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Everything posted by keram

  1. Hopefully next time will be next weekend. After walking 4-5 km in the snow (12" + deep + some deeper drifts + some slushy spots without snow shoes) I feel little bit "wasted" today . In the morning I could not convince my butt to go to the shower ( waaaaay too painfu l ). I hope I will recover for the weekend
  2. I have some "technique" for this particular scenario ( deep water of Beaverton ), which I've learned from my friend. :worthy: Last year I was 8-10 times in almost the same spot (this year I was only once ) and never was skunked ( my best is 15" ), but if fish do not bite the only thing left is "fisherman prayer" . Send me your private e-mail addy (or anybody interested), so I can explain this in details
  3. Question of the private ownership of southern portion of Lake Scugog ( south of causeway- hwy 7A) appears from time to time. This is an article with the explanation. Little bit long, but interesting http://www.scugogheritage.com/misc/scugogmarsh.htm
  4. :worthy: Now you know that inventor's life it's not easy , but very rewarding
  5. I was there today afternoon ( 3 - 6:30 pm) of Cesarea. Marked fish on sonar, but no takers. Was cold, windchil around -30. Blowing and drifting. Hard to keep hole open
  6. Finally I’ve stepped on the ice this year. Temperature was little bit on the low side ( I’m a walker without any shelter), but I could not wait any longer . The trek to the “perch grounds” took about 1.5 hr. Seeing quite few huts in the area I’ve was going to fish I’ve decided to leave the crowd and try some other spots ( looked promising on hydro map). Twenty minutes later first hole ( 27’ ) tried for about 15 min, nothing. I was moving parallel to the shore, so my distance to parking lot will not change much. Second hole nothing, third the same. After drilling (hand auger) and walking my temperature raised significantly . Sweating and little bit tired I’ve decided to start my way back to the shore. Few more holes with same result. Now I’m really ticked off and hungry . Stopped for lunch and little bit of rest. Drilled one more hole (30’ and bottom like a table ), but I will stay here for few minutes anyway. Well, I had to postpone my lunch the action was fast and furious . Five or six double headers, range 8-12”. In little bit more then 1.5 hr landed 35 perch and the frenzy has stopped. O.K. I’m more hungry, but not pi**ed off any more. Finished lunch, checked my bearing to the shore and I’m on my way home ( with the smell of the fresh fish fry as motivation.) I did not take too many pictures (cold fingers, numb fingers, and battery dead. My version of “ automatic fisherman “ in action. It works The icing was a real problem. See the “snowman” in the middle of the hole. It took about 5 min for this build-up ( blowing snow). BTW, I think I discover ( or not ) new method to prevent line and guides icing. You see in the picture that my sled has 2 skies attached. To make it easier to pull I’ve used some ski wax on them. Well, I’ve had this wax with me, so I’ve used it on the line and guides. Did not cut the icing 100% but what a difference. After camera refused to cooperate on ice I’ve took the picture of kitchen sink little bit later. Last two pictures are from Sunday. Went to the Bog, but nothing to show, just sunshine then sunset, -30 wind-chill ( hope you see the wind blowing)
  7. Yup, what Wayne said I did test last summer in a swimming pool, I could not get my head underwater, regardless how hard I've tried. It' even harder then the phone to Revenue Canada to get some info
  8. It was my intention , but they did not cancel the school, just buses
  9. . Well, I have no idea how to do it, but if you walk 100 yards naked at - 30+ windchill, I'm sure you'll forget about them
  10. It looks that you are covered 99.9%. one more thing you will need is little bit of LUCK
  11. With 4 weeks old I'm sure you do not see it. I can asure you it HAS
  12. I was thinking hard yesterday, what kind of excuse I can use . Today morning I just called my boss and said I'm not coming. At the same time my other phone started ringing and my employee telling me he is not coming. I was almost ready to stay in bed till noon, then EUREKA; my daughter ( she is 12 ) has to go to school. So I've started my snow blower, by 8:30 I was done. Took kid to school and started thinking how I can punish my employee for this extra day off. Well, I'm still thinking BTW, did I mention that I'm self-employed and run one-man business.
  13. I can only imagine what is going to happen if there are only two beers in the fridge
  14. I have both ( manual & auto) by Mustang and have one of them all the time ( depends on conditions ). What I like the most is that you are forgetting wearing them, so comfortable. Auto is no brainer, but for manual I use similar device like kill switch for motor ( just in case)
  15. Please, please, please . I was only jocking for a moment (my bad ). Do not waste any more pixels on this person (or should I say piece of s***t)
  16. Just heard in the news " no voluteers for Homolka's boy" Any takers :thumbsup_anim:
  17. I have to check it , but I'm pretty sure it depends on the thicknes of rubber
  18. It looks easy to convert from one to the other ( do not need scientific calculator)
  19. Yup, what RicoB said, but leave earlier , you know, ( dangerous driving condition)
  20. Well, I have no idea how to classify my boat it is 14' footer ( deep V or whatever ). Front half looks like deep V from this point everything is flat.. I'm 220 lbs, was few times last year in pretty rough water ( I do not fish LO or GB - I do not say I won't try it ) I did not have any problems with balance. front pedestal is interchangable ( you can put high seat (weather permitting ) or low seat with back rest . motor is small 9.9 Merc, but still managed to go about 25km/hr (I go fishing ,not racing ) Like I've said before I have a lots of pictures and first hand advice ( yup, I know my mistakes , but you won't hear about them ) in public
  21. As a matter of fact I did not remove anything That could jeopardise the structural integrity of the boat All benches are sill there ( you just do not see them)
  22. This is what you can do Before: And after: contact me by PM if you want more info
  23. WOW It looks that it was just a snack, to what ???????? :dunno:
  24. Escape with ET
  25. Yup, I got one, for last few years it is always the same To be able to make my NYE resolution one year from now In about ten+ years I did not brake it yet
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