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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Welcome sir. As a fellow ice-fishing wimp, let me say 'Hello'.
  2. With the exception of what was announced already, just keep going by the '06 regs. The current regs are sitting in Ottawa awaiting federal approval. The OFAH is indeed pressuring the government to delay implementation until next year if the new rules are not out soon. It appears ineptitude is not bound by political affiliation.
  3. I have an MTD..about 7 yrs old. Still runs great. JD is prolly the best if you can afford them.
  4. Big Cliff and I fished the French for many years. Location is very important there. The further downstream you are the more walleye to be had. Flat Rapids and below hold lots. Not many with alot of size, but lots of fish.
  5. This weeks picks! Computer Stuff The computer and internet help area run by Gerritt and Corey has become more popular than anyone thought it would and is a great place to get all the info you may need. Corey is a dedicated PC guy and Gerritt is our resident Mac Man. If you need computer help see them here. Games Many of you liked the point and click styled games we were all trying a few weeks back. For a complete list of hi quality, online games of that style, try Casual Gameplay. Image and Picture Control Lots of members are always asking questions about image editing, organizing and resizing. THere's several free applications that can do this for you. From Google there is Picasa2, there's also Irfan View, and for more advanced edits there is Gimp and it's Photoshop clone, GimpShop. Add-ons For Firefox If you like Firefox, then here's a few add-ons you shouldn't be without. If you are trying to make a web page, then Web Developer is for you. It allows you to view how pages are made by seeing the relationship between the page and its code, its CSS and the table elements. I have learned alot with this tool and it is absolutely a must-have for trouble-shooting a web page error. Need to kill some time? Sure even this site can't fill up all your web browsing time. If you are looking for sites about a particular subject you can use Google, but it only gets you sites that index well, not necessarily sites that are relevant and useful. StumbleUpon can not only find you sites you will like, but it only takes you to sites that are recommended and with the info you are looking for. Simply add the extension then register to program your favourite type of websites. Click the Stumble button and away you go. Need a quick peek at the weather for your area? Try Forecast Fox. Like to listen to music while you surf? FoxyTunes is awesome. Fishing Stuff Find your new FMZ at the MNR website. Enter your fish in the OFAH online tourney and get bonus points for your team in the OFC tourney. Renew your fishing license online! Get your renewal instantly. Sponsor of the Week This weeks pick is Fishing World. A huge selection of fishing tackle and equipment. Just off Centennial Parkway about 10 minutes from the QEW.
  6. You are likely right that if we all gave up our vehicles in Canada it may mean nothing on a global level. If we all decided to poach fish every day, it would likely also mean nothing on a global level. But there is certainly more to a society than the demonstrable results of their response to challenges. The payback will not occur in our lifetime. It will be given to our ancestors. But no one is talking about going back to horse and buggy days. We are talking about using our technology to come up with better ways of doing things.If you had a hydrogen powered car, it would be just as fast and just as powerful, but create no pollution. You don't actually have a 'right' to the things you mentioned. Those things are privileges. As such they can be taxed, usurped or otherwise restricted. The climactic changes recorded do not rely on man's use of a thermometer. It is quite well done through studies in ice growth, tree growth, geological sedimentation study and other methods I could not possible understand. The information is out there and is heavily peer reviewed and is as accurate as we can possibly make it. Most of the world does not believe in many things Canada does. It is no reason to abandon our collective ideology and decide to turn the earth into a sewer. Canada has long been a very 'green' country. This is in part due to our connection with our lakes, rivers and forests and our traditions of fishing and hunting. We as sportsmen and women get to see, every single day, the result of irresponsible handling of the resources. You cannot seperate global warming from air pollution...there are inexorably related. The real root of opposition to counter-measures and to remediation is not ideological difference, but money. The oil companies know they are a target and more fuel efficient vehicles, alternative fuels and renewable resources will bring about their demise. They also know that fossil fuels are the biggest contributor to pollution. This is why they are almost exclusively the funders of counter reports to global warming. Other companies know their outdated equipment would need to be replaced. Look at Stelco and Dafasco. For many years they were fairly big polluters. New laws came into effect and they somehow managed to comply and clean up their act. It is the nature of business to resist costs. There are still people who believe the earth is less than 5,000 yrs old and can come up with some pretty compelling sounding evidence. Does that make them right? No. The vast majority of the legitimate scientific community believes the earth is billions of years old. Who are you going to believe? Our governments (US and Canada) can inflict change on the bigger polluters (India and China) by demanding certain protocols and by having standards for materials imported. We are likely going to see changes come out of the Menu Foods problem, so perhaps this is as good a time as any to pursue a cleaner agenda. It does us no good to have stricter laws which create higher prices until technology catches up, if we then allow imports from countries that are not on a level playing field. Not only do we affect our standards, but we simply shift the pollution problem overseas.
  7. Of course they did...millions of them living on plains and in FORESTS. Again, we harken back to the natural air scrubbers which have been systematically reduced to a fraction of their original size. Evolution created a natural balance between carbon creators and carbon users. We have unmistakably altered that balance. I noticed however, there is no retort, just a change of subject. There are indisputable facts.. The earth is warming at a rate not seen before in history. The ozone layer was being destroyed by CFC's( since the ban of CFC's there has been excellent remediation) Rain forests are disappearing. The oceans and lakes are warming. Storms are more severe Weather is more extreme. Lake Superior is at an all time low. Several reservoirs in the US are far below needed levels. Everything we do has consequences. Everything we emit, discharge or expel goes SOMEWHERE. Many of us are old enough to remember that everyone scoffed at the idea that sewer was destroying Lake Erie. We are also old enough to remember Lake Erie as being a cesspool. After greatly reducing the effluent into Lake Erie, it has become a clean and useful lake again. We all see and understand the effects of water pollution...effluents, foreign invaders, littering, toxic dumps, viruses.....why is this such a big stretch?
  8. Please quantify 'many'. And how many have since added their name to the list? Does your 'many' change the relevant ratio? Even GWB admits humans are the primary cause of global warming. He is the most corporate sympathetic person on the continent likely and even he admits we have to cut back on our emissions. Yes the earth has gone through climactic changes before. But these previous changes occured over millenia, not over decades. The idea that an argument against pollution abatement would be that we may lose jobs is obscene. Should we fire up those old lead-based paint plants again? Should we re-enable the coal fired generating stations again and lose another few thousand lakes to acid rain? Remember when all the naysayers said acid rain was a myth? Funny how all those lakes came back after we stopped dumping those pollutants responsible. It is precisely the problem that companies are using over-seas sources for supplies that is making things worse. Just look at the current pet deaths in Ontario and North America...all caused by cheap import wheat treated with a poison that is illegal everywhere in North America. You did by claiming the human involvement in global warming is not true. Did you know that the 'animals' referred to are in fact the millions of cattle we rear for human consumption? I love my steak but I also recognise my part in the problem.
  9. As long as the possibility is there, why not err on the side of caution? The vast majority of biologists, ecologists and meteorologists believe global warming is a real threat. They collectively know more than anyone posting here or anyone referenced to in a link. Therefore, they win. There are enough indicators to make people reasonably concerned...warmer oceans, more severe weather, global average temperature increase, etc. I just read a blurb in the newest OOD showing how bass are invading parts of Northern Ontario that they've never been seen in before because all the lakes in the north are getting warmer. THere was also another story on moose die-offs due to heat stress in the north. Is all of this one giant coincidence? I think that it is a much bigger leap to believe that than to believe warming is a left-wing 'sky is falling' complaint. Funny how people complain about coffee cups on a river bank but think air pollution is a myth.
  10. The CO will be aware of the regs and as long as your buddy can tell him where he caught it, it will be fine. There are several areas in Ontario where one water body has different seasons of different limits. I know a few spots where walleye are open all year and three feet away they are closed Feb till May.
  11. Do we know for sure that the request for the restrictions DID NOT come from the biologists themselves? Seems we're jumping to conclusions.
  12. Holy crap...hope someone got you a walker..or maybe some Metamucil...can't be too careful at your age.. Happy BDay old man.
  13. I think I fixed it.. I ran the following query into the database.. UPDATE ibf_members SET new_msg = 0 WHERE new_msg < 0 Then I editted the sources/lib/func_msg.php file to iclude $this->ipsclass->DB->do_update( 'members', array( 'new_msg' => 0 ), 'new_msg < 0' ); Just in case this ever happens to come up in conversation..you'll know the fix. Some uber-geek gave me the fix, actually...I just copied and pasted...I'm a freekin whiz at copy/paste.
  14. But I think if they did nothing, and it turns out doing nothing made things worse...wouldn't we all be here screaming they should have locked it down till they figured it out? Decisions like this are never made by random policy arrangements. Getting something like this done takes monumental effort. Look how long we've been waiting for the Feds to approve the new regs.
  15. I think the lifts are suspended pending a review to see if lifting may introduce VHS to uninfected areas via cross watershed flooding.
  16. Every week (usually Tuesday) I will be posting a link to a gem found on the internet. Sometimes it will be fishing related...sometimes not. You all are encouraged to contribute as well. Likely 99% of what I post will be found via StumbleUpon (SU). SU is a free add-on for Firefox or Internet Explorer. It allows you to preset your favourite types of websites and with a click of the button, takes you to a new site that meets the criteria of your preferences. StumbleUpon for IE- http://www.stumbleupon.com/download.php StumbleUpon for Firefox- https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/138/ This week's gem is.. A full lengthed (49 mins) documentary on the making of Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon". One of Rock's most inspiring and influential albums of all time. http://www.veoh.com/videos/v232601GZem9Hxb
  17. I'm going to pick Lake O. There's a few reasons. First is a lack of pressure and these fish will be much different. They will be nomads like the upper Niagara fish, but have a far greater food supply. There are less salmon about which is why we are seeing a spread of big walleye to area like where CCMT fishes or where I fish them. The reduction in competiton helps the musky. The zebra mussels will also help the musky. It allows for deeper weed growth for more ambush cover and at teh same time allows for better site attacks. The availability of hi-fat food like alwives and young trout and salmon will fatten these brutes up. The upper Niagara strain is the fastest growing musky in the country. Now that thye have nigrated downstream and are basically all over the lower Niagara and the mouth of the Niagara, these nomads will soon be a force to rreckon with. You can already see the takeover happening in the Whirlpool-Queenston corridor. There are tons of juveniles that are very aggressive eaters.
  18. Victor..use the RSS feed or the Lo-Fi version and it will apear as you requested.
  19. They have a new digi cam from Olympus that is water proof and crush proof. Sounds like something you may need CC.
  20. The other poll didn't work. This one works. This is therefore less confusing.
  21. Now it will work...you set up a string of polls that needed each other to work properly. Someone only selecting 'No' gave them no other reason to participate and that crashed the logic. By adding 'I don't use bait' allowed them to participate in all the polls as needed.
  22. We had 252 visitors online at 12:31...a new record. Why aren't y'all working???
  23. While I do support the idea that bait caught in the infected zone should be able to be sold within that zone, I think Terry has a legitimate point. How do you stop bait users and/or bait suppliers from using infected bait outside of the zone? Infected bait would likely come with a cheaper price tag than non-infected and at some point some retailer is going to try and take the risk and transport the bait where it should not be. Again the real issue is not bait but ballast water contamination. We either have to find a way to deal with it or we need to shut down the locks at the St Lawrence. Either require ballast decontamination or have inland and ocean only fleets.
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