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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
  2. I added some new ones today. If you find one on the net somewhere you like. let me know. Be sure it isn't a protected image first.
  3. Amazing stuff cliff! I used to teach kids her age to skate and the hardest thing to get them to do is not 'walk' on the skates. To learn that in just two hours is very impressive. Maybe a future Canadian Olympic Hockey player!
  4. Sorry..I was thinking of the Rocky Horror Picture Show
  5. No but I got the thing open and thats good enough for now.
  6. Calling for 30cm of snow and blizzard-like conditions. Careful if travelling!! http://weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/warnings/report_e.html?onrm19
  7. The problem then Dutch, becomes one of diminishing availability. I understand the concerns of marina owners. I, however, am not a boat thief. I will not be treated like one. I actually own the water as a private citizen more than the marina company. What gives them the right to park their boats on MY water? Same deal. If I want to fish, it is my right to do so and I will not waiver. The police won't tell me to leave. If they suggest I should leave in the interest of peace, I will ask them to tell the complainer to shut the heck up in the interests of peace instead. I have a legal right to fish. I will fish. There comes a day when we run out of other places to go. Step up now and say 'No, thanks, I'll stay here". Don't be a goof about it, just say no and ignore them.
  8. Note to self. Don't let LEW touch anything! The post is under review for rules violations, Lew.
  9. A creek that is not navigable may be owned by a private land owner. He may own the ground under the creek, but not the water itself. Lake front owners traditionally only own up to the high water point which is defined by the municipalties flood and fill lines.
  10. All waterways in Canada are property of the Federal government. All waters were federalized eons ago. In exceptionally rare cases, they may lease or hand over control of the waters, but this is generally done in areas where safety is a concern. Any fool can tell you they own the water, but until they can prove it, they cannot make you leave. This happened to us once fishing the outskirts of a marina in a boat. An employee yelled at us to leave cause we were tresspassing. We told him to call the cops. He did. The police arrived much later on and we had a nice chat. The guy then offered to dispose of some rocks in the area near where we were fishing. I informed the officer of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act pertaining to the harrassment of people hunting or fishing ( see http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/DBLaws/Statute...7f41_e.htm#BK15 ). We were allowed to carry on our day uninterruped. IT is very common in this area for ice fishermen to fish between the over-winter docks. Just be respectful and know your rights.
  11. Five bucks says GCD has a mudpuppy recipe. Welcome to the site, Peti !
  12. I think Terry is quite right. You can't attach a glowing or lighted object to a lure or bait. Glow paint is okay.
  13. We're just trying to keep the top uncluttered. It was simply unpinned. We'll stick it back once we get a bit closer.
  14. It is a time thing, Paul. Having something restraining them isn't natural. It takes time for them to get used to it. If he isn't wearing a collar all the time, start with that. Use a clip type collar (no choke chain for now!). Dogs should NOT have a choke as their 'hanging around the house' collar. IF they get it caught up in something, they will roll to escape. He will eventually get used to a simple collar. You can then move up to a collar sturdy enough for a walk. Some dogs do better with a body harness. Then, if needed, you can switch to a choke for walks. Depends on how much correction he needs when walking. I have two MONSTER dogs that are VERY happy to go for walks...too happy. I will be trying a harness on my 80 pound Golden in the next few weeks. Don't forget this time of year to wash the dogs feet off after a walk. Road salt can eat right through their pads. If you have dogs use a non-salt ice melter. It's better for your driveway anyway.
  15. Okay it sould all be good now..new permissions settings with the new version of the software, I see.
  16. Read it all here! http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...mp;showentry=16
  17. About 20 years ago I won my first and only fishing tournament. It was on Buckhorn and we were in a combo bass/walleye tourney. The only reason we entered was cause we were staying there at the campground that was hosting it and the entry was 50 bucks for a team. Me and my grandfather went about 100 yrds from the take off site. Everyone else had boogied to up around Gannons Narrows. My first cast with a small rapala went a bit close to shore. I pulled it off a stump and as soon as it touched the water...blammo. We drifted a bit past the point by now and were into deeper water. I switched up to a jig and Uncle Josh pork rind and made a second cast. Tap-tap..walleye. That was it..that was all I caught all day. Turns out that was all I needed with the nasty cold east winds around. A few guys had kicked themselves for throwing back 11 inch fish. Apparently the bite lasted all of ten minutes for everyone.
  18. I have expensive hobbies... We've got a pretty big RPP at work. They donate and then match our input on top of that. Comes out to 10% of annual income. Nice. I'm watching the markets close cause they are predicting a fairly big correction. If it doesn't happen by summer, it will apparently be a big one come fall. Come June I'll be switching the RPP over to bonds for a few months then back after the correction.
  19. Did you forget your password? Use the password recovery tool. Don't just keep guessing. I've noticed alot of accounts were locked in the last few weeks by the security software. If, in a short time, three incorrect passwords are entered during a log in attempt on your account, the account is locked down. You won't be able to get back in until we unlock it. So after two shots, give up. If you are at home and logging in, let Opera or Firefox remember the password. Use the password recovery and it will email you a new password. You'll then be able to change it to something that, hopefully, you won't forget.
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