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Posts posted by lew

  1. Hey Dan, if your lookin for a nice musky reel at at good price, have a look at the Maina reel sold at BPS.


    I've used one on my boo-tail rod for 2 years now and am very happy with it.


    It comes in 2 different speeds...4.1-1 or 5.1-1 but only in right hand crank.


    You could even buy the rod / reel combo which is good. I bought my daughter one last year and it's an excellent setup and only about $200 total.

  2. With the TWO new areas to be built up here in Barrie,Im thinking your going to see these shows move up here,which will draw more people,which will draw more attractions. To me I think Barrie is central.Easy drive from the north/south/east and west.All hwy.No driving through one way streets,and all that conjestion.


    I think it would be a possitive move for all the shows.


    Anyone else think this?


    Actually Brian, there's waaaaaaay more folks much closer to the Toronto location, with literally millions of people in the GTA and very close to the International Centre and most within an easy hours drive or less.


    Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Toronto, Mississaugua, Brampton, Oakville, Burlington plus Hamilton, S/W Ontario and the Niagara Region.


    The Fishing Show is only a few minutes from the 401 / 400 intersection and nearly all these folks would likely have to pass thru this intersection even before heading another 50 miles north to the Barrie area.


    I'm not by any means saying Toronto is the best location, just that it's more accessible to the greatest concentration of people in Ontario. Probably the same reason BPS built their store where they did....easily accessible to millions od people.......and $$$$$$$

  3. Never used one myself Dan, but I remember reading one of the American musky boards a year or so back, where some members were discussing the Record, and nobody that had one, was too impressed with them.


    Seemed like they lost their smoothness very quickly.


    If you buy a Calcutta, you'll be more than happy.....guaranteed !!

  4. I mentioned on another thread that I was at the show on Thursday for 5 1/2 hours and had a great day, even though 1/2 the time was spent yakking with other OFNers, but that was one of the main reasons I went.


    There aren't as many vendors as a couple years back......Lure Making.com, Gagnons come to mind......but some of the bigguns are still there, JB's, Tightlines, Fishing World, Le B's, plus alot of the rod & reel manufacturers. I've never used a GLoomis rod, but stood talking to the rep for 1/2 an hour.


    I sat down for 30 minutes aand caught the musky seminar from Gord Pyzer & Big Jim and that was worth the price of admission right there


    Even had a nice chat with the OPP too.....nice guys.


    I found the show started to go downhill last year and isn't nearly as good as a few years back, but I still really enjoyed it on Thursday and will be back again next year. There weren't nearly as many people as usual, but that's a good thing.


    The only bad thing was $3.00 for a lousy Coke :w00t: but I got in for free and parking is free, compared to $10 at the boat show, so it's definetely a cheap way to spend a day and meet up with a bunch of OFC friends and plan some fish'n trips for the coming season :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

  5. VERY VERY impressive indeed, John !!


    Looks like you've done an excellent job and those should put some nice fish in your boat this year.


    Now you need to build a boo-box to hold them all :thumbsup_anim:


    BTW, I bought another boo yesterday at the show.......brown with brass, I think it'll work well.

  6. I had an excellent day at the show !!


    It's not what it used to be, but was a great way to spend a cold winter day and have a look at alot of the new products on the market.


    I was there about 5 1/2 hours but spent most of the time yakking with all the OFNers that were there, plus several of the vendors that I know.


    I didn't intend on buying much but picked up 2 baits from JB's that I wanted for $45 and that was it.


    Yup, it was a great way to spend a day :thumbsup_anim:

  7. Don't know for sure, but I wouldn't think your allowed to physically alter any safety device, are you ??


    I'd think it could void any warranty claims, plus an insurance company could have something to say if anything happened and a safety device didn't work as it's sposed to, and they found it had been somehow altered ?? :dunno:

  8. My buddy had a tiny dog about 5 pounds that never left the yard, and he also had a very nasty old lady living next door to him and they'd fought for years.


    One day he saw the old girl pick up a shovel full of dog dirt from her yard and toss it over the fence onto his front lawn. He ran out and asked what she was doing, and she said....... "I don't have a dog, so this mess must be yours"....... even though his tiny pooch couldn't possibly be the offender.


    The old girl had a huge maple tree on her property and buddy had no trees.


    In the fall, half the leaves from her tree fell on his property and he went out and raked them up as he always did and filled about 10 bags with leaves and then just waited.


    Eventually, the old girl decided to rake her leaves and spent all day cleaning up her property and also filled about 10 bags and placed them at the curb for pick-up.


    The next day, buddy took all his leaves next door and dumped them all over her nicely cleaned property. She saw what he'd done and came running over in a rage and asked what the he!! he was doing.


    He just said...."I don't have a tree, so this mess must be yours".....and walked away :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:


    There's always a way to get even :whistling:


    Buddy's been dead for many years now but I laff everytime I think of that story.

  9. Kennyman, the Bonnechere River comes out of Algonquin Park and travels all the way to the Ottawa River, after it passes thru a couple lakes. The Bonnechere Provincial Park is about 12 miles from where it leaves Algonquin, right at Round Lake.


    You can take your canoe and travel that whole beautiful stretch of river back toward Algonquin......... No homes, no traffic and just the odd deer camp along the route.


    My family had a deer camp on that river for decades.....you won't be disappointed.

  10. Kinda nice with that strong wind that was blowing all night, it kept my place nearly snow free. There was no snow at all on my truck and the driveway was almost as clean. I went out an hour ago and it took me 5 minutes to get things cleaned up.


    Think I'll sit back now with another coffee, and watch all the traffic jams on the morning news :thumbsup_anim:

  11. WOW!!! We're getting hammered here in Hamilton. Been snowing all day and they said this isn't even the storm? :huh: Already got 20-25cm!!!


    I saw that on the TV awhile ago xrap, you guys are getting clobbered.


    Nothing in Toronto yet but it sounds like it's on the way.


    Guess we can't complain too much though, the news said Toronto has received the least amount of snow this year ever.

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