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Everything posted by addict

  1. buy a pfluger
  2. roadkill deer is fine for food,just cut away the bruised meat."its a legal kill if ya keep 2 wheels on the road"
  3. spectacular fish.nice work.
  4. 7ft medium heavy baitcaster good for pike bass and anthing else that swims
  5. there is a magical thing called an auger u can drill holes in the ice and if u put a line down the hole sometimes fish come up through it.or drive to porthope and fish the hotpipe open water all year to catch steelhead.
  6. bubblegum or duct tape .or maybe j.b weld this stuff will fix just about anything
  7. sweet report.glad to here the pink senko worked well for ya i like jasons pinkies way better than those skimpy store bought ones.great weekend for steel that cold snap got thier feed bags on i put a hurtin on them on sunday got a duke around 16lbs
  8. nice report to bad the fishes didnt co operate.nice floater jacket that sure was a sweet deal.
  9. addict


    add coffee to your hand poured plastics.
  10. good job nice pics
  11. nice job once again,beatiful colors on some of those fish.
  12. those are some big eyes.wtg
  13. that guy stole my fish from my live well
  14. u and bly could get a job on quinte as ice breakers lol,diehards to bad old toothy wouldnt come out and play.
  15. Was fishing down at the local steelie spot when some young guy decides to practically stand on top of me.if i set the hook sideways i would have poked his eyes out.there was more than enough room in this area but still decides to get so close i dont know about you but unless i know the guy or start chatting with him i give a man his space.apparently this guy has no etiquette,he did the same thing to cliff and basskicker.i seen him again on friday asked him if they were biting and he said he missed 2 hits.he blamed it on "to many guys fishing there,because of internet posts".after him and his buddy left i was alone and had the whole place to myself.does this sound like an over crowded spot,do internet posts affect trout migration?do the trout stage in the lake and say to each other hey dont swim that trib i heard there was internet pics and guy fishing.just for the record this is no secret spot and ive only posted one pic of salmon with no evident backround so to the lurker with no etiquette get your facts straight and give a guy a little room to fish.ignorance and poor etiquette get my blood hot,does anybody else feel this way?
  16. 10 out of 10 been one of my best seasons ever the highlight being my 20plus lb pike along with the hundreds of pike and wallye me and basskicker boated in the spring way way up north.
  17. nice gator and smallie combo wtg.
  18. rather than modifing your hitch cover return it for one that fits.change your lower unit oil.ive had a boat for more than 10yrs never botherd with that fogger stuff.or fuel stabalizer.and she starts on the 3 or 4th pull every year.burn the extra motor gas in your vehicle the little bit of oil thats in it wont hurt your motor just make sure theres about a half a tank already in it.i wouldnt recomend removing the bow cover this will alter the strengh of the hull.just make a casting deck like mine here is a pic
  19. nice job cliff.to bad you werent on that trib last sunday the bite was hot.got out yesterday with jason for a few casts i managed two decent fish one 3-4 and another 5-6 jason however was still having trouble on that hooking thing lol.i did feel his pain,the week before was my worst ever bite to land ratio going some 4 for 10.hope to get a chance to fish with u again happy hunting.
  20. nice catch.glad to see clothes on u this time
  21. gotta love those fiesty shakers
  22. the playboy mansion so i could fish with my favorite rod
  23. labrador or n.w.t my trip of a lifetime was my spring fishing trip wit basskicker non stop action plus a few trophie pike to boot.
  24. 16foot crestliner with a 45 johnson
  25. nice chrome.i always get jealous when i see your steel reports u have surely honed your skills well.good job.
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