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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. Made some kebabs! Chicken wrapped in back bacon with orange bell pepper, red onion and pineapple served with rice
  2. Wouldn't surprise me in 3 years time to see him hop back over!
  3. I'm not sure what it is these days, people spend faster than they make it.. or at least in the circles of people I come across, whether it be family, friends, co workers or guys I'm in school with they seem to not have a problem carrying debt on credit cards etc. I couldn't live like that. I got a free tub of coffee this week as it scanned in wrongly at zehrs $7.99 in my pocket!
  4. Never a bad idea that have one of these for a roast imo https://www.amazon.ca/Maverick-Housewares-RediCheck-Thermometer-Settings/dp/B0000AQL24Www
  5. Got some money to throw away? send it my way!
  6. Got a buddy there at the stixnstones booth today go check them out!
  7. Who saw methots finger? Eeewwwwww I read no supplemental discipline is expected.... How do you not suspend or at least fine that? If guys are getting fines for diving or embellishment I can't wrap my head around nothing for Crosby on that
  8. That was a nerve racking final couple minutes wow! Love watching the games now that they have meaning ?
  9. Definitely a good time for some consistency in net
  10. Wow a hearing for that hit... Fine? 1 game? I dunno seems like the game misconduct would suffice
  11. What was he so fired up about??? They got the call! Not that I necessarily agree with it as bjorkstrand turned at the last second, when Polak went in for the hit it was shoulder to shoulder until bjorkstrand played it behind them, irrelevant regardless
  12. Found one of these for $300. Going to look at it on Saturday morning https://www.toro.com/en-CA/homeowner/walk-behind-mowers/22-personal-pace-20332
  13. Actually I just came across a super recycler... With self propel, which would be nice as I have a hill leading down to the sidewalk. Thanks
  14. Not sure what to think of those, I have a decent size lot (corner) it's 50' wide by 150 deep, not sure that it would last the entire time, or have the torque a gas mower provides... I know at my last house where I had a corded electric mower if I left it a couple days too long I'd have to start off in a higher setting then bring it down on a second pass
  15. Lol that's what my dad said too haha
  16. Looking into getting a gas mower, leaning towards a Toro or a John Deere I've come across on kijiji. Just looking for any input on the brands and their reliability/longevity. Toro is a 20332C John Deere is a JS40 Thanks!
  17. I actually do have one, a Bradley and I should use it... Just need to set it all up again as it's all packed up from moving Got a brisket in the freezer from just prior to moving I've been meaning to get in there, once the outside temps are above freezing consistently I'll have to post some pics Eventually I want to get a green mountain grill preferably the Daniel Boone... But that's a ways away when I have more disposable income lol
  18. Might have posted the recipe here before but it's always a crowd pleaser so here it is again! http://www.food.com/recipe/beths-melt-in-your-mouth-barbecue-ribs-oven-107786
  19. Agreed 100% save for a couple people I know, the heaviest users of pot are the least ambitious as well. But if I look to my brother, doing very well for himself he can start and stop at his leisure and not have an issue going without. Along with that I know people who always had weed and money for it, but never had money to do anything, hell to purchase food was a stressful​ for them. 0 priorities.
  20. Haha I'll never understand the stigma around cats... Never had one or liked them until I got one they aren't akin to the companionship a dog gives I can attest to that but they certainly are just as affectionate if not more lol And goofy! Hahaha
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