And to think last year people were calling MNR about the you tube video of a guy snagging a whitefish? Where are all those save the fish activist now? some people here blew that right out of per portion, but keeping live sport fish in your tank is Illegal and nobody cares
here's my toys , not as nice as Irishfield's collection
2001 Custom chopper,Yes is was a sporty 1200, has Buell internals,cams,2-1/4 porker pipes no baffles(cops love em)
1972 Sleekcraft Aristocrat jet boat with BBF 460(cops cant catch me)
It should go to a fisherman. maybe have a super fan contest, with questions about the last three years, winner gets the boat?
I dislike seeing someone win that boat that doesn't fish or care for dave
I still owe 900 since 2005 and I wont pay them.
Last year a friend who had gone bankrupt due to divorce needed a cell phone, I went to get a cell phone for him in my name to help out and completely forgot about it!
I am sure its on my credit however I don't have any issue's getting money from the bank?
and the story behind the 900....bah , my fingers would cramp and then I wont be able to give them the finger every time I drive past the store.