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Posts posted by lew

  1. I guess it comes down to how much you mind fishing in dirty weather.


    I don't have a stand-up cover on my boat either, and 99 % of the time I wouldn't want one, but I do have a good Gore-Tex rain suit and don't normally worry about how much it rains, but must admit I've been jealous a few times on cold snowy days when I see someone cruising by all covered up & dry, and I've got icycles hanging off my mustache. :w00t:


    The covers are a pain if your casting, but can be awesome when your trolling in nasty weather.


    I normally fish with Squid in the cold months of November & December and some days his covered boat is worth a million bucks ;)

  2. I seldom watch TV, but enjoy some of the programs on the Speed channel.


    Couple weeks back, Rogers moved a few channels around to make room for some new ones, but that wasn't a big deal, I just had to go to 81 instead of 48. Yesterday I wanted to see a show but when I clicked on 81, I got a message that I now had to pay extra for the Speed channel.


    I called Rogers and they told me that Speed is now included in a new bundle of 21 channels and I'd have to pay extra, even though I've had it for years, but he said that seeing as I'm "such a respected customer" because I've had Rogers cable for about 30 years, he might be able to offer me a discounted rate.


    I told him that I already have about 300 channels that I don't watch now, and I certainly don't want another 20 that I won't watch either, and the only discounted rate I want, is the one I already had, but it was sorta like talking to a dead pickeral.


    I'll call a supervisor today......so sad :(


    I've got Star Choice at the trailer but it seems everytime we get a heavy rain, I lose my signal.


    Things were so simple back in the day when all we had was rabbitt ears and 6 channels.......

  3. Nice and clear here today. I'll be out with the camera starting at 6:40 tonight, attempting to photograph the moon over Lake Superior. Wish me luck..


    I've been waiting to see this eclipse Dan, but it doesn't look like it's gonna happen as we've got a very cloudy day down here, so your pics may be the only chance we get....make em good :thumbsup_anim:

  4. Sorry to hear he didn't make it, but you did your best to try and help and that's all anyone can do.


    Thanks for letting us know the outcome, I was wondering how he made out.


    I tried to help a raccoon awhile back, but he died also, so I know how your feeling.

  5. Sounds like you got an excellent deal Mike, it should last you a very long time.




    The Minn Kota Power Drive though blew both the control board then 2 weeks after that the foot pedal blew in a tourney (would only turn left).


    My boat originally came with a MinnKota PD 55. The circuit board in the foot contol burned up in the 2nd year and when I took it into Aikmens to be repaired, he told me that was an ongoing problem with the PD's.


    I got rid of it and bought the MotorGuide.


    Not saying there's anything wrong with PD's I just didn't want any hassles.

  6. Awesome news, and a nice move by everyone involved !!


    Speedtroll (Rob) and I are good friends and and have shared a boat several times, and although I have never had the pleasure of meeting Chris in person, I know from what Rob tells me that this will be a day that Chris will absolutely love.


    Great stuff !!

  7. Just to put things in perspective, my dad bought a brand new chevy pickup in 1961 and paid a grand total of $1800 including options.


    Today it costs nearly that much to fill a gas tank :lol:


    It was pretty well identical to this one, cept it had the wide box and was the vehicle I learned to drive in.



  8. I've had my current Motorguide for about 6 years now and have never had a problem with the shaft bending. I fish alot of shallow water after dark and bounce it off rocks and stumps all the time without issue.


    I wouldn't be concerned with it because if there was gonna be a problem, I would have found it long ago.

  9. Do you follow?


    Yeah, as a matter of fact I do follow !!


    Go back and read my post, all I said was I don't know how anyone could slaughter such a beautiful animal....how is that hard to understand ??


    What's that got to do with eating muskies or anything else ??


    Guess from now on if we want to express an opinon around here about something, we'd better post the question 1st and see if our opinions meet everybodies satisfaction......

  10. Let's get the real story on why that animal was harvested before we get on our soapboxes, folks.


    I'm not on a soap box, and was stating my opinion, if you don't like my opinion, that's tough !!!!


    I also hate bull fighting, leg hold traps and the British fox hunts too......is that OK with you ??

  11. I just have to say winter tires is the way to go.


    Absolutely Mike, and it's not just Toronto, it's everywhere.


    All it takes is a couple drivers with lousy tires and it can mess things up for 100's behind him.


    As far as I'm concerned, winter tires should be mandatory on all vehicles this time of year, just like seatbelts, and it would save all kinds of problems.

  12. Any of you folks heading into Toronto today, be aware that there is ALOT of flooding !!


    I just got back in from driving down to Bay & Wellesley and there is flooding everywhere, specially in the curb lanes where the water is up level with the sidewalks in many places........hit that stuff too fast and it'll throw you right off the road.


    Lots of power lines and tree limbs down too and the Fire Dept. is telling folks to stay indoors today because of all the lines down in the water and the possiblity of coming in contact with the live wire.


    My trucks in the driveway again and I'm staying here now till April :whistling:


    Drive careful if you go out today kids !!

  13. Glen, 3 of the hurricanes I encountered were on the ocean and although they don't cause any damage out there, the sight of 60 - 70 foot waves crashing over your ship can be a little daunting, to say the least.


    Those tornadoes are a totally different story though, when they just drop outta the sky like that with absolutely no warning at all......terrifying stuff !!

  14. Still plenty of power here in East York, but there's a heavy coating of ice on everything and strong winds, so it may only be a matter of time before the branches come down and take the hydro lines with them.


    Just to add to the fun, it's raining pretty hard now too.

  15. Good to hear you made it thru the storm OK Glen !!


    I thought WE were getting clobbered bad up here yesterday till I put the news on and saw what was happening down your way.


    I've been thru 4 hurricanes, but have never seen a tornado, and hope to keep it that way.


    Keep your head up Bud.

  16. The TV reports the GTA hiways are like a parking lot and my daughter has about 45 KM to go across the 401 and the Parkway.....she just called to say she booked a hotel room just up the road from her work and will be spending the night there.


    Makes a dad feel much better ;)

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