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Everything posted by fish_finder

  1. Thanks Bud. I hate those bloody swirls too. If people would just set up their shots so they don't include any 'evidence' it would be much better!
  2. Well, its been a couple of weeks since the season opened. I was out for 5 days including the Monday-Wednesday after opening weekend and had a blast fishing the creeks with a crew I fish with every opener. I've been busy as heck since, and finally have time to toss up a report. 2 of us headed up on the friday to set up camp and get things ready for our stay. We hiked a couple of rivers that day and watched a few fish rising to BWOs, which got us pumped up for the following morning. A few shots from the trip. Hatches are really starting to come off now. Another couple of weeks and the mayflies will be out in full force! Can't wait for that! I spent a couple of days this past weekend in the same area doing some filming for an Ontario Fly Fishing documentary we are putting together. Hopefully I'll have a couple of trailers for folks to check out in the next few weeks. We've been filming since last november and have a ton of awesome footage.
  3. I guess it just gives a little more depth to the photo having some gear in the shot. Those are centrepins though manitou, not fly reels. Pinners and Flyers both like to show off their gear me thinks
  4. Some nice feesh you got there bud! Great photos, and some interesting variation from fish to fish. Firstly, why not? Secondly, i don't believe those to be fly reels
  5. Here are a couple of the stonefly patterns that do me well at this time of year Tiny Black Stone * Hook size 12 - 18 nymph * Thread brown 8/0 * Tail black goose biots * Body black hares ear dub * Rib fine gold wire * Wingcase turkey feather segment * Head thread head * Antennae black goose biots Early Brown Stone: * Hook size 10-12 nymph hook * Thread brown 6/0 * Tail Black Turkey Biot * Ribbing Clear UTC viny * Body Black or brown fine dubbing * Thorax Hackle to match body colour * Wingcase turkey feather segment (underside folded over and exposed) * Head brown or black thread And my fave spring egg pattern: * Hook size 14 egg fly * Thread white 8/0 * Egg McFly Foam
  6. Little black stones will be hatching and very active in most rivers right now. Sizes 12-14 would be best bets if the water is clear enough. Up size those if the water is dirty.
  7. On thing I'll say is stay away from webserve.ca. I dealt with them for a number of years. The last couple have been an absolute nightmare. I'm currently in the process of transferring everything away from them. sentex.ca is a company I've dealt with in the past, and you may want to get in touch with them to see if they can help you out!
  8. I hear that man. Folks who do might be interested in reading what the americans have to say about eating sport fish from the great lakes, particularly lake ontario. They have a guide much like ours.
  9. I see it
  10. I'm just gonna say that the cop apparently was off duty as well....I don't think I'd call that unmarked. And, he had backup...there was a state trooper behind the bike. I'm not tryin to stir the pot, but that dude is a perfect example of police power tripping. I'm not saying they all do that, but it was certainly a perfect example of a nasty cop.
  11. I ya haven't seen it, here's the video---- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK5bMSyJCsg I honestly would have had trouble believing the guy was a cop in the firstplace. Look more like he's trying to steal the bike in my opinion, regardless of what he says. Why the need for the gun???? Does the dudes headlight double as a bazooka???
  12. Yes dude!! you do!! They're pretty aggressive right now.
  13. Managed to get out last weekend with a couple of buddies in GB. We hit three rivers, each one was a treat. Saw a few large fish, but no hookups with the bigger fellas. The best fish was a 15 inch resident bow, and I'm not complaining about that!! Nearly all fish were taken on dries, we hit a couple of pretty thick BWO hatches both days, with some larger drakes in the mix as well. Some pics of the feesh..... The big ole Bow!
  14. Theres a good chance the water quality is diminishing/warming up overall if there were once lots of trout, now being replaced by chub. Its a pretty common occurence in southern Ontario, sadly.
  15. Seeing as they are a native species that should be there, and are a large part of the diet of bigger trout, you should probably let them go.....it would also be illegal to do otherwise...they ain't gobies! If you are catching alot of chub, suckers, shiners, etc, its likely that the water is simply at a warm stage in the season, when trout are far less active, but these baitfish become much more active when the waters warm up. You may also be fishing a transitional part of the stream, where warm and cold water species mix.
  16. No problem buddy!! And we'll definitely get out this fall for some chrome action!! We'll see if we can get you tied into one on the fly! I've been known to pick up the float rod a few times each season too, some rivers ya just need to! And sometimes I just want to!! And Leechman, that is pure heaven right there buddy! dave
  17. I use this method with success, either in a canoe or trolling with a motor. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUWFP2Z3ZXc
  18. Its definitely a spectacular area Bly. Big skies, Big browns (when luck is with you!) and loads of fun!! Less than a month and it'll be 7 months before I can fish it again
  19. Thanks Spiel! Who knows. That particular area is actually pretty popular amongst fly guys. Private land, so access is limited, but definitely accessible if you ask
  20. Next time dude! We'll get up there once, if not twice again before the end of the month. dave
  21. Well, we knew things would be cooling off, and we got a bunch of rain, so me and Justang headed out to one of our favourite haunts to try for some resident browns before chrome fever takes over. Headed out friday afternoon. I had the day off, so I was just waiting for justin to call saying he'd been rained out of work. The call came at about noon, and we were on our way shortly after 1. The skies cleared, mostly, on the drive up. By about 3:30 we were fishin. Justin had a fish to deal with at the hole closest to the access point, so I headed upstream to the next pool, letting him try to taunt the brown that has eluded him more than once now. Not long after that, I hear justin screaming, and head down to see his rod buckled over just upstream of a log jam. Seconds later, a few choice words were screamed by justin, and his lovely 5wt was tossed over his head into the bushes behind him. He slithered onto the bank and crumbled into a ball, rocking back and forth. I pulled out my flask, had a we tip of it and chuckled before I headed back upstream. You'll hook him again next time justang!!! We saw quite a few more large fish than usual this trip. Probably fish putting on the feed bag before they spawn this fall. Justang casting to one of em... There were a couple of Justangles as well..... A couple of smaller fish from the evening. We got into quite a few trout, 8 to 12 inch being average. We both hooked a couple bigger fish around 15, but failed! Headed to our camp for the night, cooked some weinies and beans, a bunch of scotch downed, and crashed. I woke up to cold, dreary weather, and go me coffee on! Justin woke up a while later with that big lost brown on his mind. Water was low near camp... ...so we opted to head back downstream to some bigger water. A few more small trout, a couple big guys spotted and we headed out!
  22. Who knows dude... Here's the wiki on Blue Walleye... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_walleye
  23. Lindsay has been found. Sadly, it is not a happy ending..... http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=172134962350#!/group.php?gid=172134962350&v=wall
  24. I hear that! The weather turned on me back in May!
  25. oh man....is this the new destination?
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