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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. I've never had a problem with twisting. I use them while drifting or trolling. The lead off the back acts a bit like a tail on a kite I guess. Casting would likely cause it to get tanged, but people do cast 3 way rigs in current. A drop shot set up could be used as well.
  2. I will shorten my lead (16-22 inches) if the area is more snaggy but usually 2-3 feet is the norm for me. There is just about no limit to what you can use, and what will work, behind a bb. Minnow baits, spoons, harnesses or just bait and a hook. The weight really depends on the speed that you are covering water versus the depth. Some bottom bouncers now have a quick change weight option, or you can use a 3 way rig and use a snap on the dropper so that you can easy/quickly change weights.
  3. Nice to see you around. Missed out on a visit last year. Might be able to make it this year.
  4. Please make it a replica mount, that's a prime spawner. I haven't been smelting in years.
  5. To narrow it down a bit, the Lindsay campus is likely where the tagging was done. Edit: Ya, what ^he^ said.
  6. I thought you got rid of the prop altogether? Man I can't keep you two straight.
  7. Back in the day part of my MNR summer job was to go the various forest areas that where known dumping grounds. Filthy pigs would dump their home reno junk and household garbage all over.
  8. Interesting photo. Notice the leg and chin colour on the middle one? The back goose looks more "normal".
  9. As I was opening up the back to take a look see, MADE IN U.S.A. was noted in numerous areas. mercman has been helping out via pms. Thanks again. Considering the points brought up here, namely that a more expensive machine is not likely to last longer, I'm not sure why I would ever spend more then the minimum on one of these things again. I was brought up to buy the best you could, or could almost, afford look after it, and it will last. Very frustrating to find that this is now not always an option and that I am just one more person living in a throw away society. And on a slight side note I now know why so many people sell their homes with the appliances included. Why pack up and move something that big that's not worth repairing in a few years.
  10. Some people will do crazy things to "save" on gas. People will drive across town or out of town to save 2 tenths of a cent on a fill up. On a 50 litre fill up that is a difference of a dime. Even for a cent per litre difference the same fill up is 50 cents. I'm not loaded by any means but I'm not going to work too hard to save 4 bits on a $67 stop for gas. I can likely save 10 times that much by being more efficient in my driving habits....especially if I can get a few cars out of the middle lane.
  11. Right from the article: "The city’s fire department has not made an attempt to ask the anglers to return the vests due to the amount of time it would take to identify and contact each one, Hoffmann said, adding the majority of them live in the Greater Toronto Area. Vests should be returned to Barrie fire headquarters at 155 Dunlop St. W." The rescued fishermen may not have them, but surly for $2100 it is worthwhile to make less then 26 phone calls. And if it isn't, then the BFD should not be making an issue of it.
  12. But the "moter" isn't. groceries fluids alcohol shelter etc...
  13. http://www.startribune.com/sports/outdoors/146016325.html House OKs early start to fishing season; Senate to review bill next Updated: April 3, 2012 - 10:14 PM Minnesota's fishing season would be moved up a week to May 5 this year under a bill approved Tuesday by the Minnesota House. The Senate still must OK the move, which the DNR says is unprecedented. The season now is set to open May 12. "This is a bonus week of fishing, not a [new] fishing opener," said Rep. David Dill, DFL-Crane Lake, who offered the proposal in an amendment to a large game and fish bill. He said the proposal would only affect the 2012 season, not future seasons, and said the state should take advantage of what might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Because of the unusually warm spring and record ice-out, walleyes will spawn early this year, he said, so there should be no biological reason to not open the season earlier. Dill said some resort owners told him they don't want to open a week early. "They don't have to," Dill said. Department of Natural Resources Commissioner Tom Landwehr said Monday that moving up the fishing opener shouldn't interfere with the spawning season, and he wouldn't have a problem with it. Dill and Sen. Tom Bakk, DFL-Cook, also noted that the regular fishing opener weekend clashes with Mother's Day this year, and moving it a week earlier will prevent that. Meanwhile, if you're looking for ice in Minnesota, better head to the refrigerator. Most Minnesota lakes now are ice-free, shattering records. Lake Bemidji and Leech Lake went ice-free on Monday, setting records, while ice departed Lake Kabetogama, Namakan Lake and Lower Red Lake and Island Lake near Duluth on Sunday. Most of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness also is open water. Also, little ice is on Lake Vermilion, but ice remains on Lake of the Woods and Rainy Lake. DOUG SMITH AND RACHEL E. STASSEN-BERGER
  14. Nice! That is one BIG minnow.
  15. 2 week old at home, as well as a 3 year old, so for now the price of gasoline has very little to do my lack of fishing.
  16. I've used lots of different options and this is what I use now and I keep them in their own "plano" case. I like these because you can store extra wights and blades inside the roll (the yellow cap pops off on these, but not on some others). I use a lot of quick change clevises. In the end you may have to try a few options because what works for one person, may not work the best for someone else.
  17. I am not. 147. (1) Any vehicle travelling upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at that time and place shall, where practicable, be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic or as close as practicable to the right hand curb or edge of the roadway. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 147 (1). Exception (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a driver of a, (a) vehicle while overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction; ( vehicle while preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway; or © road service vehicle. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 147 (2). http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_90h08_e.htm#BK226 Don't let the facts get in the way of your arguments because you'd have very little to say.
  18. It's been pointed out to you before, you are not abiding by the highway traffic act if you are not in the lane farthest to the right that is available. But don't worry, almost everyone else does it as well.
  19. The Americans use of water, and the laws, are much different then ours. Look up the Colorado River.
  20. ... and have been driving in the middle lane, messing up everybody else's commute.
  21. Think it through. There are way more people whom I wish NOT to see naked.
  22. Before there is too much back slapping better take a look at the new amo rules that are proposed.
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