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Everything posted by keram

  1. Yes, I'm working on it. No skirt - no popper
  2. Any netting will do. The only thing you have to keep in mind is that the netting has to be tight to the body of the lure
  3. I'm not a hunter Glen, so I have no idea what you are talking about . They are just oversized poppers.
  4. After playing little bit with my woodworking tools I've decided to make some "new" baits. Bathtub and swimming pool test were very satisfactory.. These just need final clear coat. Few more in different stages of "developement"
  5. You are talking about hamburger, right
  6. Oh man, after reading this thread I was pretty sure that SPOT = Half Naked GCD . I know that abbreviation does not match the description, but I'm working on it
  7. I won't either..... never did
  8. Congrats to you both ( Make sure you use Palomar )
  9. After seeing it again, I'm really not sure weather I've seen three times the same truck and camper or the same gas station. Burrrrp
  10. 2 fillets, 150 lb each
  11. Search my reports JB. This is what you can expect
  12. The causeway one. I always launch there ( it is practically in the middle of the lake.). Another bonus is that it is very close to my my hot spots. Couple weeks ago I've seen 19' bass boat with 150 on the back launching without any problems BTW JB, I work on it.
  13. This is a launch I was useing for last three years, no problems. It is not free. There is "courtesy box" ( you will get a ticket for non payment ) for parking car & trailer - $ 6.00. As far as I know there is no "free" boat launch on this lake
  14. 2.5 lb
  15. Two kinds 1. 9 - 12" 2. 18 - 25"
  16. Are you still here . Almost 9 hrs from the first post to last. I have to tell you that you guys are even slower then my wife O.K. be back in a min...... Good luck guys, take a lot of pictures
  17. including ice fishing rods, I'm pretty sure it will be less then a 99.99
  18. O.K. let me take a shot at this ( I can be comletely wrong ). I've made very similar picture few years back. First some observation 1. The "bright line" appear to me that is out of focus. Considering the object you've tried to capture the "bright line" is either very close to the lens or on the lens itslef 2. On the left side of the picture, at the extension of "bright line" there is circular spot, just little bit brighter then the backgrround. It looks like the "brigh line" is projecting little bit of of light at this spot 3. The"spot" is circular in shape, thus I think that the line itself was created by tubular object ( like fiberoptic kind) In case of mine picture it was a single strand of spider web, blown by the wind directly in to the lens. (very similar picture) Take acloser look at your lense
  19. I think they know that GCD's favoured set-up is Sabiki rig. 2 lines times 4 hooks + naked (as an extra attractor)..... we will be out of fish in no time
  20. Not again PLEASSSSSSSSSE
  21. And then the only thing you can do is just pray that you are tooooo short
  22. I've learned to respect thunderstorm long time ago, and not on the water. In my younger years I was playing soccer on any occasion, One hot summer day we were playing in the open field on suburbs of my town. Shortly after we've started we could hear thunder in the distance. Being young and stupid we've decided to continue the game. Just in case it get worse, there was abandoned barn about 200 yards from the field, so we could use it as a shelter. Rain has started comeing pretty hard, we've decided to pause the game and wait it over in the barn( it was only 200 yards away). I've never reached the barn. About 50 yards from it there were few pretty high trees. The first was blinding flash, then most terryfing noise I've ever experienced. I do not know what happened, I was just lying on the ground, face down, I could smell the smoke. I've turned on my back to see what is going on and this is what I see. The lightning hit the tree about 10 yards from me , it was burning like a torch, pieces of smoking bark, leaves, small branches were falling around ( some of them on me ). I've managed to roll over few times from the burning tree and stayed there for another 15 min. Finally was all over, apart from few smoking holes in my t-shirt I was O.K.. Since then ( particularly when fishing ) at first sign of the t-storm I pack my toys and go home ( regardless how great fish is baiting )
  23. I would say 25+
  24. Then enjoy it, and hold your hockey comments for winter
  25. http://anthemchallenge.cbc.ca/mediadetail/257425 and the link to article http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...y/National/home
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