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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Chris, the 'big bad pharmaceutical companies' (yeah the same ones that came up with the polio vaccine, smallpox vaccine etc) make far more money off those who do NOT get the shot. Treatment costs far more than prevention...always has. Maybe you don't hear about West Nile because of all the pesticide programs put into place to combat it. I read that many of us who lived through and where exposed to the last swine flu may be immune to this one which is why it is hitting the younger kids harder this time. Last spring all you conspiracy guys were saying that H1N1 was a made up story when the W.H.O. said it would be a pandemic this fall. They were right about the pandemic. But I would rather trust my doctor who has accurately and successfully diagnosed and treated me through cancer and a few other maladies than the paranoid ramblings of conspiracy addicts.
  2. Well, you won't be needing yours for awhile.
  3. Ya and you walked 50 miles to school in blinding snow uphill both ways...blah blah. You never had the issues these kids are facing with higher densities and hi efficiency heating with R2000 buildings... Don't kid yourself into thinking your generation was tougher than these kids, cause you weren't. There are more cases than just four..they do not bother swabbing and testing once an outbreak is confirmed since the treatment is about the same. The H1N1 just spreads faster and is more virulent.
  4. The park is closed until the coyotes are found and killed. One was shot after turning on a cop who showed up. Something is very wrong. And yes, there has only been one person killed by a wolf in Canada and those wolves were semi-wild IIRC. I don't ever recall hearing of a coyote even going after a person, never mind killing one.
  5. Tell that to the families of the people who have already died. Many deaths Kemper...many more to come. Not everything is a conspiracy. Sometimes bad things really do happen.
  6. Pretty much everything north of Orillia is a mess. Us southern Ontario peeps are just now starting to see it show up... 5 or ten kids per school. My parents live near Powassan and that area is a mess with the H1N1 flu as is the area around TJ's place. At least it will be done by ice fishing season. Going to get my shot Friday.
  7. http://news.globaltv.com/entertainment/Coy...4724/story.html Never seen a coyote act even remotely aggressive before. This is very sad and scary.
  8. Take from http://www.stevesugrim.com/blog/2009/01/big-moose.html
  9. I am looking at 3 different cameras. All Canons. The SX20IS, G5 or a used Rebel. I have an S5 and S3 The price would be about the same except obviously the Rebel would require more additional stuff to buy. Suggestions?? I have software allowing the S3 and S5 to shoot in RAW and imagine I can find it for the S20 as well.
  10. Maybe get Roy to show them how to burp out their air bladder. He's good at that. Fizzing is an effective method when done PROPERLY. If you do not know exactly where the bladder is on different fish, don't try it.
  11. Make no mistake Dara, this is exactly what the OP wanted to happen. It is an attention thing. Not the first time. Doubt it will be the last.
  12. The new version is having its mobile skin re-done as we speak. It is being touched up to be more friendly to touch screen phones. This is why we never grab major updates when they first come out. Let other people work the bugs out first The new lofi/mobile version will have everything you need in one place.
  13. This coming winter/spring will see us update to the 3.0 version of the board software which includes a fully functional mobile version amongst many other updates.
  14. Isn't Seneca.. like 3 hours away??? In another country? To say we have that much reach is silly. I know you steelhead guys are protective, but thats just over the top. There are all kinds of sites in NY offering up info and rivers used to fill up with guys in NY when I fished them long before the internet was around. Everyone got their info from the bait shops then.
  15. You should be okay with photobucket on this site. A few hundred image views won't be enough to kill your bandwidth.
  16. After hours of extensive examination I reduced the image to a binary equation using a program called Genuine Fractals. This program allows unparalleled image reconstruction for even the lowest resolution images. Here's what came up when i did that... . . . . . . .
  17. Bios have University Degrees in Biology. I do not. I therefore am not qualified to judge their actions. They get crap for the Atlantic Salmon stuff...however a decision was made to spend more time and effort on native species. I don't really see a problem with it since our ultimate goal is to return the lakes and rivers to their pristine and natural state as much as we can. I believe the bios have the best interests of the environment in mind. Our local bio (Ann Yagi) is awesome. She is a wealth of knowledge and always likes to hear from anglers since we get to see things she won't. Biologists are an integral and important part of the MNR. Now some of the wildlife techs make me scratch my head...but i guess u can't have everything
  18. Its an Atlantic Salmon...clear as day..sheesh
  19. When people go fishing there is an expected risk...falling, drowning et al are part of the possible things that can happen when you fish. Unless YOU personally do something that causes a dangerous situation (rotting stairs or docks, etc) what nature places in the way is not your problem.
  20. Make sure you have absolute unmistakable proof that laws, by-laws or municipal policy has been violated and take what you have to the media. Look for a reporter who tends to lean towards conservation. Shake some trees, ruffle some feathers, but do NOT ever use hyperbole or emotion to try and win your argument. Use facts and the law. Just because you were there first doesn't mean you get to keep the place the way it was forever. But, just because someone has money to toss around doesn't mean they don't have to follow the same rules the rest of us do (unless they are politicians, of course..lol) Compliance is the best you can hope for.. it just is no longer possible to stop development. All municipalities were required to comply with Smart Growth plans set out a few years ago.
  21. If you owe money on the boat, your loan will require you to insure it. If not, insurance is not required. While you are towing it, it is part of your vehicle. I would get insurance as a rider on your homeowners plan..it is not expensive and should something terrible happen, you would have that piece of mind.
  22. That pike is evolving...extra fins!! Super pike is coming.
  23. Document your complaints and proof and bring them not to staff, but to council (since staff has already washed their hands of it). Mention your plans to approach the OMB (Ontario Municipal Board) with your concerns. Talk to the MNR, MOE and any other governing body with jurisdiction. I agree that you cannot prevent the progress, but it must be done within compliance and within sound resource usage.
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