Was fishing down at the local steelie spot when some young guy decides to practically stand on top of me.if i set the hook sideways i would have poked his eyes out.there was more than enough room in this area but still decides to get so close i dont know about you but unless i know the guy or start chatting with him i give a man his space.apparently this guy has no etiquette,he did the same thing to cliff and basskicker.i seen him again on friday asked him if they were biting and he said he missed 2 hits.he blamed it on "to many guys fishing there,because of internet posts".after him and his buddy left i was alone and had the whole place to myself.does this sound like an over crowded spot,do internet posts affect trout migration?do the trout stage in the lake and say to each other hey dont swim that trib i heard there was internet pics and guy fishing.just for the record this is no secret spot and ive only posted one pic of salmon with no evident backround so to the lurker with no etiquette get your facts straight and give a guy a little room to fish.ignorance and poor etiquette get my blood hot,does anybody else feel this way?