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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. yea, don't try to justify it, , go for it, you need a reliable vehicle, that isn't hurting your wallet in repairs. going to a 2012 or even 2011, would drastically reduce your purchase cost, not to mention insurance premiums on depreciation value on a 2013. get what YOU WANT. test drive em all, see what feels right.
  2. pig, hog, cow
  3. just checked the bps werbsite, a lot of them are available as back orders lol
  4. yea, this, i bought my truck through the guy that buys vehicles for the dealership, so was able to get for just above the price he paid at auction for it, and 5k less then what the dealership wanted
  5. yea, you can get a slightly used bmw of benz, but ever price out replacement parts for one? or a set of tires even.....not cheap, theres a reason why people get rid of them when the warranty is up
  6. lets do the math on that say you spent 1700 on it last year, thats 141/month or a car payment every month, if it costs you that much every year to keep on the road, its time for a new vehicle with warranty. OP, im a ford guy, so obviously my first choices would be either the focus or fusion for around 20k with great gas mileage, or i have driven the the new ford taurus, its not a grandmas car anymore, its quite nice, but starts at 26k for a 2013
  7. Anyone use em yet? thinking about picking up a couple
  8. just slightly over priced on the reel. the lure on the other hand, depending on age and packaging could be in the right ball park
  9. haha think again.....what a beast http://video.ca.msn.com/watch/video/fisherman-catches-monster-1300-pound-mako-shark/2tqnh6mqc?from=en-ca-infopane&cpkey=6274234b-7390-4d57-bb78-3aeeb96ec72b%257c%257c%257c%257c
  10. no not swimming, but the tails were moving
  11. we've had that happen with pickeral (aka walleye) its the nerves of the fish kicking in
  12. was it a 7 wt loomis nrx switch with a ross F-1 reel? hopefully you find the owner, if not, then congrats on the new rod
  13. you couldn't pay me enough to do what these guys do
  14. from our own MNR http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/stdprodconsume/groups/lr/@mnr/@letsfish/documents/document/228125.pdf
  15. this isn't joe schmo that did the study, its the guy who has shaped C&R methods across north america, dr bruce tufts, google his name, you'll find his name in the mnr guidlines as well
  16. this is just insane way to live http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=Z0qGvC3vqaA
  17. i see dead fish almost every time out, whether they are floating downstream, snagged up on tree roots are dragged up on shore, just because YOU don't see them, doesn't mean they aren't there, they could be caught up on the bottom of the pool you're fishing
  18. you can fish off the pier in caesarera, but it can be packed, or if you head down the road, theres a ramp into view lake, not far from caesarera, where i see people fishing all the time for panfish, or you can join the causeway crew AKA white bucket brigade on the causeway
  19. I know this is about steelhead, but proper fish handling should be carried over to all species http://forum.skagitmaster.com/index.php?topic=330.0
  20. congrats, hopefully this will be a stepping stone into a better show (im not an italo fan)
  21. scugog, view lake, that way if the fishing gets slow, go swimming
  22. we use about a 10 degree angle on our 6" boning knives, and about a 20 degree on our 12" plus steak/breaking knives, on a filet knife you want the real low angle to make it easier to push the blade between the skin and meat, the lower the angle on the blade edge, the less the meat has to lift to allow the blade to pass
  23. only thing with that, is it says it "sharpens like a butchers steel", well, steels aren't for sharpening knives, they're for straightening the blade an honing between sharpenings, even using a product like this, eventually your knife will get to a point where it just won't hold and edge, and you'll have to use either a stone or belt. I have been a butcher for the last 15 years, and also sharpen my own knives.
  24. how about this one
  25. proper angle is very important, that angle being 10 degrees, at the store, we have a belt grinder for sharpening our knives, its quick, but it will eat through a blade fairly quick. stones are the best, but keep the angle and use a steel before fileting fish, i usually have sharpen my kife every 3 weeks. as the saying goes, you'll never cut yourself with a sharp knife.
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