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Everything posted by pigeonfisher

  1. Happy Belated Raf...
  2. WOW...I have so much to say...to so many deaf ears!
  3. Snag, simply cut the tea bag from the string and left Gerrrit Hanging.
  4. commonly referred to as the Crayola Crew. Nice! I was there for round 2...it surely wasn't round one, but we had fun! Good luck to those this year on round 5?
  5. I couldn't be more impressed with her work...hopefully another piece to add to the wall next year.
  6. what type of work do you do?
  7. thanks, Pam. We couldn't be happier. Everyone who sees it is truly astonished by the beauty. What I like is everytime you look at it you can find something else that makes it unique. The use of bright colours in the rock and "dirt" is just WILD!!!! Happy Holidays to you to Pam!!! I will let my wife know that you liked the decorating job on the tree! What do you think of the painting?
  8. Good Day fellas (and ladies), Stupid question maybe, if Simcoe has no ice in the beginning of January are the perch grounds fishable by boat? Do people (historically) or will people fish out there in January if Mr. Nino decides that we won't have ice? Seems to me like you would have better access to the "water" if you can move around in a boat. Also if that is the case would you be allowed two rods (as you are during ice fishing) or 10 rods (as you are in areas of Quebec during hard water)?
  9. I took a series of photos on the Sand River up near Wawa...When I got home I thought how wonderful it would be if I could get the photos painted into a large painting to go above my couch...it is a very long room. Thanks Pam for using your creative Genious to work my photos into this... and another view lastly my christmas tree Thanks again, Pam. I look forward to receiving the print for my office.
  10. 1016...that game is frustrating
  11. dumb question I am sure...if the water was open, is it legal to fish from your boat during the Jan. 01-March 31 (or whenever the closing is) time period? WHY would we even have to consider it? Boat...January? Other than fast flowing water it should be closed up, maybe that is not the fuure and cold water jigging from the boat will be the new ice fishing?
  12. go to the chat thingy...on the main page
  13. anyone?
  14. Wow...pretty tough eh Glen? Glad Dad is pulling through. buddy at work had a former co-worker go down on the job two days ago with a major coronary. guy had about 14 hours of surgery in the last 36 hours but is now apparently speaking again and they think he may recover. Gotta love medicine, and those wonderful, patient doctors and nurses!
  15. 322.9
  16. Don't let others rent space in your head...they keep you from being productive and enjoying your life!!!
  17. My wife also trained with Jeff Joslin, Gerritt... small world.
  18. another fine piece of work...I look forward to getting my "Rushing Waters" tripytch in the mail today!!!
  19. GREAT!!!!! A good role model. Everyone should print a copy of that small story and post in their home and office (place of work).
  20. What is a VCR?
  21. I dig....
  22. I snapped my brother in laws new rod in half a few years ago do doing the "Bend Test"...the entire time he was saying "don't bend it like that, stop it, dude what are you doing?" then...SNAP
  23. great looking boy Gerritt...my guy got me up at 3:00 today. Thanks Cooper. I have been at work since just before 5:00...wow can I be productive without interuptions.
  24. Paul Dillons Garage...beside his boat.
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