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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Really surprising, Because if anyone would know cockroaches, it would be someone from Ottawa.
  2. You'd think someone rejected by a bunch of cockroaches would have a better disposition. ​ Must be the breeding.
  3. How are they for a lot of walking?
  4. Again, unoriginal and not new, but I'm quite sure you thought it was funny.
  5. That's awesome. I think I need to do something like that fro my brother.
  6. Ya I had the same thing when I tried to post a report with photos.
  7. If you can't come up with original material it at least should be newish.
  8. What do you expect? He's got insult of the day TP and he doesn't want to get too far ahead in his readin'.
  9. If you could have waited a bit longer they would have paid you to take the tickets.
  10. All the fish save one bass were on spooks yesterday. I tried a jitter bug and a frog in a few spots but the only hits were on zaras. I try to use something different so we are covering more options but it is more fun on top.
  11. Franson signs for 1 year at 2 mill. Leaving money on the table hoping for more when the cap goes back up. Always a risk that he gets injured and never signs another deal.
  12. Headed back today for that musky. Caught some small bass on topwaters. Then once we got to the spot where the musky beat up on that smallmouth we had to help a house boat that lost power at just about the worst spot it could have. I was on the engine and my brother was on the rope. I was hoping our good deed would be rewarded with some musky karma but no such luck. More bass on top. Had a small musky follow a spinnerbait and then jump out from under the boat after my brother made his zara dance at the side of the boat but no dice.
  13. I only look at "view new content" so more subsections doesn't matter to me,
  14. Got some bass on topwaters. Missed a few, one was big and had a musky follow. I'll put up some photos when I get them from my brother.
  15. Great weather, kids dropped off, time for some fish.
  16. I'm sure Kharlamov thinks Bobby Clarke is a real tough guy. As much as the incident was a gong show (for today's standards) it is nothing compared to the early/mid 80s stuff and the 70's is on a whole other level of stupidity.
  17. In an unprecedented move the league will punish the Sabres by making them dress Scott for 10 games and he must play a minimum of 10 minutes a game.
  18. I would, if I had an ice rod that could handle it.
  19. Well it looks like instead of going for grouse on Wednesday my brother and I are going back for that musky that beat up that smallmouth. This guy: Did this: So I'm going back with this: Stay tuned.
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