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Posts posted by lew

  1. Been a very long time since I've been to Kashabog, but we used to camp there when we were kids, gotta be nearly 50 years ago, but I still remember what a beautiful lake it was.


    I do remember we used to get alot of smallies and catfish though.


    Thanks for jogging a few old memories.....VERY old infact :lol::lol:

  2. TennesseeGuy, what were talking about is the possibility of a very serious shortage of gasoline in Ontario due to a couple of recent fires in Southern Ontario refineries.


    Many gas stations in the Toronto area are already out of gas and many more are starting to restrict how much gas each person can perchase. There's also talks now of contingencey plans to keep police cars and ambulances in service if the problem persists for much longer.


    It's also affecting the supply of diesel fuel and there's a concern now that the trucking industry may not be able to fuel their trucks if this continues for too much longer, and that could cause serious side effects if the trucks can't deliver their goods to the factories and grocery stores.

  3. Everybody still able to find gasoline in your area ??


    Were gonna be OK though, I saw Dwight Duncan....Ontario Energy Minister......interviewed this morning and he claims the government is looking after us and will be on the look-out for any gas companies trying to rip us off.


    Gas has risen 90¢ a gallon in the last couple weeks.......anybody know at what level we can start calling it a rip-off ?? :blahblah1::blahblah1:

  4. Ottawa is a great city . Clean compared to others


    Ten years ago took my scout troop and did a tour of several places.


    The cleanliness of the streets was the 1st thing I noticed about Ottawa, specially comparing them with the streets here in Toronto. Seems like the folks take alot more pride in their home than those that live here, unfortunately.


    The Boy Scouts also had something going on this weekend at Parlaiment Hill...... Lots of Scout flags and banners being erected on the front lawn but I never had a chance to find out what it was.

  5. Back in '67 I worked at Toronto airport as a gas jockey / baggage handler and our biggest customer was American Airlines, which was also the airline of choice for alot of the Hollywood actors commuting between Toronto and Los Angeles.


    Our office was on the ground floor of the old Terminal 1 right where the airplanes parked to pick-up / drop off passengers, and any of these so-called celebrities would sit in the comfort of our private waiting room so they wouldn't have to mingle with the low life, common folk they had to share their oxygen with.


    Funniest thing I remember was Eddy Fisher (husband of Elizabeth Taylor) waiting to board for Los Angeles, and we were told to be sure to load his bags last, so they'd be the first unloaded and the "very important Mr. Fisher" wouldn't be held up waiting to leave Los Angeles Airport.


    Naturally, his bags were the very 1st ones that we loaded and were stuffed right in the nose of the plane and everything else jammed on top of them and Mr. La La would then be the LAST to get out of the airport.


    Poor Eddy Fisher was probably still searching for his bags at midnight hahahaha


    I always hate it when somebody tries to put some egotistical actor on a pedistal above anybody else.


    Another day I spent a couple hours sitting yakking with Twiggy while we waited for her plane to arrive. Very nice girl who didn't think she was above the rest of the world.


    Also spent an afternoon shooting the breeze with the Blue Angels and that was one of the most interesting bunch of guys I've ever talked with.

  6. About 30 years ago the Platters were at one of the local clubs here in Toronto, so a group of us went to hear them sing and we had front row seats. Part way thru the show they were looking for a volunteer to come up on stage and sing with them, and seeing as I was a lifelong fan of theirs, and had consumed just enuff beers, I immediately hopped up and sang Harbour Lights with them.


    We had a lot of laffs and after everything was over, the whole group of them came and sat at our table for the rest of the evening and we ended up having a ball with them.


    Great group of guys !!

  7. I hope you took the tour inside the parliament buildings .... gorgeous. Also the museum of civilization


    Actually, it was such a gorgeous weekend weather-wise, we decided to spend all our time touring the outdoors stuff and we'll save the indoors sites for another weekend when the weather isn't so nice.


    We did spend alot of time around Parlaiment Hill though taking in the sites.


    Chris, thanks for the summer pics of the locks, it's nice to get a different perspective.


    I'll be seeing the Ottawa River again this summer at least once, cept this time it'll be chasing some big toothies.

  8. Mornin folks, the Mrs and I decided to take off for a few days and head up to Ottawa to check out the sites. I've travelled thru there before heading up into the Gatineau's in Quebec or fishing the Ottawa River but never spent any time in town doing the tourist thing so we figured it was time.


    It was a gorgeous weekend for walking around and we covered alot of miles looking at things.


    I've never been a fan of politicians but must admit the Parlaiment Buildings hafta be some of the most impressive buildings in this country, and they sure don't build anything to compare to them these days.




    The War Memorial is truly something everyone should see if their in Ottawa and was the 1st place I headed. These are the guys that made everything possible for those of us that followed.




    Tomb of the Unknown Soldier


    Sad but very moving, and it certainly brings the sacrifices they made closer to home.




    Supreme Court of Canada, taken from Parlaiment Hill




    1st lock of the Rideau System




    I've never had a Beaver Tail and that was near the top of my to-do list so we headed over to the canal where they have a booth setup and got one. Hafta admit too, their every bit as good as everyone said they were. We spent about an hour sitting on a bench on the ice watching everyone skating on the worlds longest skating rink.......7 kilometers








    This was something I thought was great. Only 150 feet from the Parlaiment Building they've established a place for wild cats to live and are looked after by a retired guy who provides everything for them. The "cat house" is full of straw for warmth and he keeps them supplied with food and water. Their doing well as every cat was fat and playful.




    Not sure why they have a gun pointed at Quebec from Parlaiment Hill, but I thought it was kinda funny.




    Anyways, that's where I've been for the last few days and I must admit, Ottawa is a beautiful town and were already talking abut another trip.

  9. It's interesting how over the years we each gather a circle of friends on message boards, or at least we THINK their friends anyways, and then sometimes things happen in our lives, and we realise that unfortunately, maybe we didn't have quite as many board friends as we originally thought we had.


    It's strange actually, cause sometimes, old friends really aren't, yet strangers actually are.....


    I spose it's good to re-evaluate stuff from time to time anyways though, and just put everything in it's proper perspective so it's easier to understand where things and people belong.


    This should make sense to some, and will mean nothing to most, but I'm done now anyways and no further reponse to this thread is required.


    Thanks, that's all I wanted to say.......

  10. There's a great thread going on right now about who you'd like to fish with if you were given the chance, and alot of us said we'd like another chance to go out with our father or grandfather......I said both.


    Let's see some pictures of the guys that taught you how to land the bigguns.


    These 2 wonderful folks are my grandparents, who both passed away about 30 odd years ago, but I have very strong memories of fishing with my grandfather for many many years. Not sure if that's a pike or musky he's holding, but he could catch fish with the best of them.




    This is my dad, who died in 97, and is the one who basically taught me everything I know about fishing. I don't think I ever knew another person who enjoyed the outdoors as much as him and I could spend days telling tales about our fishing trips together.


    This pic is from about 1955 and that old baitcaster he's using is probably the outfit I learned to fish with.....sure wish I still had it.




    Lets see some pics of your fishing mentor......your dad or grandfather

  11. I posted the other day about some punk forcing my daughter off the road and into the guardrail.


    She has a broken hand and alot of scrapes, swelling and bruising, but she's also been having severe pains in her back, so she went back to the hospital today for more testing and X-rays, and this time it shows she also has a couple broken ribs that didn't show up before because of the swelling.


    She just called to tell us, but the trouble is, there isn't too much they can do for her, so that's just one more thing she has to suffer thru.


    I hope that punk finds himself in a car crash one of these days !!

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