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Tarzan's Jane

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Everything posted by Tarzan's Jane

  1. LOL - I love that!
  2. I think I know where you were. And Kennyman you make me laugh.
  3. Poor thing...I believe one grade in highschool should be mandatory for young girls to learn auto mechanics and young boys to learn home economics.
  4. I too am sorry to hear of the let "downs"---but you do have a way of making some of it quite humurous. That's it now for the bad luck - all good from here on.
  5. I'm all for ya learning...then I get to learn too. lol
  6. Great stuff, glad I missed it, happy to know that it got taken care of without having to vote OFC is family and I am more than proud right now to be a part of it.
  7. Very nice pics....happy looking family....enjoy.
  8. The packing is worth the fun - enjoy!!
  9. A very Happy Birthday to you...you reminded me of Survivor...
  10. Very happy for all of you...loved your description of when you were talking to Nicholas and watching the BPM...awesome.
  11. Wow - nic pics - great report...yyyyaaaayyyy for the girls!!!
  12. "Guess I gotta get my new gear ready then" LOL - babyyyyyyyyyy! lol
  13. I for one am still holding to you getting a new boat...sorry, too much money to play around with never mind peace of mind and personal safety. For sure let us know the final outcome. Bet you are feeling a huge load off ya. All the best, Nancy
  14. Uh huh...I failed grade 10 physics, but I can sure weld - truly I can.
  15. I am from Ottawa, was fishing for the very first time near Toronto for the Trout Opener. We were walking the shore-line and I was surprised at the amount of litter I came across. If I owned property along that water and people discarded their garbage I would definitely rethink allowing anyone access. A little more consideration and respect would definitely go a long way. I no doubt will bring an empty plastic bag next time and pick up as I go...as long as the guys haven't weighed me down too much with the backpack.
  16. Enjoy your holidays...I will miss reading your comical replies to others. Building planes - very impressive - I prefer the big ones myself
  17. - I had a great time and thanks to you I reeled in that nice one.... almost lost the tip of my finger on the next one lol - shouldn't reels all be on the same side of the rod? Take care - hope to see you soon, Nancy
  18. For sure...thoughts, prayers and more prayers. I have always found this saying to be quite reassuring..."Be still and know that I am God" Nancy
  19. 86!! I don't believe you Nice looking...the fish too. Nancy
  20. Hi Jen - great report, love the pics. Feels like I am in school...learning how to idenfify all those different fishies out there. Take care, Nancy
  21. Do not settle for less than a new boat - as a future investor...I definitely will want to know what dealers to avoid should they not come through for you. Please update us, Nancy
  22. Very nice pics and story...lol...your little one is a cutie... Enjoy! Nancy
  23. Okay....I think I am understanding the honour in fishing...if indeed this person (I was going to say gentleman, but thought better of it) has done this before...either with fishing or just in everyday life...is 7 years enough? - or should we go back to the dark ages and just waste him. Don't mean to get off topic but our justice system puts more value on $$$ than human life. If this person or any other person (including females), abuses a child in the worse way...I think you know what I mean...the justice system does not have a penalty as strick - these very sick people are out again in no time re-offending. The scales of justice do tip. I know...I said it was off topic...ya, he cheated - no honour in that, and no life long damage done to anyone either.
  24. very nice!!!! Big too...congrats
  25. God is good - prayers and thoughts are with you all.
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