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Everything posted by joonmoon

  1. WTG Bro, looks like ya had a decent day and as you said the rain is good for the fish and less crowded for you. Nice Crappies and I bet the Pike was fun...or at least it looks fun in the pic. A good day in the rain will always be a fav time for me to fish it's just the wet gear and drying it all out that suks...lol. Hope we do as well with the eyes up at Quinte this week. Good luck if ya get out again, cya Fri.
  2. Headed to Prince Edward County on the Lake O side at Waupoos on Monday-Friday hope to get into some eye action and toothies.
  3. Seen him in T.O. many moons ago, guess the dragon slayed him this time. Long live the Dio we all remember RIP and rock the heavens and hells of wherever you are.
  4. WOW
  5. I guess it's only fitting that the worlds two best hockey teams are goin to OT. Breathe and lets get it done now boyz.
  6. Pronger's gotta be more aggressive and use his size.
  7. Bench Heatly. He's not on his game and he's gonna cost more bad than good.
  10. What good would the olympics be if it didn't showcase the worlds best at every event, regardless of their day job....am I right????
  12. Don't mess with Getzy, you will pay.
  14. 1-0
  15. Everthing on the honey-do list gets put on hold for THE game and the final day of the games. My better half, our beagle buddy and I will be settling in on the couch and lazyboy chair shortly with plenty of snacks and munchies. Everything else just doesn't matter....this is our game.
  16. Hey Cliff ...you da man. WTG. The people here are the best there is anywhere. You've been inspired by many and many have been inspired by you. You earned my respect early on and I admire your tanacity towards eveything you set out to do. I am honoured to have been a part of this big happy family with you and many others, hope to see you guys soon.
  17. That was an awesome run and congrats big time...woooohoooo Gotta feel bad for the dude from France who had the fastest time but missed the difficulty on the second jump, thought he should have got silver or at the very slimmest least bronze.
  18. If I'm not mistaken Pigeon River is closed for fishing...check the regs.
  19. Yup fished many a times in the pal and landed some real beauties too. I'm over 220lbs and Jedis' regular angling bud was about the same maybe a bit heavier. No give in the hockey stick framing so no worries bout flex or being unstable. I had room to carefully spin right around and snap pics of my bro and the pal remained true in the water. Heres the boys. I spun round to take this pic. This is my PB Ski caught without too much trouble and landed by a pro...in the pal.
  20. I think the lake has slowed down for sure and the population of eyes may be down a bit but the fishing pressure has more than doubled in the last few yew years every year. Just cause you didn't get your limit of eyes on opening day or every time you go doesn't mean the lake is dried up. It's a big body of water and the fish move around, try changing your presentation to something that maybe the fish haven't seen or try a different place on the lake. IMO you might have to work a little harder thats all...you've been spoiled up to this point now try harder....remember think like a fish...smell like a fish...catch the fish...lol.
  21. Bout time...stay tuned for reports.
  22. Hey nice work. Fishing solo can be very rewarding at times. Good thing the camera knew how to take a few shots on its own...lol...good trip out. I find solo is good for the mind reset.
  23. I picked the 20th, lots of good ice by then and no tourneys or other gatherings booked. Hopefully this works for more people. Maybe see ya out there.
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