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Everything posted by Riparian

  1. That was entertaining.
  2. lol Sorry Redx my e-sarcasam was not as clear as I thought it would be.
  3. Sweet pictures Ric ive never seen a bluefish before.
  4. Well thats good to know... Now I dont have to worry about all those CO'S finding my stash. Cause I was real worried about that.
  5. Welcome Reider. I dont fish the notty much but heres what I know... You will find heavy numbers of people fishing the mouth of the notty in october/november. Most of them are throwing spoons for salmon and trout. If you look at a map, you will see the notty in wasaga beach. Follow its course with your vehicle and you will find more spots to fish, but the mouth is a good start. This logic can be used with any river and creek in ontario. As for gear, spinning tackle works well, Id recomend a rod in the 10ft range, but you will see alot of float fishing center-pin gear also. Bait for floatfishing includes flies, pink worms and roe bags. Good luck... and dont be discouraged by skunked outings.
  6. That is exactly my point. They are the law arent they? They have the capacity to enforce all the other laws that protect us and our resources.
  7. Why do they ask? Why not just close... I mean they dont ask us to voluntarily stop having fires during a fireban. Its like they are saying that they would like people to not fish for trout, but cant really do anything to stop it.
  8. Id eat that with a cold beer... You had better send me some so I can be sure of its quality.
  9. Mmmmmm Hideously tasty.......
  10. First off let me say that I do not hunt, and i do not have a problem with hunting at all. But I have a question for all the big game hunters out there. When I fish, I release all large trophy fish back into the wild because I belive that these fish need to spawn and reproduce because these are the genes that need to survive to the next generation of fish. But in the case of hunting, Lets use deer hunting as an example, it seems that the main target is the largest male animal with the most developed rack. It seems to me that over time, constantly removing the prime genes will cause a degredation in the quality of the animals over say, several decades. Does this not happen? shouldnt the animals that show the best survival in the wild be allowed to reproduce to spawn the next generation of prime animals? Im just inquiring to people who actually do hunt, as I have no experience in the matter at all.
  11. nice report. I fish a small creek like that too for brookies and youre right, the fishing slows down after june. Except for the chubs.
  12. Thats gross man. A great spot on a great river ruined by a potential bio-hazardous infection.
  13. Nice report Derek. Ive fished that same spot in Elora too, and caught a trout almost exactly the same size. I think the larger ones hang out just upstream of the gorge.
  14. Did you eat them?? nice fish bro
  15. The London Free Press is a small town newspaper?
  16. Are you kidding me? If i had could only fish with one bait for the rest of my life it would definitly be the Jig and grub combo. Catches all kinds of fish any time, any where.
  17. The crops of southern ontario need rain badly. rumour has it farmers are calling in crop insurance south of woodstock. and simcoe area.
  18. Im not sure if aluminum cans get washed and re-used like beer bottles do. I think they get crushed and melted down. Paint and other contaminants get pulled off in the "slag" that forms at the top of the melted metal.
  19. Some of us are still working... well kind of
  20. These people are fast talkers and look at you like you are retarted if you say you arent interested. The guy that showed up to my house wanted us to sign a contract that said we would pay double our current hydro price for five years. It dosent make sense. Why would I want to start paying double the Kwh for hydro now just because It may or may not be that price in five years? As I was telling him this he was filling out a contract and then expected me to sign. It was hard to get him to leave. Bottom line is these people are obviously paid on commision so its a biased view to begin with.
  21. This is how I do it. Big fish have big babies... so I release all trophy fish. If I am hungry... I may keep a few small fish but only specific species, and I never eat bass. I have never fully understood why people like to keep those rare moster size fish... I get more satisfaction from seeing them swim away than killing it to eat.
  22. I found something else for you. http://www.wildlifeseeds.com/foodplots/birds/index.html -Rip
  23. If you are near a feed mill, go in to the office and ask for a 25 kg bag of non medicated broiler feed. Tell them its for pheasants. They will help you out. I should know, I work in one and we make all sorts of animal rations including one for ducks. But the broiler chicken feed in pellet form should be fine.
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