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Everything posted by keram

  1. Global warming and/or global cooling. I call it just GLOBAL Bull
  2. Sorry for your loss Vance. Like TG said "celebrate his life" Memories never die. God bless you and yours
  3. You are right douG. Thanks God we measure money in "strait" units, not as an area (^2), or God forbid volume (^3)
  4. Rick, you are very close to find the error in my calculation, but you are not there yet. This is what you came to last bracket should say (1$) anyway.This was exactly my point that 1$ = 1c. The error has nothing to do with multiplying both sides by the same factor. Going farther is getting even worse. Because 10$ is equal to 0.1c 10$ = 1000c 1000 = 10 X 10 X 10 10c = 0.1$ thus 0.1 X 0.1 X 0.1 = 0.001 1000c (1$) =0.001$ so 10$ = 0.1c This is the hint from your calculation Error is here
  5. I do not agree and this is why: In your calculation a square – b square = (a - b )(a + b ) it is not true ( reserved my explanation for later)
  6. You cannot round it up (or down ) because you will have to cut some horses in pieces ( condition was they have to be alive). This is how it works: The mistake you did not noticed is that ( adding fractions here ) 1/2 +1/6 + 1/9 =17/18 not 18/18 ( 1 hord ) So what they did ? ( I do not know if it was the oldest ( experienced ) or youngest ( smartest ) but they've borrowed one horse from the neighbour. Now they have 18 horses. 1/2 of 18 is 9 1/3 of 18 is 6 1/9 of 18 is 2 9 + 6 + 2 =17 They have one horse extra. Returned it to the neighbour and everybody is happy.
  7. It is marine grade carpet. I've bought it in Millwork store in Oshawa ( about 0.5 km from my house)
  8. Some info here http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/bass_boat.html here http://www.bassjons.com/mycustompage0025.htm and here ( by fellow OFNer Justin Hoffman) http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...eptId=000000000 I have lots of pictures of my project, but it will take a lot of time to send them through OFC gallery If you are interested send me PM with your private e-mail addy, so Ican send them directly to you This is just one I have in OFC gallery
  9. For interested another mathematical trick. We will be adding 3 (three) five digit numbers. The trick is that I wil give you a total of them (adding ) after I see yours first Number. how it works? 1. type any 5 didgit number (here or PM ) 2. I will post or send (pm ) the answer 3. type the second 5 digit number 4 I will type my 5 digit number 5 Add them all and you will have an answer ( see 2) The trick is : I have no idea what your second number will be ( but I have already the total ) Anybody wants to try ?
  10. You are right , but can you explain your calculations ?????????? : thumbsup_anim: Because: 1. 9 is not 1/2 of 17 2. 6 is not 1/3 of 17 3. 2 is not 1/9 of 17
  11. I was typing tooo fast it should say: 10c =0.1$
  12. 1/2 of 17 = 8.5 1/3 of 17 = 5.66666666666666666666666666666 1/9 of 17 = 1.888888888888888888888888888 total= 16.0555555555555 Close, but you need to cut them very precise Condition was they have to be alive
  13. After you figured out what is wrong with your money . Try this: Farmer has 17 horses and three sons. In his will the oldest will get 1/2 of the hord, middle one 1/3 and the youngest 1/9 with one condition - all horses has to be alive (do not cut them in pieces)
  14. For those who think that they got enough for retirement , I intend to prove that every 1$ you have =1 cent Follow me: 1 $=100 cents (true ) 100= 10 X 10 (true) 10 = 0.1 (true) 0.1 X 0.1 = 0.01 true ) sooooo 100 = 0.01 thus 100 cents (1$) = 0.01 (1c) Now do not spend too much time on OFC, you need to work harder
  15. Generaly I do not comment on the opinions ( prefer facts). And fact is that cougars can be hunted legally in Alberta http://www.albertahunt.com/cougar.htm I do not hunt myself, but I can understand hunters and almost all anglers The bottom line is: is it what you want to do?, whatever you want to do - is it legal? If it is legal go ahead and enjoy Do not discuss ( question ) ethics, because it is pointles. What for one is unethical, can be perfectly acceptable for the other ( and it will work backward if we change the subject)
  16. Or this ? http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http...VXA:en%26sa%3DN
  17. Yup, this is a difference and the difference is made, because few more people get involved. I call them "suckers", but generaly they are known as " bottom feeders ". Whatever it takes to make a buck.
  18. Gents start your augers ( this is easy job )
  19. I've learned yesterday that I won't be able to attend this fine event Regardless, I still want to be part of this ( if it is not too late ) . This is my idea: There are quite few members of this board not being able to attend this event ( whatever reason ) like me. But I think that WE can do something about it. The goal of this event is to raise funds to help Tyler. So this is my idea: Whoever planed ( or not ) to be there and for some reason had to change their plans ( already budgeted for this ), you can still help I will start with $50
  20. I think I will have to "photoshop" this one for the 2007 entry. jk Did you notice that I did not pinch the tail ? :thumbsup_anim:
  21. Thanks for replies everybody. I will need to make some calls tomorrow Oh BTW, DanC I did few phonecalls I've almost got the job which paid 200.00$ for a spit(Mc Donald ( instead of 20.000 + )), but some " smart" manager has told me that I'm over qualified ( I can read ) so 7.00$/hr is more then I need . I'm sure I can support those who spit against the wind for only 19.000 $+/spit If only I had my arm bigger then my head Not e chance , birth defect I think I will call Bell tomorrow
  22. Currently I have Rogers - whole package ( 1 HDTV, 2 reg TV, high speed internet and three cell phones). After seeing last bill :o I've noticed that my charges went up on average 5% every 2 months. I'm seriously considering switch, but I know nothing about BELL (only have 1 phone line and do not use them for long distance)Is there any other option then Bell & Rogers. I live in Oshawa Is it warth to do it ( reliability ?, TV programming ?, price ?, cell phones ? ). Please share your experience. Thanks in advance
  23. Glad you back Pete I do not know what you are talking about
  24. I will take pike ( < 30" ) anytime , the only thing better is cold water yellow perch
  25. Just waiting for the privlidge to buy and fill the application to get the license to fart in boat luanch
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