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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. That makes sense. The boat came with one but I swapped it out for my salty. I put it on the back shelf.
  2. Tidying the garage a bit today and I found this on the floor behind the boat. It looks so familiar and yet I don't know what it is or where it came from/how it got there.
  3. Jays using the switch-pitcher, Venditte in the 9th. Throws left handed to first batter, throws right to second and right to the 3rd. 1,2,3 Blue Jays win!
  4. "Cept there are no young of the year baitfish in May that is worth a pike's (that I want to catch) time and I've never had a problem with snot rockets hitting 4-6 inch baits.
  5. Ya, we all want to announce our presence with authority like Nuke Leloosh. Greg Maddux couldn't throw hard and he did alright. Control and change of pace.
  6. Good, now I don't have to worry about the shoals in K-bay for my smallmouth.
  7. Agree on the size being a little small for most pike, but maybe something bigger will be coming.
  8. I've used a little dish soap and a gentle brush and that has worked. I'm willing to try the alcohol suggested above.
  9. Great day. Anytime you're looking for someone to round out you group, I can miss with the best rest of them.
  10. Breaking: MLB has now instituted and new rule: The infield double play rule is invoked any time there is a runner on first base and there are less than 2 outs. Any ground ball hit to a middle any infielder shall be ruled an automatic double play. Any other runners are also ruled out if they adjust themselves during the play. Also under consideration is the let them hit rule. Any batter who swings and misses at a ball twice in a single at bat will be allowed to self pitch the ball to put it into play. If the batter is unable to put a ball into play after 5 attempts then he can throw the ball and attempt to run to first base. If on 3 consecutive at bats the batter is unable to safely reach first base he will be awarded first base. More to come.
  11. Another game ended with this "new" double play rule. Even better this time the guy catching the ball at second never had any intention of trying to throw the ball to first. He just stood on the bag waiting for the runner to slide into him and then looked at the ump for the call. Brewers/Astros game: http://mlb.nbcsports.com/2016/04/09/astros-rally-ends-on-utley-rule-call-brewers-win/
  12. Wonder what the ratio of poachers to the general population is compared to other regions?
  13. http://www.yorkregion.com/community-story/6455593-wildlife-poachers-active-in-york-region-symposium-attendees-told/
  14. There are multiple studies showing that cost of a hockey helmet has little bearing on which was the safest, don't know about cups though. This isn't the one that I was thinking of but is was near the top of the page: http://globalnews.ca/news/1911515/which-helmets-are-the-safest-rankings-suggest-most-get-failing-grade/
  15. MLB will have this rule kicking them in the pills all season. Remember when the nhl changed the skate in the crease rule in the late '90's and then chose to ignore the rule on a overtime cup winning goal?
  16. Ask them why they recommend the brands.
  17. Yes, it is funny how ugly it can look with a east wind.
  18. Might be a little harder to get tickets this year. At least in the last minute way I have the last few years. My son is 7 and is just now getting into baseball and is playing it for the first time. We'll see if that gets him more interested in going. I'd love to do a little road trip in a few years and take him to a few ball parks to see the Jays play on the road.
  19. No ice to be seen from the bottom of the bay and we had a east wind this morning. That might be it.
  20. Remember when the tobacco companies had doctors recommending a brand of cigarette? Some of that huge mark-up goes towards professionals to push their product.
  21. Plastic and glass. The coatings can make a difference but money has virtually nothing to do with the quality. If prescription eye glasses are marked up hundreds of dollars for a brand name, and they have individually ground glass lenses what do you think the cost of mass producing sunglasses is? Sure there is garbage out there, as I said before, and you do have to compare. The information is there, ignore it if you will but don't suggest that I have to.
  22. Sure but the point is there is zero difference between sunglasses except price and name. Zero, none, nada. This isn't lighter components or better build. This is one of the biggest mark-ups in retail, save for designer handbags.
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