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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. Tough call, though I can't say orpik could've made that happen if he wanted to, it played out the way it did, if polak didn't stop up and spin it would've been a better position to be in IMO Also agreed with Jeremy... Kuznetzov when he got clipped and went down like a bag of concrete on Boyle I was livid... They hadn't been calling anything for a period and a half and then that gets called... Reffing has been inconsistent, either you're going to let them play or not.
  2. Yeah ACL MCL he's out a while. Did not look nice
  3. What a game! Hosted a party for my dad's retirement at a place some relatives live in (st Elizabeth villa) we had the entire barn for the day so after everyone cleared out either between 2nd and 3rd intermission or 3rd to OT it was basically me and the direct family watching the game on an 80" hd projector... Not complaining one bit! Picked these up today too ?
  4. Uh oh phaneuf scored the ot winner... Time to add some logs to the flames of Matt's newfound love for him!
  5. That second goal hurt! If Andersen knew it was under him already we'd likely be up 1-0... Still was nice to get the first two and have the home crowd pretty quiet heading into the second lol
  6. Made some pulled pork yesterday... 6 hours in the smoker with applewood then wrapped in tin foil then finished to 195 internal in the oven
  7. Makes me glad they picked up McElhinney... He's been huge as a backup for us compared to what Enroth had to offer
  8. Landshark lager is a good beer, won't be hundreds though lol
  9. There's a welding school on upper Wellington that might be able to fix it. http://advancedwelding.ca/home/ Also Mohawk college stoney Creek campus has a full welding shop and the one teacher Chris is an artist when it comes to welding, might be worth a call
  10. WOOOOOO GO LEAFS GO! Hopefully we pick up a point tomorrow so we can roll the senaturds in the first round ?
  11. If the boys wanna clinch tonight they need to pick up their feet, Freddy is doing all he can to keep them in it but they're getting pushed around too much
  12. That save on drouin was HUGE! And awesome (regardless that it was offside lol)
  13. Would this be good for adding to my mower gas or would it be unnecessary
  14. Hopefully we just run a train on them like the last time we played them lol
  15. A lot of people use vacuum sealer bags, actually recently Anova came out with their own line on silicone bags too, I have a random brand of silicone bags, but any large pieces I will have to use a large Ziploc or search for a replacement... Not too worried myself
  16. I've seen them done with the unit I have before so I would think so, on the recipe I saw it was only having to maintain at 155° I don't think it would be an issue especially when the minimum cook time is a day... I'm going to do 3-4 days
  17. Couldn't be easier actually, with the Anova, you set the temp and leave it be. I got mine for $130. I have seen the cooler idea but I can't justify ruining one to make a frankencooler out of one as much as I'd like to it just wouldn't get enough use, I use it probably 2-4 times a month and only single steaks thus far... Going to do a brisket soon probably an 8lb then smoke it to finish on low heat
  18. Haha it is kind of hidden by all the goodness... But a perfect rare all the way through NY strip won't catch me complaining.. the lady and I have cut most bread out of our diets only here and there, lots of fruit and veggies, still a bunch of meat for me ?
  19. No idea it would be tough to continuously monitor the heat it would climb rather than remain at the target temp. I have the app I never use it. Set it and forget it basically
  20. It cooked down quite a bit from there it was a pack of mushrooms 2 bell peppers and an onion, enough for some leftovers for fajitas tomorrow for dinner ?
  21. Water immersion cooking, bag it and set it to your final cooking doneness I do 120° then sear on 700° to finish off and it's perfect rare every time to my liking. You can do just about anything with it. When I get through my final block of schooling in about a month I'm going to do a brisket... Probably going 4 days in the water bath then finishing in my smoker. https://anovaculinary.com/
  22. Got a steak in the sous vide.. going 3+ hours at 120° then onto the grill for a sear And some veg to go with the steak
  23. Wild game, had my parents over for dinner dad sure was glad to watch this one
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