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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Bring your boat and you can park it in my drive. I might need two cars to tow it though.
  2. I don't mind paying for braided line. I figure it lasts longer and can be flipped over so it ends up being cheaper then mono in the end. But cutting 20 odd bucks worth of new line off a reel burns my berries.
  3. I've had a few where the weight of the last of the lure used on an outing did not in anyway match the first lure used on the next outing. Ever see the cooking shows where they put the asian noodles in the hot oil? Pfffffffout! Just like expanding foam insulation… How did that get sooo big?
  4. I'm a half hour behind live so I'll be avoiding here for the next couple of hours. Happy New Year all!!! Got out for an hour with my son today (Today is his 5th B-Day).
  5. http://www.nugget.ca/2013/12/30/50-years-since-nukes-arrived-in-canada The nuclear warheads arived: The New Year’s Eve parties were in full swing when the telephones started to ring. In a short while, reporters, photographers and others were begging off, heading out to work on an assignment a lot of them had never imagined they would ever cover. Fifty years ago tonight, the nuclear warheads for the Bomarc missiles arrived in Canada – specifically at Royal Canadian Air Force Station North Bay. “The ex and I were at a house party,” says Dave Palangio, a Nugget photographer at the time. “Then the phone started ringing.” It wasn’t really a surprise, Palangio says. “The whole staff had been informed it may occur that night, and sure enough . . .” He said he didn’t know if it was a contact at the Air Force station who tipped the news media off that something big was happening or someone else in the know, but “everybody was on alert. All our staff. We knew something was happening, and when we got the call, we jumped to it.” The spouses and dates, he said, were abandoned at the parties or at home while “we dashed up to the airport.” Palangio still has the Nikon F SLR he used that night. “That was the camera back then,” he says. “An f 2.8 lens that would gather enough light, and a very slow shutter speed. “I had to shoot everything with available light, because my strobe light packed up. Talk about being in the grip of fear. I didn’t know if any of my pictures would turn out.” It was about 10 p.m., cold and clear, Palangio says. “I didn’t know what to expect. There was excitement and fear. I was up there and Bud (Berry) and Barry Davis went up to the sites where they were transporting it to. Those guys were detained” by the military police because they got too close to the fence. “Talk about high security.” Palangio was parked at the intersection of Tower Drive and Airport Road, waiting for the trucks to pass by. He was there when the United States Air Force transport came in with the warhead or warheads. “Years later, someone told us that only one nuke came in that night.” Arming the Bomarc missile with nuclear warheads had been a vow made by the newly elected prime minister Lester B. Pearson, whose minority government had ousted the Progressive Conservative government of John Diefenbaker. Diefenbaker had agreed to take the Bomarc missiles after the cancellation of the Avro Arrow interceptor program in the late 1950s, but had refused to take the nuclear warheads. Pearson had agreed to take the nuclear warheads for the missiles, and had said the Bomarcs would be armed with the warheads before the end of the year. As the convoy approached, Palangio says, he and the reporters on the scene with him were told by the Air Force Police to “stay back, stay back, stay back.” Seven warheads were delivered to the Bomarc base that night, with another 21 coming in over the next couple of weeks. The 28 warheads for the Bomarc base at La Macaza, Que., were delivered in late 1963. The missiles, delivered to both bases in 1961, were under Canadian control, but the nuclear warheads were under the control of United States Air Force personnel, which were to be released to the Canadian military only on receipt of a coded message from the U.S. president. The nuclear warheads were removed and the squadrons were disbanded in December, 1972.
  6. Can't find the photo of the brought-back-to-life evinrude but I did find these. Me and my brother, I'm the taller one . 1978 My "big" pike when I was 2/3(?). For years afterward I would talk about that pike and would always stretch my arms as far apart as they could go to say how big it was or say "It was as tall as me."
  7. Early 60's Lake Nipissing, Hinchburger Bay. I think that's my grandfather. My dad, same place and time. Grandma and grandpa Not sure on the date, but likely mid to late 60's My dad's 2 older brothers. That Evinrude (on the dock) sat around the cottage for most of the 70's and the early 80's before getting put back on to a transom of a Giesler cederstrip in the late 80's. If I can a photo of that I'll post it too.
  8. That's a great photo. Wonder if you asked around if someone in her family might know something about it. I've got some that I posted years ago here that I'll see if I can find.
  9. The American's will announce their Olympic roaster tomorrow as well.
  10. I think you mean apusterfy apostefie apostrophe.
  11. Awesome to see Palmateer with the vintage mask and pads. Totally understand why goalies don't wear them anymore.
  12. I was reluctant to comment since this is a non fishing thread... There is only one music thread. There is only one hockey thread. One I chose to participate in, one I do not. My choice. I won't open the Duck Dynasty ones either. My choice, as is someone's choice to complain... just be prepared for the responses.
  13. I have no idea if they are actively shopping him or if teams are asking (buyer and sellers play games with the media when it comes to deals). Fans always want a first-line centre but only want to give up a role of tape.
  14. Normally a ahl game wouldn't interest me but seeing the outdoor rink at the baseball diamond is worth at least a quick flip or 2 during the game.
  15. The AHL outdoor game at Comerica Park between the Marlies and Grand Rapids is on SportsNet at 5pm today.
  16. 18/19 year olds who play for CHL teams must be sent back to their junior clubs, not the AHL, when "sent down" by the NHL club.
  17. I want to say there is also one other kid that played last year that is still eligible but he's with an NHL team.
  18. It's rare that Canada brings under 18's to this tourny. We have a 2 this year Ekblad who is draft eligible this season and McDavid who is draft eligible in 2015.
  19. The other hockey powers are catching up and I think hockey Canada needs to rethink the way they pick these teams. Another factor is goaltending. Whether or not it's just a down cycle or something more, we've not had the type of goaltending that we now need at this level.
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