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Posts posted by lew

  1. OK Wayne, thanks, I've got it figured out now, it's a totally different perspective from the air.


    We had a few good years up there when we were kids.


    I actually took my bike up there a few years ago and toured the whole area. Started in Penetang and went up the west shore to where the cross is, then back to town and up the east shore to the hospital.


    Lots of changes, but plenty of good memories too.

  2. Midland Harbour in top of pic and I took the shot from about where your Dad rented the cottage years ago.


    Our cottage was actually right on the north shore of the bay Wayne, sorta kitty-corner from the prison.


    There's a big white wooden cross on the shore, supposedly marking the spot where the indians killed some Jesuit priests back in the day.......we were about 500' west of the cross.


    Be great to see an aerial picture if you have one.

  3. It's coming down real heavy in East York now and I was just outside and heard thunder booming too. We went from nothing to heavy snow in about 15 minutes. Freezing rain is sposed to hit about 6:00


    Gonna be a nasty night folks, so be real careful if your out driving anywhere.

  4. Pollocks was a great store and it was too bad they left, but they sure had some excellent deals just before they closed the doors for the last time.


    I bought up a bunch of $25 musky baits for $5 each and all his remaining Stringeze leaders for $1 each.


    He was also clearing out the DownEast rod holders for $5 each but when I called to get him to hold a couple for me, he said it was 1st come-1st serve, and I missed out by an hour :wallbash:

  5. If it was me PF, I'd be bunking in right where you are for tonight.


    The snow is sposed to hit the GTA around noon and then freezing rain starting this evening.


    No sense travelling thru that crap if you don't need to.....stay safe.

  6. Great way to end out the season Sam and nuthin wrong with pulling the kids outta school for a day either, there's more to be learned, other than reading, writing and rithmetic.


    Good to see everybody returning those bigguns back to the water too, that'll help guarantee the Quinte fishery remains excellent for your kids and then their kids after.


    Hope to see you on Hay Bay on the May 24 weekend Sam

  7. When were fish'n Quinte in the springtime, we camp at the extreme east end of a long narrow bay, and if there's a strong wind from the west for a couple days it can actually push the water into the bay and raise the level by as much as a foot.


    Couple years back we headed down to the dock to go out fish'n, and sure enuff, the dock had floated off it's crib in the high water and drifted away with my boat still attached to it :w00t::w00t:


    Luckily there was another person there with a boat and was able to chase mine down and bring it back in.


    Who'd of thought when you tie up to a dock, you need to chuck the anchor out too :oops:

  8. I was watching the noon news today and a spokesman for ESSO says they should start getting back on track this weekend seeing as they now have most of the fire damage repaired.


    When the interviewer asked how soon we could expect the gasoline prices to start dropping back to normal now that their producing again, the spokesman seemed genuinely surprised at the question and actually said that the rise in prices had nothing to do with the fires, and it was just a natural increase due to the cold winter and low oil stocks in the U.S.......


    They must have to keep all the excuses for high prices written down on a piece of paper in front of themselves so they don't get them mixed up from one day to the next. :wallbash:

  9. I've been going to the Sportsman Show for so many years I've lost count, but I doubt if I'll be going to anymore, at least not until we start getting our $$$$ worth again.


    $10 to park, plust $15 to get in is getting a little bit outta hand when the quality of the show has been in a nose dive the last few years. Used to be, you could always park in Ontario Place for free and walk an extra 5 minutes, but now their even charging $5 for that.


    Nope, I'll save my $$$$ for the Musky Odysee in April, at least there were not getting ripped off for the parking, plus we don't have to wade thru all the vendors selling T-shirts, cheap earrings, chamois or toy cars trying to find the "sporting" stuff.


    The only good thing about the show these days is the fact that so few people go to it anymore, it's not nearly as crowded as it used to be.

  10. ESSO in Scarboro at Victoria Park & Danforth was down to only regular a couple days ago, but I gassed up this morning and their now selling all grades again......strange too, cause I was the only car there, and I was expecting the place to be busy.......99.9 ¢ for regular.


    Don't think they've been totally outta gas yet.


    I heard some drivers interviewed on the radio this morning and some were saying they were trying up to a dozen stations before they found one with gas in the GTA.

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