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Everything posted by fishing

  1. A Quebec provincial police search-and-rescue team retrieved the bodies of two more French snowmobilers who plunged into the water last Tuesday in the province's Lac-Saint-Jean region. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/quebec-police-bodies-two-four-185606441.html
  2. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/one-dead-five-french-tourists-145521784.html https://ca.news.yahoo.com/five-french-tourists-missing-deadly-194907523.html
  3. Nice fish, thanks for the pictures.
  4. Shad (big, wide body), not trout, not mooneye (small, narrow body).
  5. They start to bite when water temperature is above 5 or 6 °C, and it's only about 2 °C now. So wait for just a few more days, we will be good to go.
  6. http://www.sportfishingmag.com/species/conservation/giant-bluefin-tuna-recaptured-16-years-after-tagging
  7. Valens Lake and Shade's Mills Conservation Area should be open soon. http://www.conservationhamilton.ca/valens-conservation-area http://www.grandriver.ca/index/document.cfm?Sec=27&Sub1=131&sub2=0
  8. More than 95% of officers are fine. Should interview a PR lady than an OFFICER. They are not trained for that.
  9. Good intention. But I will let somebody else to handle it.
  10. Many people carp fishing in Pier 4, Police marina, pie 8, Pier 9, and Caledonia. Good luck.
  11. Red nail polish works, but they do not last long. I will try red permanent marker next time, it should last longer, but not as bright.
  12. They are sucker.
  13. 2 or 3 days ago, still about 50 feet of ice left in boat launch area.
  14. As far as I know, at least 6 pike were caught the past weekend.
  15. Trout is not open after Dec 31.
  16. Quote "virginia is frozen across,the ferry will prolly mess it up though" http://forums.oodmag.com/showthread.php?t=52575
  17. Could not agree with you more, Rich. It's not so much about what you use, it's all about where the active schools of fish are.
  18. http://www.boards2go.com/boards/board.cgi?action=read&id=1341407120&user=talltalesbait
  19. Great report. Like your "the down & dirty technique".
  20. Very nice gentlemen!
  21. White perch and catfish for sure. Salmon, rainbow, brown, yellow perch, sunfish, rock bass, bowfin and crappie are good. Also walleye and lake trout. May take a couple of years to learn them all though. Like salmon, we may have to show up early in the morning or later in the evening.
  22. Nice fish. The catfish is brown bullhead.
  23. That's a long list.
  24. Unfortunately my experiences seem to be exactly opposite to what you had, sir. I fish all over the place, and fish as much as 14 times a week, 14 hours a day. And also have been fished for decades. Do I need to understand it? No. Just accept facts. Some people think that they are entitled to do what they want to do, that's it.
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