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Everything posted by mistaredone

  1. 14 fish day is incredible!!! Hope the fish are still on tomorrow
  2. As you troll past the pier you guys bomb casting giant musky baits full of hooks. It put a little excitement in the troll. No need for a guide
  3. Happy for you about the pbs, not happy now I gotta go buy 2 more musky baits. Congrats!
  4. Awesome fish mike!!! Way 2 go! Give me a hollar if you wanna make another trip to LSC
  5. A friend heard reports of a fish die off on GB not long before the birds washed up but I never read anything. If it was botulism wouldn't there be more dead fish than birds?
  6. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/thousands-dead-birds-litter-stretch-georgian-bay-shoreline-202027073.html I saw about 10 dead birds and 2 big carp on Saturday taking the dogs for a walk near Penetanguishene all in a 100' stretch of beach. Most of the birds looked like loons but they all were face down in the sand.
  7. Great story!! Really looking forward too the bow cam vid
  8. Thanks bigbuck, Terry set me up with a rough map. Looks like if I stay in the bay i'll be fine
  9. Anyone recomend a place I could pick up a hard map in the area? Any public launch's around?
  10. No map, I have hot maps in my gps but I dont think it covers GB
  11. I'm heading to a cottage this weekend by Penetanguishene bay so I thought I'd get a few hours of musky fishing in. Just wondering if the bay is safe to boat without gps maps? also does the bay get rough? I'll be fishing out of a 16' bass boat. Thanks
  12. I'll take the first guess of mid 40's but super FAT!! Awesome fish but not a fan of the cheat
  13. Nice fish. I put the boat in the water for an hour on Sunday at Bronte. I was looking for pike but all a saw were bass around the pier and one massive bull head. Good to see you had better luck than I did
  14. Only place that will take that bird is the humain society at downsview park, 401 and the Allen. You will have take it there your self, they dont do pick ups.
  15. There is a launch right at the mouth. Ive been a few times and never paid? The lighthouse is a good option for lunch, walleye and yam fries yum!
  16. 150hp on a pontoon!?!?!? Thats crazy! I guess its the mines bigger than yours engine for the viagra crowd.
  17. Tottal game changer. Enjoy
  18. Sweeeeet!!!
  19. Thanks I'll google and give them a call
  20. Looking for a place to buy 10" plus suckers on the way up to huntsville, So barrie, orillia, bracebridge ect. I know there is a guy in Norland but im sure there is a place more enroute. Thanks
  21. Nice fish.
  22. So im heading to Lake of bays for an extra long weekend and I wanna chase some skis. The closest lake I know of that has muskies would be Kash. Just wondering if someone could point me to a good or free boat launch for the lake or if anyone has any other lake suggestions please PM me. Thanks
  23. What type of fish are you targeting?
  24. I've been trolling at 5 mph and cranked in a grandma as fast as i could skipping it on top of the water and had a big fish breach after it. One of the coolest things ive seen muskie fishing.
  25. I just bought the Ifish Ontario app and its pretty good. You can look up lakes and it will tell you what spieces are in it, regulations for that lake and people can post hot spots and post reports on the lake. The best part is if your going to a cottage and you know that lake does not have the spieces you want to fish for the app will tell you the closest lakes that do and give you directions through google maps
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