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Everything posted by fishing

  1. Please have a look at this site. http://www.icenews.ca/ A lot of people there fish at binbrook. Good luck.
  2. Number and size of bass are down for sure this year. Many people are targeting and keeping them, in season or not. A family kept 6 bass between 7 to 14". Most fish I caught after the bass opening are gobies, catfish, sucker, rock bass, sheepshead and bowfin. There are a few nice and big walleye and pike in it though.
  3. Nice and cool pictures.
  4. Some sucker and catfish there.
  5. Nice fish and thanks for the report.
  6. Good job and thanks for sharing.
  7. I agree. Many people might not feel like to try them though.
  8. Thanks for the report and I think that surfacing fish are sucker. Good luck.
  9. Usually from 14 to 28" depends on the locations.
  10. Sucker should start to bite hard in a week or two. Have fun.
  11. Half a pound is one meal. An average meal size - 227 grams (eight ounces). See page 3. Good luck. http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/publications/590b14.pdf
  12. Nice fish and thanks for sharing.
  13. To me, it takes a long time for a 8'' hole to freeze, deponds on weather.
  14. 8" is great. 10'' kind of too big.
  15. Later in the afternoon, in the evening, night time, or a cloudy day. Good luck. Also please see the link below, http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=37139
  16. Nice fish and thanks for the report.
  17. Nice redhorse sucker. Thanks for the report. There are a lot of them in the Grand. The biggest one I caught was 27". They are mostly in deep water now. One of the best times to catch them is from now to mid November. Can get 20 of them in an hour or two from a good hole. Many in 19 or 20'' range. Not a lot of people keep them, so we see more sucker and bigger sucker each year.
  18. http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/publications/590b14.pdf Please see Page 15, "Black spot". It also appears in fins and sometime in scales. So sometimes we can see black spots before skin the fish. Some of fish, like yellow perch and pike, from warm shallow ponds have the black spot. Much less in cold, deep and clean water.
  19. Nice exercise. When I have a big carp on, I alway drag it slowly towards shoreline or island with the rod. Landed a few in this way. Good luck.
  20. Very nice fish. But, quote "It is illegal to attempt to catch fish for which the season is closed, even if you are going to release them. Fish accidentally caught during the closed season must be immediately released back to the water." Hope that fish can be released "immediately" http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/198219.pdf
  21. That's a nice fish.
  22. Nice picture.
  23. Nice crappies and bluegill, and great to see your family.
  24. Great report as always. Sweet little girl. Something from Google, "Beavers tail slap at the approach of humans, at the presence of unfamiliar noises, and at the presence of unfamiliar odors." http://www.bio.davidson.edu/people/vecase/...n/predators.htm "The beaver also uses its tail to alert other beavers by smacking it on the water." http://ed.fnal.gov/entry_exhibits/beaver/beaver.html "......to smack the water as a danger signal." http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/natbltn/500-599/nb537.htm
  25. That's a nice fish, and I remember her sweet smile. It was first posted by you on June 1, 2008. Carp are biting hard now, and I saw 5 or 6 monsters landed 4 or 5 days ago. Good luck. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...4&hl=botbot
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