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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Never a bad idea to have, but to make them mandatory is somewhat silly. We just managed to make the knowledge of navigation laws mandatory (sort of) through operator cards. Most have depth finders and channels are clearly marked. You do not need a chart on Lake Ontario. Without a GPS it is of little use and if you have a GPS, then you don't really need charts. And having a chart does not mean u know how to read them or make adjustments for seasonal fluctuations. It would be up to them to PROVE you do not have knowledge of the waters. Any lakes without certified charts are exempt.
  2. Here is the section from the Shipping Act as it applies to us... (2) The master and owner of a ship of less than 100 tons are not required to have on board the charts, documents and publications referred to in subsection (1) if the person in charge of navigation has sufficient knowledge of the following information, such that safe and efficient navigation in the area where the ship is to be navigated is not compromised: (a) the location and character of charted (i) shipping routes, (ii) lights, buoys and marks, and (iii) navigational hazards; and ( the prevailing navigational conditions, taking into account such factors as tides, currents, ice and weather patterns.
  3. Voted... A few of us are spamming Facebook with the link, too.
  4. It was a St Catharines store..at the Pen Center . No it wasn't no-frills. It is a very common manufacturer that uses the cellophane packaging. I do have to be careful with what I say being an admin here. Like I said, saying any names would not be prudent, I don't think, but if you PM me I will give u the details. Just saying to be a bit more careful...it could be a nut job sticking things in food at the store or at the factory..I am hoping the company lets me know. I did not want a years supply of bread..lol. They did insist on replacing this loaf, though, which seems fair. I imagine they need everything for testing so they can figure out where in the chain this happened. I am sure food companies take stuff like this very seriously. Now had I given a piece to my dog and he got hurt, yes, I would have been seriously pissed and things would have happened different. But I hate people who turn things like this into a way to screw someone over, so thats not my way.
  5. It is about angle and perspective. You holding the fish gives us something to compare it to. Also shooting directly perpendicular to the fish eliminates loss of size through vanishing point effect. Shoot straight at the fish with something in the background that we can all use as a point of reference. Its like how the sun looks bigger at sunset...it isn't, we just now have the skyline to compare it to so it appears bigger.
  6. I was making myself a sammich yesterday when I noticed what I thought was a shaft of wheat sticking out of a slice. No problem..I'll just pull it out. Then I noticed it was a small sewing needle. At first I thought somehow in got in there from me leaving a sewing needle laying around, but then remembered...I don't have such things..lol. I called the 800 number on the loaf and really had a hard time convincing them I did not want to sue them or anything, just wanted them to know. So they are sending someone out to pick up the bag, tag and needle. Yeah, I know some will say I am foolish..but I wasn't hurt so no harm done, just concerned for their business. Not really able to tell if it was from the bakery or inserted by some nut at the store. They said they would call the store and pull that lot from the shelf...though I am sure it is all gone by now. So just be careful with your bread for a bit. Give your slices a little pat down to make sure just in case there is a freak in the bakery or hitting stores. The people on the phone were all very good and very professional about it all. I don't want to mention the manufacturer cause it may not have been their fault so it would not be fair to them. Just a heads-up for y'all.
  7. Gotta teach the kids easier ways to get out of church...lol All I had to do was ask for a logical explanation of the whole Noah's Arc thing and how they overcome recessive gene issues by only taking 2 of each. Yeah i was a smartass even at the age of 7.
  8. It started after a bad storm, so I am guessing there is a damaged piece of equipment along the way somewhere. When you look at how many places the signal goes through to get to your house, it is kind of amazing it doesn't happen more often. If it persists beyond Monday, we'll do a more thorough traceout and see if we are getting any latency and call and complain to someone...but honestly these types of things are really our of our hands and those of our hosting company. At the mercy of those along the way.
  9. It is a DNS issue, I thought it was server but when it happened to me I did a traceroute and found a problem with ( I think) a Rogers routing station. You can generally tell by how fast the error comes up..the faster it is the more likely it is local. Server errors usually give time-out errors.
  10. Nice fish Aaron. I'm off work for awhile so if you need company
  11. Wow...have not seen anything like that around here in a long time. Some engineers got some splainin' to do!!
  12. I was first fishing at 1 yr. Caught my first fish on my first try...haven't caught much since....peaked a little too early. The younger you get them started the better chance you have of preventing the plague of instant gratification our society now suffers from. Fishing teaches them that good things take time. It is really awesome you are getting the young one out ! Is the 'no hooks' Rapala a safety concern or do you just not want to risk being outfished by a 2 yr old
  13. I think half the spine pokes or bites I get from fish get infected...must be something in their slime that is nasty. But that infection looks bad..yeesh. Let us know what the doc says!
  14. Mike I think a 5 mph minimum speed is also probably dangerous... I remember my old 90 had one prop that would only get me down to 5 and docking in tight places was a real pain..had to push it in and out of gear. Check it with a GPS before spending any money.
  15. Umm..get a different pitched propellor. There's no way that thing should not go down to less than 2 mph. I think your prop pitch is wayyyyy off.
  16. Hmm....well I for one would not be happy. Smashing my Rebel Fastracs off the bottom is my favourite walleye catching method. Sure dragging them through the zebra mussels eventually wears down the plastic and messes the lure up, but THAT MUCH I expect. I've hauled out everything on those lures and never had a lip separate. Sure I hate the hooks they use, but thats an easy fix. I do not think that running a deep diving crankbait into the rocks is not beyond expected usage and should be tested for and made part of the products standards. I have not had any of my older Rapalas come apart for any reason...but I will stay away from the DT's since this seems to be an issue that is common.
  17. Some of the responses have me puzzled. If we had no one enforcing the regs, everyone would be up in arms about that. No we have someone enforcing the regs and some are not happy about it. The rules are clear, follow them and you have nothing to worry about. The regs put out now are far superior to just a year ago when you had to know your GPS coordinates to determine your slots and limits. We are all responsible for knowing and following the rules..they are there for a reason. Slot limits only work if they are followed and enforced. Nippissing is a great fishery for a reason. We cannot do anything about the nets, so don't sweat stuff you have no control over. Do YOUR part and you can walk with your head high. We fought hard to have the funding for more CO's and we (in part) got it. So, while it is unfortunate for the posters friend that he mismeasured the fish, it is great to know someone is watching.
  18. My deepest sympathies to you and your family, Wayne. Sorry for your loss.
  19. It depends on how your browser handles iframes. If they handle them correctly that doesn't happen, but some versions of IE see the iframe as a seperate page and not a page within a page. It's Googles code and we are not allowed to edit it.
  20. Thanks Brandon! I am saving up to upgrade to the new Canon s10 IS. Not ready for the DSL cameras I don't think. But the S10 is about as close as I can get and still just slip it to auto for fishing pics. I have a ton of pics taken this summer..even won a contest with one of them..and doing a shoot for a catalog in August... BIKINI MODELS!! Poor me..lol Been practising shooting people against a sunset in water and finally got that down...flash delay was the ticket.
  21. Their coding is pretty tight. The only real loophole in the permissions is through the photo albums. If you disallow comments on photos you are as secure as can be. Most of the people I work with are on it and only one person got into any trouble..he doctored images of the corporate president and posted them in a not very flattering way...but our big bosses ignore it. I have had meetings with them about all the social networking stuff and it became policy they would leave it so that employees could vent or not feel watched over. There is a reason I am asking which will become apparent as time goes by.
  22. What exposure and fstop did you end up with? I was using 2 sec and f3.4 and going up and down from there and just kept firing...my first time with fireworks...
  23. Do you have an FB profile?
  24. Hope you guys have a safe and fun Independence Day!!
  25. i did what I could in photoshop..in the first image the canine is moving quick away from the camera and appears to be in the second one as well. If you notice the times are almost exactly 24 hours apart...seems more like a dog on his daily outing and the stature, leg length and tail point to a dog...may be feral..but given the timiing is more likely out with his human after work.
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