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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. How low do I keep the flames on the BBQ??? You may regret the offer of advise via pm's, but I'm sure I'll be in touch soon.
  2. You mean I'm not going to save money doing this???
  3. Sounds like a good way to start. Anybody got an old GTA phone book their not using? Maybe I'll just use two Barrie ones.
  4. Quite a career. Remember those commercials with the other Bo.... Jackson? What will happen to Lucile?
  5. So I've pretty well made up my mind to try and build my own fishing rod (I know I should wait for early winter, but my timing has never been spot on). I have tons of newbie questions. I could jump in with both feet, but I'm more of a one step at a time on the ladder type of guy, when it comes to this stuff. I've looked at the rod kits that Cabela's has and think I'll start there (but open to more local suggestions). The main questions I have are: What is the minimum "bench" equipment that I need to get started? I'm thinking in the way of rod holders/turners? Do I really need a motor if I'm not sure about this new endeavour? What are some of the mistakes that first timers make? Thanks for the help.
  6. Being two feet tall, how did you get those fish in the sink???
  7. MMMMM beer battered crappie and perch.
  8. From the tv news it looked like the docks right in down town Midland.
  9. And here I thought it was going to be an OOS musky with a OOS bass in its mouth.
  10. Considering buying a fillet knife on-line from the states. Is this possible? Is it a PITA?
  11. It looks to me that Balsam lake is in exceptions, for walleye, if that is what your asking about. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR_E001336.pdf
  12. I've seen that picture of you with a nice warm sweater on with a nice northern eye... at the end of June!
  13. The water was 8o degrees??? My soup isn't that hot sometimes. Nice to see that your patience/ persistence was rewarded.
  14. I didn't know that they had a tent area!!! I should have a vehicle that I can put my canoe on by then too. I may be there after all. No more hiding behind my keyboard.
  15. I'll be sure to pass that one along. Preferably in front of many of his friends.
  16. Yep, same bay. Thanks for the up-date, that really makes me feel better.
  17. Hi Joey, I only read the first couple of responses so I might be covering some of the same ground here. Don't go with the bank's option. The basics are the banks owns the policy and you pay the premium (good for the bank, bad for you). As stated the bank (if it does pay out in the unfortunate circumstance) will only pay off the balance of the mortgage, your premiums were based on the full amount borrowed(good for the bank, bad for you). A term policy through a life insurance company is owned by you and is based on your health at the time it is written. If your health situation changes the policy is still valid. If your bank owns the policy they may not allow you to continue when your mortgage is renewed (or the new premiums will be based on your new heath situation (good for the bank, not good for you)). Term insurance is cheaper than permanent insurance and is best used for temporary situations (mortgages, business loans and raising young children). In many cases you can switch all or part of your term policy to permanent at a later date and again it is based on you original health situation. Disability is much more grey. Get your life insurance situation taken care of first and foremost. If after that, if you think you want/need/ can afford disability insurance get it through an insurance company, not the bank and talk about the options. Insurance is not a fun topic, no one likes thinking about it. It is necessary however. In short: get term through an insurance company. If you include house, car and mortgage through one company you can save some cash as well. I would have responded sooner, but I was fishing. Rob
  18. I got up to Lake Nipissing's south shore for an all too short fishing trip to start this week. Not much traffic on the highway. Getting close. The windshield was clean when I started. Almost the last turn. My uncle's place is a few small bays west of the Walltonian Inn for those of you familiar with the area. The conditions weren't ideal (when are they) but they could have been a lot worse. My brother and I mostly drifted with bottom walkers and crawler harnesses. We never did find a group of fish that we could sit, on but we did alright. My brother's first walleye of the season. This one was almost out the other side of the slot. (BTW my brother runs about 350lbs) Close-up We got a few for the pan and brought a small package home for my wife. No "blue" ones just some northern gold. After this one we figured it was time to head in for a bite to eat before we started on the bait. Power bait that is. Because of the limited time and the weather I really only used two presentations. When I was fishing with a bunch of other family members including small children we anchored and still fished. I used a power minnow on a jig. Did really well with that. It out fished the other three adults in the boat who were using minnows, the 10 year old girl who was also using minnows kicked my butt however. I will say that I was the one who tied up her rig, sharpened her hook and baited it. The other option was crawler harnesses on bottom walkers when it was just me or me and my brother with the big rollers moving us along. No real colour stood out although in the end we were both using brass blades, I with dark purple iridescent beads and my brother with chartreuse beads. I grew up in North Bay and still have lots of family that live there. My grand parents had the forsite to buy a small piece of property after renting a cottage for the summer back in the late 1950's when my grandfather worked one summer in North Bay. The area and the lake have change quite a bit in the 30 plus years I've been around. My personal observation on Nipissing is that the fishing is better now then it has been in the last 10-15 years. I caught and saw other boats catch more fish in the slot (40cm-60cm) and out the other side of the slot then any other year since its inception. Take that for what its worth. Thanks for taking th time to look.
  19. Link: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...ull+leslie+spit Globe and Mail article: WILDLIFE Bird cull not in the cards for Leslie Spit Conservation authority will encourage human activity in the area to keep shy cormorants at bay KATE HARRIES Special to The Globe and Mail May 24, 2008 It's Toronto the Good as far as double-crested cormorants are concerned. Instead of a lethal cull to control the spread across Tommy Thompson Park of the largest cormorant colony on the Great Lakes, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority will rely on passive methods, such as inviting people to practise tai chi or roller skate in the areas where the birds aren't wanted. "In no way would I support a cull as happened at Point Pelee on Middle Island," authority chairwoman Gerri Lynn O'Connor said. Parks Canada sharpshooters carried out a cull this month on Middle Island, part of Point Pelee National Park on Lake Erie, after fending off an attempt by Cormorant Defenders International to obtain a court order prohibiting the killing. Print Edition - Section Front Enlarge Image In contrast, the birds that occupy 7,200 nests on the Toronto park that juts five kilometres into Lake Ontario on the manmade Leslie Street spit, get to keep their space - about nine hectares of the 471-hectare total - where they have destroyed most of the tree cover. The authority wants to ensure that the birds don't expand any farther into the park. Regular human activity, such as hiking, cycling and skating on the trail that runs up the spine of the spit, should keep the shy birds within bounds, the authority was told yesterday. "Establishing a tai chi class there every morning will be most of the deterrent we need," said Councillor Glenn De Baeremaeker (Ward 38, Scarborough Centre), an authority member. Yesterday, animal-rights activists paid tribute to the conservation authority for having one of the most progressive cormorant strategies on the continent, but expressed regret that it approved a research project that will involve oiling eggs in 30 nests and using a placebo in another 60. Ainslie Willock of Canadians for Snow Geese pointed out that the only reason for egg oiling is to reduce the population, and that's not an objective in the authority's cormorant management plan. Furthermore, the research could hinder other objectives, such as containing cormorants in their current location on the spit, and to encourage the birds to nest on the ground, instead of in trees, which are killed by their nutrient-rich droppings. "If you're oiling eggs on the ground, you're forcing birds up onto trees," Ms. Willock said. Others said egg oiling is inhumane, suffocating chicks in the shell. Authority staff told the meeting that guidelines prohibit oiling 18 days after the egg has been laid. Mr. De Baeremaeker argued that it would be better for the research to be done by another agency, such as the Ontario Natural Resources Ministry, which oils eggs routinely. But Ms. O'Connor disagreed. "I think we have to support our scientists," she said after all but two authority members voted in favour of the project by York University's Gail Fraser to study whether the disruption that technicians cause in approaching the nests is significantly reduced if done at night. The cormorant colonies are on three peninsulas on the west side of the spit. The largest colony of black-crowned night herons in Canada shares the space. The authority wants to preserve the tree cover on a fourth peninsula, which extends past a marina, and has remained free of cormorants. The cormorant, once bought close to extinction by DDT, is a federally protected bird.
  20. Terry Fox runs in countries across the world every September. Millions of Dollars raised each year. All the other awareness/fund-raising treks inspired (Rick Hanson's Man in Motion) All before he was 23 years old. Legacy.
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