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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. If someone was looking to save a buck or two I'd recommend backing off of WOT a hair once up on plane then trying to save on oil.
  2. And I thought bingo players had some crazy superstitions.
  3. And one day after halloween a lot of people went to the sens game dressed as empty seats.
  4. They are worth whatever someone will pay them. The general feeling is that on the open market they would have got more. Personally I think the shorter term is a good sign overall for teams in general.
  5. And it gets better. Emery who let in 4 goals on 15 shots in 22 minutes of hockey, amidst a 7-0 loss, is officially the 3rd star on the league's web site. I'd say it's a time wrap but the thugs aren't winning any hockey games like they did in the '70's.
  6. I was thinking the same thing. Salt? Pepper?
  7. Funny thing is I do that all the time. Sports movies. Car chases. Shoot em ups. Fight scenes.
  8. We expect politicians to lie to us. We want them to lie to us. The ones that tell us the lies we like best, we pick.
  9. I should have been more accurate. From the league's site: PERFORMANCE BONUSES What players may earn in performance bonuses? Performance bonuses will only be permissible for the following types of players: (1) players on entry-level contracts; (2) players signing one-year contracts after returning from long-term injuries (players with 400 or more games who spent 100 or more days on injured reserve in the last year of their most recent contract); and senior veteran players who sign a one-year contract after the age of 35. Dion does not qualify.
  10. This is someone who has rid himself of close advisors because they privately advised him to get help. These people are (were) part of team Ford, not the "left", not the media (liberal or other wise). These are people, who for some part, knew who/what Rob Ford was and is. And they are saying "holy smokes. Something(s) is/are wrong here. People can try to paint this as a left/right, lib/con whatever because they can then be the victim(s), which in of itself is absolutely hilarious. This is about a elected mayor of a major North American city who's judgement and behaviour does not suit the office he was elected to.
  11. I don't think performance bonuses are allowed any more except for entry level/rookie contracts.
  12. He is an elected official. He has been given more due process then he deserves (and more then most of us would have received). There is a pattern here that would be a concern in a small town mayor. I'm not talking about legal/illegal. Just straight up behaviour of a mayor of a Canadian city.
  13. I've heard that a lot… never works for me but I'll give them a look next time I'm there.
  14. I would argue that there is a difference between best and most entertaining.
  15. Read this a while ago: ‘If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell.” – legal adage
  16. I'm not sure Dion's game is much different then the last few years. As with any team that is winning, almost everyone looks better then when the team is loosing. He eats up the top/tough minutes most nights. Having said that, I wonder what he might, as an expiring contract, garner in the trade market as part of a package? I like selling high. As much as I feel he is a very needed D man I don't like the idea of him getting anywhere near 7 million dollars a year or a 7 year deal that has been rumoured.
  17. He's a publicly elected official. They are by the very nature of their job judged daily in the court of public opinion. 1.There is what is legel/illegal. 2.There is what can/can't be proven in court. And 3.There is what behaviour is expected of the mayor of the largest city in this country. The first two points are open to debate to a certain extent. The third point leaves very little room for debate.
  18. If Tim Allen had "rewired" a hedge trimmer that's what it might have looked like.
  19. Exactly. I like to save a buck or two when I can as much as anybody but a motor can be 5, 10... 20 thousand dollars. Perspective.
  20. I'm all for the new age material, but wool is still a great option as well for a warm layer. And if you go to a second hand store it can be bought for cheap.
  21. No birds for the stove today. Did find a couple of interesting tracks. That's a 28 gauge shell (2.75 inches). What I believe to be a wolf track right along with the moose. Tamaracks are more yellow now.
  22. Last year they were a fireman and a dalmation. This year it is pirate and a parrot. Ryan will be 5 soon so the big brother, little sister themes might be coming to an end.
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