ads you see will be kept to a minimum and used to pay the bills the site incurs.


    Thanks for the support of the site.




  8. The reason this thread is not locked is because while political it is fishing related as per the rules. No one has been offended to the point they sent a report or P.M. Most people who are approaching the edge of the rules of disrespect are backing off after I sent them a P.M. I will ask at this time to please tone down the insults and state your facts or opinions and respect the same of others. Any one who has been here should realize that post counts do not dictate if a thread stays open. If that was the case we would encourage people to rip into each other since bashing and insulting each other likes an audience. If at any time someone feels a thread is going wrong please send a report. Who sent it is no ones business and will not be disclosed. I read as many of the posts as I can but I have limited time and miss some, most of the time it is a report that gets my attention and allows me to find the hot spots.


    Lastly most of this thread is about your rights and it is important to protect them. The level of passion you have to protect them is dictated by your tolerance to paying the price of calling their bluff. If you think that a search is not warranted then make them get a warrant but you should not complain about the next step of waiting for a warrant. If you question a law office authority then expect his attitude to adjust to an escalated situation. It has nothing to do with being a sheep or a wolf it is rather deciding if this is a battle I believe in strong enough and want to stand my ground. If you stand your ground will it have any effect on the future of the issue being resolved you decide and react.. I spend at least a week in Canada in a popular tourist area and because my boat is easily seen by my ID as being out of country I get checked every time for correct papers ,equiptment and catch on the water. I have never questioned or given DNR a reason to detain me or denied them access because I agreed to the search when I bought my license.



  9. Sorry I have not owned either but if you decide on a Ranger I can tell you a lot of good things about them. A test drive in both will go far and keep in mind the gear you will stow and how often you need to dig it out.



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