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Everything posted by lilkynan

  1. If they were using Earth Magnets they could get some Rock Bass
  2. I GREW UP THERE - the only thing you get is some trout running in the lower creek in fall and suckers - have to go to the golf course or lower -
  3. Thanks - will try that - have a cold one
  4. Great spot - even named my Daughter after Bronte - well phonetically correct for an East Mountain Hammer Boy - Bronny
  5. Living in Barrie - there is a lot a great spots around, but for the past 6 years I had a nice little wood lot on a farm in South Barrie - but he got old and sold - and the newbie does not like hunters. So I have no where to hunt. So was wondering if anyone around the Barrie area had a spot I could bow hunt for deer and if also possible small game with small calibre. Or does anyone want to team up with me. Respect for land has always been my goal and sharing of game is also important. If you have any opportunities please let me know and we can get in contact Thank you
  6. Hi Gang - been a while - changed service - lost password - moved to Barrie - now fishing Simcoe - great lake - and took up hunting - A LOT!!!!!!

  7. Moved to Barrie - Now fishing Simcoe - oh how I miss the Salmon hunt!!!!

  8. A friend of mine, an orthodontist says it is a "Mega megalimite jaw retreat from temple bangus rockies against it"
  9. Was following to close too another bass on the 400
  10. Also - the blower is now not working??? Dont know if it is the switch or the blower???
  11. Thank you Ben - I will try to meet up with Kevin while we are there and see if I can get a copy of the map - do you still have yours - any chance you can scan it and send a copy? Thanks again
  12. My Tachometer is not working?? - what can I do to test the guage to decide to replace it - also the starter switch is not always engaging - what up with these things??? - 2003 Bayliner - was sticking a bit last year - now is not moving at all. Also the key needs to be turned a few times before the starter kicks in. Why is this happening and what can I do to fix and prevent this?
  13. Found a nice cottage for the summer - anyone eer fish Lake Kashawakamak??? Any tips - maps - notes - gotta get teh kids into some dinner food - please advise THank you
  14. Hi everyone - been a while but just have to say hello to all. Been too busy for anything but now back to chat with all about the great outdoors!!! - Will be heading out on Simcoe this weekend, so will have some pics to share also. Hey Ian - call me some time All the best to all
  15. Bare Essential
  16. Would not want to offend any groups with a nice - shiny - clean CANADIAN FLAG!!!! Heaven forbid we stand tall and proud and show our colours!!!! Might have to hide it away the same as Christmas decorations and pork products. This is a disgrace!!!! - Our own government even banned a Christmas tree from a court house a couple years ago. This is who we are - and if you dont like it - leave!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. We do - but she just suns while I fish with the kids -
  18. Hi gang - been a while - hope all are doing well!!! - Looking for a change this year for our summer vacation with the kids and was wondering if anyone had any input for Pointe Au Baril? Place to stay and if the fishing is anygood in August? Thanks Ian - hope all is well bud - hang in there!!!
  19. These days - almost anyone gets in - even ones the never played for the NHL I don't think he contributed to the game, therefore should not be in, but he will...
  20. What a great weather season - but hunting is slow Anyone been hunting around Barrie?
  21. All the best to all God Bless
  22. Licence money - good question - where does the money go??? It is about time that public books are open to the public and a Government to be run like a buisiness - and all involved are accountable..... Sorry - was having a bad dream
  23. Some recall I was let go a couple months ago - after they moved my family - but as of yesterday afternoon - I HAVE A JOB Better place Better monies Better benefits Better set up Better position Worse drive - (Cant win them all)
  24. Head out to the lift bridge on the Hamilton side and cast glow in the dark cleos right where the break wall starts. Always got them there first before the pier at Bronte
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