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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. My only other tip..there is a gas station at the corner of Hwy #69 where you have to turn right...don't buy gas there.
  2. Absolutely! We always manage to hit the Mayfly hatch. Leeches seem to be the only 'sure bet' during the hatch. If we hit the hatch a small black hair jig tipped with a piece of worm is a second choice.
  3. I was wondering what everyones favourite type of music is. One of the options for the newer board is a internet radio..I am awaiting to see what bandwidth it eats first. SO I thought I would get everyone to answer the following questions.. My answers are.. Favourite Genre- Classic Rock Favourite band- Pink Floyd M0st underrated band- Seven Nations..they are a Celtic Rock band. They have a fan site with a song on the front page.. http://7nfan.com if you want a listen.
  4. Crankbaits and leeches are the best baits. Leeches are pricey, but you can't drive all the way here and not catch a few for dinner!
  5. I notice everyone is good at making complaints, but few offer viable solutions. How do we Allow the free flow of information and at the same time keep things civil? Where do we draw the line so that we didn't 'wait too long' to nuke a thread and people get mad and leave, or drive sponsors away. How do we please everyone?? We can't. Some people forget that there are many issues we have to deal with and sometimes we move preoactively when our experience tells us something is about to get ugly. Then we are the information police. IF we wait till it actually gets ugly we get emails threatening to sue us or report us to our hosts.... So you tell me...where do we draw the line?? We do not post the nasty emails in public, but all the mods have seen them. If any of you have the answer to the puzzle, we are all ears.
  6. No this is just software upgrading..not a new software system. Re-enlisting will never have to happen again.
  7. If you look in the very bottom left corner of the page, you'll see a small image that says RSS. This stand for 'Really Simple Syndication'. This will create a 'Live Bookmark' on your browser (tested in Firefox and Opera...I don't know if it worrks in IE..but it should). This gives you a live an d continuos feed of the last 10 posts on the site refreshing every 15 minutes. I don't know if that is a decent refresh time or not, but we will soon see. This is very handy for dial-up members and for those at work needing a more 'discreet' interface to view the site. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...rssout&id=1
  8. Here's the deal. I think we can go ahead with the new system upgrade. Whatever issues there were appear to be resolved...but that doesn't mean we won't run into any new ones. The upgrade contains a full version set of changes and new features. There will be a completely revamped posting area with new junk for you guys to play wiht. Also you will able to embed YouTube or Google Video right into your posts. There is also a big component we are thinking of trying out. We'll see how the moderators vote on whether or not we can try and keep it effectively monitored. The new version also offers a huge personal profile area. This is especially of interest to guides and pros but will be very handy for everyone. You'll have a greatly enhanced Control Panel to set your preferences. Issues I suspect will come up.. I can't log in or stay logged in. Solution- Delete cookies for this site and clear cache. Some graphics appear wrong or links do not work. Solution- Some stuff is hand coded, some built in. Stuff that is hand coded or modified may be affected if the page or file it refers to or is coded on has been changed or overwritten. Just be patient with that one. Stay tuned...there will also be some big news, some small news and some more big news.
  9. The original topic is still open. There was no need to have two debates on the same idea especially when one had become a debate on the rules of other boards.
  10. Okay I think since this is turning into a debate about the rules of other boards we'll stop it here. We have no rules in favour or against what you do with your images. If you feel you must edit a pic to protect a spot, fine. If not..thats fine also. IF you ever receive harassing PM's because you did or did not edit an image, forward the PM to a moderator and we will deal with that person quickly.
  11. First thing is to turn off the Fish ID. It turns things that are not fish, into fish. Once you do that, you will see th actual readings and it is much easier to tell fish from a thermocline or plankton mess. At night on Lake Nosbonsing the plankton comes up from the bottom and with fish ID on, it looks like a three mile long school of fish. But under raw sonar mode, you can tell it is not fish.
  12. Before someone falls off their high horse and breaks a hip...let me explain what is going on. Online poker is illegal in the US now (Jan 01/07 under new Homeland Security Bill). We are hosted by an American company. So while having a discussion publicly about poker is fine, having a direct link (either physically or by use of the OFC name) may be a violation of our terms of service. Until we can get a legal opinion on it, we have placed the thread in an area that is not visible. (Online poker is also technically not legal in Canada, but falls under the 'stuff we'll never enforce' area) As you will notice in your terms of service, any question as to reasons for a thread being pulled are to be done by PM.
  13. I understand your point, sir. But don't blame angling pressure on the lack of returns. You will notice your return drop offs are in direct correlation to the stocking reductions. All the introduced salmonids are in the same boat. I personally don't have an issue with people masking the backgrounds. I think some people just think a simple blur would be more appealing to them.
  14. I spruce up colours, shadows, hi lites and usually remove my horns from images..so I guess I am for photoshop.
  15. You just know that gals boyfriend took a severe pummelling for talking her into that when she got down from there.
  16. We may be adding this to TJ's back yard in time for Lakair party.... <table border='0' bgcolor='ffffff' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'><tr><td><embed id='flurl_media' name='flurl_media' width='519' height='438' src='http://www.flurl.com/flvplayer2.swf?video=http://www.flurl.com/flash_player_info.php?id=257107&flash=8' quality='high' bgcolor='white' play='true' loop='false' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'></embed></td></tr><tr><td align='right'><strong><a href='http://www.flurl.com/'>Hosted on Flurl Video Search</a> - <a href='http://www.flurl.com/media'>Watch More Videos</a> </strong></td></tr></table>
  17. There's two big threats floating around the net today. The first one is a remake of the 2005 Postcards1001 virus email. It slips by your anti-virus because the email contains the link to the .exe file rather than contain the file itself. Never click on a link that ends in '.exe' . Never. Ever. The next is Storm Worm so called because it is an email warning you of an approaching and impending storm. This waltzed right across Europe in two days. This virus will turn your PC into part of a botnet system. You'll be sending out thousands of spam emails in no time. This also contains an executable (.exe) file. IF you get these emails, just delete them. It's winter and I guess the script kiddies are bored. Be careful.
  18. Really? Or are you just saying that to get into our software?
  19. I agree with you Rus. I don't know if the logic of banning the harvesting of southern bait for use in southern waters is in line with what Irishfield thinks it is or not. I would think they should continue to allow guys like Fishmaster to harvest in the Grand River for use in the GRand River. That makes sense. I wonder if Newtons on Hwy 69 will charge $20 a dozen come spring. There's one thing we should probably all be doing when buying bait outside of the quarantine...GET A RECEIPT!! Make sure you get one that indicates where the minnows were purchased. I'll guarantee there will be issues on Simcoe with this. And bait sellers...make sure you have receipts that show your location so anglers can show the CO's they are in compliance.
  20. Duber; The ban prohibits commercial harvest. It also bans all transportation out of the infected zone.So you can catch your own...you just can't take it out of the area. I must admit, it doesn't make much sense on the surface that commercial bait harvesters cannot harvest in the zone for sale within the zone. Perhaps that is where the harvesters protest should be.
  21. ACtually I got to go to a 10PM meeting..so I'll see ya's later.
  22. Here's the long and short of it XRap. Biologists...people with PHD's have said this virus poses a substantial risk. Such a risk that they are going to zone off certain areas. These guys know way more about the threat than does fishmaster or me or anyone else here. The bait dealers are on a self-serving mission. They (bait dealers) also want to ban people from catching their own bait. There used to be a law similar to this new law. Bait could not be transported from one body of water to another. This law was dropped ( I would guess under pressure by the bait wholesalers). The bait dealers need to come up with solid scientific evidence that the bait poses no risk. Spend a year collecting baitfish from Eire and the Niagara and have them tested. Show that there is no virus in these minnows and the MNR would have no leg to stand on with their ban. Then take the MNR to court under the myriad of commerce acts we have and be done with it. If we step back and logically consider who has more credibility here...biologists or bait wholesalers...who do you think comes out on top??
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