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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. Grand is waaaaaay down from last weekend in Caledonia, I'd bet 3-4 feet
  2. The grand is way up too. Driving along river road yesterday in Caledonia the water was coming up into the parking lot in some spots, and from the bridge you can see the islands aren't visible it's just tree trunks sticking out of the water lol
  3. I got someone picking​ it up tomorrow $50 ?
  4. Yup, that's about as close as you can get to what happened to the leafs, only the Leafs lead was lost over a spread of the Las period... Not 3 minutes haha
  5. Similar thing happened to the girlfriends dad, from what he was told if he was in an accident in his f150 vs the Elantra, it was likely the damage would be far worse on the compact car vs the truck
  6. My cousin came back from Belize and had a botfly or two in her arm she found out a couple days after landing home lol
  7. Lol not sell it to them, give it to them if they want it that is, using for what it's worth meaning if it's going to be a hassle to sell, I'm sure one of them would want it
  8. I'll hang onto it and give it to my brother or my dad for what it's worth. Unless someone's interested in it on Kijiji or offers me a case of beer of course! ?
  9. That's sweet! Can't ​say I've ever had one which is surprising as when I was a kid we'd run around my grandparents place and my uncle's dog always seemed to get them... Crazy how quickly that works
  10. Thanks, never heard of the brand before myself lol figured there was enough intelligence to draw from here to get some opinions ?
  11. All of our work trucks have this sort of ladder on them, they're awesome! The post on the left is to grab and pull yourself up if you need to lol
  12. Beauty! Congrats! I've been mulling over getting one myself... Just finished my last block of school and once I write/pass my C of Q I get a 20% raise, those Sierra elevation editions have caught my eye
  13. Welcome aboard, good bunch of people here I'm sure you'll fit right in!
  14. Also if it's new from April last year I would hazard a bet that it's under warranty (depending on brand) most come with a 2-3 year warranty from what I've seen
  15. That's what I thought when it fired up first thing! Must be nice to have the luxury of throwing something in perfect working condition out lol I figured I'd at least have to put in a little elbow grease on it
  16. It does need a gas cap and an oil cap/dipstick combo so I have to search those out but I don't expect them to break the bank lol And OI if you have a mower that's a year old why would you want this haha. If only I found this a month ago. I just picked up a Toro recycler haha
  17. So as I'm leaving work today​ I noticed a newer looking lawnmower near the dumpster... Ask around, one of the office guys was getting rid of it and couldn't throw it in himself so I thought whatever maybe it's not working and just needs a quick once over so I loaded it up. Threw some gas and oil in it when I got home and it fired up first shot and works perfectly! Only thing is it's got some rust on the back corner close to the left tire. Probably going to pop rivet the sides together as there's a 1" gap, now I just don't know what it's worth really If the picture doesn't make it out, it's a Murray 22" cut pro series with a 6.5hp engine Any input is appreciated thanks!
  18. Don't know where exactly, but a friend from work has a place up around Bancroft and his dad was up there, a river broke over the road and ended up washing the road out taking the corrugated steel pipe with it and turning the section of road back into a river
  19. Yuuuuppp, bad series of events that led to that... Surprised and not surprised at the niskanen ejection. I don't think there was much he could've done tbh... He was bracing to cross check the body and all of a sudden it's a head instead lol
  20. This Pittsburgh Washington series is going to be over pretty quickly if the caps don't start getting a more balanced attack... Crosby makes everyone around him way better by opening lanes that might not be available without his hockey IQ, imo thats the biggest separation between Crosby and ovechkin, Ovi still plays too selfishly
  21. In the words of the immortal senators fan muskymatt... "Pathetic!!!!"
  22. Ottawa has a huge fan base! Said no one ever......
  23. While it's true ovi is not a complete player, I don't think that detracts from what he brings as a player. He's made huge strides as soon as Barry trotz came in as HC, massive change in his accountability, his 200' game still needs work but I don't see him roaming 95% of the time as he used to I also don't think one guy can cause a team to not win just because he's on it, with the addition of shattenkirk, eller, and the depth and experience they have, especially considering they're the president's trophy winners 2 years running, in a year where ovi only netted 33 that speaks to a balanced team, especially when you have holtby in your net
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