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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. The technology is changing very fast. The ability to make lighter stronger rods means they can make them longer. Not that long ago musky sticks were short and stiff in part because the line available was stretchy mono. Now braid is the thing and rods don't have to be stiff from one end to the other. I like the longer rods for most apps except when I'm in my canoe. Since I'm always solo I can't hand land a fish with a long rod. We have more choice then ever before. It's up to us to chose what works for for us for a given species and application.
  2. I don't like the foam either. It may save them $, but I think they do it to save weight as well.
  3. I know it was discussed before (the search seems to be in hiccup mode as well) but I don't remember if it was confirmed. Dave posted this on fb today: I like my shimanos but I never had a chroarch.
  4. Could be a problem for more than just anglers... billy bob may not have enough electricity to use his computer. Those are some huge numbers.
  5. That's pure logic. Although I think things sometimes happen too fast to give everyone a proper heads-up.
  6. Thanks for the link. One challenge is that every generation is slightly different then the previous. I'll work away at it over the next couple of days.
  7. He's 2 and a half... everything he owns has been puked on more than once already.
  8. Thanks for tips so far... I think. It's a macbook pro. I'm openning it up and letting it air out.
  9. So my little guy puked on my lap top this morning. Curdled milk and bile all over the keyboard part. I shut it off right away and sopped up as much as I could be for heading out the door for work. What do I do now? Thanks
  10. 3Ways and bell sinkers are easy to find and cheap (can't say that about most tackle)
  11. I may have missed this the first time around, although I know I've seen that trout of Wayne's. Tough to beat a trip with friends. Interesting when old threads come up to see who posted and who is still active on the board... At least I find it interesting.
  12. Sure it will work, the challenge is locating them and knowing where in the water column they are. "Trolling" allows you to cover some water and maybe find some fish if you are fishing unknown water. I have used a three way swivel to get lures down to lake trout. I don't think I've needed more than 2oz from a canoe, and more likely 1oz or-1 1/2oz
  13. Given the number of complaints about various types of boaters on here in the last few weeks/months/years we need more, not less, boater edumencation.
  14. Can't help with 1 or 3 but Ya the rental place will do a check list and that counts for a boater card, at least for now.
  15. And have they come up with a term for all the high and mighty, finger wagging, tisk tisk tisking we do here?
  16. On the net, tone is often difficult to convey... Emoctions help.... sometimes.
  17. Are you a better man then me? I'd be givin' her the gears fer years.
  18. And that is why I use a $20 strap and anybody who touches my camera uses it as well. I'll miss the photos.
  19. I have an aunt and uncle that live on this road. http://www.nugget.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=3205783 Shooting from road proves costly By Jennifer Hamilton-McCharles The Nugget Posted 12:30pm July 8, 2011 A Redbridge woman and a man from Alberta have been fined $4,500 for shooting a cow moose from a roadway. Jennifer McCart of Redbridge pleaded guilty to discharging a firearm in the traveled portion of a roadway and for possessing moose unlawfully hunted. She received a $3,000 fine and was given a one year hunting suspension. The moose meat was forfeited to the Crown and a firearm seized during a search warrant. The firearm will be returned once the fine has been paid. Patrick McCart of Edmonton pleaded guilty to transporting a moose that was unlawfully hunted and received a $1,500 fine. According to a news release issued Friday morning by the Ministry of Natural Resources, details of the October 18 incident were revealed in court last week. "The McCart's were returning home after moose hunting for the day. While driving on Songis Road in Phelps Township, just north of North Bay, they rounded a corner and saw two moose standing near the centre of the road, near the crest of a hill." The release further states Jennifer got out of the vehicle, stood on the road and fired a single shot that killed the moose. They gutted and transported the moose to Jennifer's residence. MNR conservation officers acted on information from the public and executed a search warrant where a firearm and moose meat were seized at Jennifer's residence. Fish and Wildlife officers from Alberta and the Ontario Provincial Police also assisted in the investigation. To report a natural resources violation call 1-877-TIPS-MNR toll-free anytime or call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477.
  20. Just spitballin'. Is the line diameter the same what was on the rod previously?
  21. Didn't mean to sugest otherwise, just wanted to top them both-up. And I sometimes wonder how many read the fishing news here.
  22. I've barly used the 832 so far. My initial impression was that there was not much difference, good or bad. But not enough time/use to really say at this point. Is it a new rod?
  23. We have "talked" about this before. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=41041&pid=600659&st=0entry600659
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