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Everything posted by brifishrgy

  1. Yes they jump .. haven't had on jump out of the tank but have had them knock themselves out from hitting the plexi on top of the tank here is a link for ya if your looking for more info on Piranhas PIRANHA FURY
  2. Got a reply today .. learn something new everyday Hello, Thank you for your enquiry and we apologize for the delay in responding to your e-mail. You may not use the edible parts of game fish for bait in Ontario. By using sunfish or bluegill for bait you would be wasting flesh suitable for human consumption. You may use the inedible parts of game fish left over after you clean the meat (fillet) off them. This would include the head, fins, entrails and eyes or the whole filleted carcass. This is providing the lake you are fishing on does not have a restriction on organic bait. Regards, nric web reader - cg ******************************************* Natural Resources Information Centre PO Box 7000 Peterborough, ON K9J 8M5 1-800-667-1940 TTY: 1-866-686-6072 Fax: 705-755-1677 [email protected] http://themnrstore.mnr.gov.on.ca ********************************************
  3. check out kijiji like Uncle Buck suggested .. there is a lost and found section .. they may have posted they lost it .. if not you can post you found it .. its worth a shot
  4. Here are a couple shots from the Grand
  5. sometimes its better to think stupid then to speak and erase all dought
  6. I was in a 14' blue tin fishing solo .. you guys drove past me on the way to the dam just before the ministry came to zipper some fish
  7. Always liked Grundy Lake .. decent fishing, swimming, biking, not much in the way of hikes but there are 2 short ones If you have never been to Algonquin that would be the spot to bring the kids .. wildlife everywhere (seen 3 bears up close last year + deer, beaver, moose, fox, loons , turtles, ect) .. lots of hiking, canoeing ,biking trails and a kids program every morning at the visitor center which is nice on those wet days (even though its not going to rain while your there ). I dont think they do it in July but if you get a chance to do the wolf howl do it .. loggers day is in July .. if you are there when its on go,its worth it
  8. He was out on the Grand today filming a show .. hopefully he had a better day then me .. I met him once quite a few years ago in Dunnville when I was fishing with my son .. seen him about 2 years later at the fishing show in TO and he remembered who we were .. some people need to forgive and FORGET .. now I need to get this skunk smell off me .. I don't like it
  9. nice fish ..you don't need expensive stuff to get em.. not gonna jump on ya for an out of season fish because I dont know where you were fishing.. just make sure you got a regs book and read up before you get yourself into trouble
  10. they also have the 2 million candle power rechargeable spot light on for 10 bucks. comes with the wall charger and 12 volt adapter, perfect for those nights ya cant see the dock
  11. may not be of top quality but they are still better then nothing, I have two of em, one in the tackle bag and one in the boat
  12. thanks for the link, I always wondered what that blue shed beside the creek was for
  13. Got mine in the mail today .. Thanks again
  14. boot mat to keep the carpet clean, great idea
  15. Its not cheating.. Its a good idea if you want to learn the ropes.. and yes the 2nd anchor is key.. didn't have one last season but got a second one for this year .. makes a world of difference
  16. happy to see you got into em .. not to happy about yours being bigger then mine.. now I am going to have to get an bigger one this weekend
  17. tried to send a pm .. feature doesn't seem to be up
  18. nice cats .. hopefully I will get into em again this weekend .. gonna bring the boy with me .. he is bound to get em all .. last year he out fished me almost every trip .. I wouldn't want it any other way
  19. I feed them to my piranha
  20. bring some maggots with ya .. pannies never say no
  21. I prefer fishing Barrie in the rain .. it keeps most people away and more room for me .. a good rain coat and warm dry boots and your good to go .. let me know how ya make out .. I want to go down on Thursday
  22. I would hope they have it clearly posted
  23. if it isn't listed it isn't a sanctuary
  24. Lake Nipissing – including the waters of the French River from the Chaudière and the Little Chaudière dams to Lake Nipissing; the west bay of Lake Nipissing in Haddo Twp.; the northwest bay of Lake Nipissing to the falls of MacPherson Creek; the Sturgeon River from Lake Nipissing to the dam at Sturgeon Falls; the Veuve River from Lake Nipissing to the chutes located in Lot 5 in Conc. l in Caldwell Twp.; the South River from Lake Nipissing to Hwy. 654; and the entire West Arm of Lake Nipissing including Cross Lake. Closed to all species from Mar. 16 - Fri. before 3rd Sat. in May & Dec. 1 - Dec. 31 Walleye and yellow perch open from Jan. 1 - Mar. 15 & 3rd Sat. in May - Oct. 15 Walleye - none between 40-60 cm (15.7-23.6 in.). Northern Pike S - 4, not more than 2 greater than 61 cm (24 in.), of which no more than 1 is greater than 86 cm (33.9 in.) and C - 2, not more than 1 greater than 61 cm (24 in.), none greater than 86 cm (33.9 in.). Yellow perch S - 25 in one day, possession limit of 50.
  25. and this one .. so how does a post count total mean the member is contributing???
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