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Richie Razor

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Everything posted by Richie Razor

  1. How were the perch fillets? We're they grub infested?
  2. Woooohoooo!!! Big win, great game to get back on track boys!!!! Lets keep her rolling against the Pens, and I can see the leafs maintaining the same intensity for that game. Awesome.
  3. I was being sarcastic, there is a bit of trash from junk mailers, because people in general are pigs, but nothing like the pic shown. Lol
  4. Lol yup that's the scene you see at all mailboxes, garbage mail strewn all over the place. Does anyone even look at those things to buy from?
  5. I just checked the quantity of the white color and they're sold out. Funny how that happens
  6. No offense to any of your family members, but when I was a teen the only vegans I knew were so because of their culture/religion. These days the trend is to skip meat, because all the celebs are doing so. What's wrong with the kids these days?!?!? I'd say your all excellent parents for not sheltering your kids from something as primal as cleaning fish. And when my boy is old enough to know what's going on you can bet he'll be elbows deep in fish guts with his old man. Lol
  7. She should have been pepper sprayed and tazed. Unbelievable this little skid thinks she can have her way with the police?
  8. After reading that article I'll be looking for some real, non hydrogenated lard for my next fry!!!!
  9. ^^ you being serious? That guy should be shipped off to la la land
  10. Call Gagnons before hand, I got a buddy looking for one too....
  11. Agreed, but start from the top down this time
  12. Huh? But none of it is, it's all about the MEC experience....?
  13. Actually cooking with lard sounds real good; http://www.foodandwine.com/articles/lard-the-new-health-food
  14. Your kids annoying orange shirt is awesome! Looks like pickeral heaven up there with some real healthily looking fish. Which way do you like to cook those eyes up the best?
  15. I had the exact same set - man, the burns I got on my fingers from that thing lol. Can't believe that was sold for a child to use.
  16. I digress, peanut oil is the absolute tops for frying fish, and with a lot less trans fats.... Now if your eating a shore lunch, well then, break out the smoked bacon fat!!!!!
  17. Wow I can't believe they still deliver door to door,'I'm assuming it mostly rural? As mentioned the 'burbs have been getting centralized neighbourhood mailing since the late 80's, so it's a shock to me that some still get their junk mail personally delivered. Door to door mail delivery is extremely inefficient and with all the rising costs these days, it's really about time they cut off this service. After all 95% of the stuff you get from c-post is garbage ads anyways. How about they stop mailing me junk?!?!?
  18. And you even proof read our posts, and suggest corrections. Amazing.
  19. Hey that toaster is pretty cool, thanks!!! Not only did you start the 13/14 Leafs thread, keep it super relevant on the fourm, now your selling TML swag for them too!!!! Wow, probably one of the most selfless things a Sens fan can do, thanks again. I mean, I know your team is absolutely horrid and their own fans can't give their tickets away, however you just keep on giving. I think for all your efforts on this thread, Leaf nation owes you a thanks for helping us out this much. THANKS!!!!!
  20. I hope you are wrong, although the kings are a powerhouse team, I can see them coming out flat on a back to backer, against a rested leaf team that's going to be playing desperate......I hope. Other players put the hate on Dion because his wife is smokin' What kind of poll goes around and asks other players if they are overrated... Was it sports illustrated? Are they even a credible hockey source?
  21. Seems like the logistics from ordering your card and receiving it has improved.
  22. There's a glitch on the TSN app, you have to get the RDS feed to find out the real score......
  23. I've been in there countless times and yes I agree it's a yuppie store, but if that means I like quality, don't mind paying for it, and really like there return/exchange policy - then well I guess I'm a yuppie..... And it's only $5!!!! People pay $50-$100 a year for Costco memberships and don't bat an eye, yet every time I go in there I see people leaving with $300+ carts filled with stuff that I bet half of it goes to waste..... I love Costco like the next guy, but I surly don't do all my household shopping there, but I like some of the products they carry, and have an excellent return/exchange policy..... So it's all what you seem to value the most I guess...
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