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Posts posted by lew

  1. I keep a bird feeder in the yard thru the winter and always enjoy seeing how many different species show up, and have seen alot of different ones over the years. Infact I got a bird identification book a few years back to sort them out.


    For some reason this year there haven't been as many different species as other years, but there's alot of cats around this year so maybe that's why, but I still get Blue Jays & Cardinals, but in the last couple weeks I've been getting Morning Doves and every day there's a couple more show up and this morning I had 22 of them in the trees in the yard.


    They show up at sunrise and spend most of the day here and then take off in the evening.


    Beautiful birds !!


    Hard to see in this picture taken 15 minutes ago, but there's 22 doves in the branches.


    Anybody else feed the critters in the winter ??



  2. It's been about 10 years since my wife fished with me, but for alot of years prior to that she was a very avid fisherman and had no qualms about heading out at 4:00 in the morning or 9:00 at night


    Heck, she even landed a 14 pound musky off the end of the dock all by herself at 6:00 AM one morning while she was trying to catch a pickeral for breakfast while I was out in the boat getting skunked.......she still rubs that one in every chance she gets :blahblah1::thumbsup_anim:

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